Rifle Selection

As far as used guns go, that pretty much covers it. If you are paranoid, or just don't really feel comfortable "okay"ing a used gun, take it to a qualified gunsmith. They'll check it out for you. I hear many people say to look for a used Marlin336, I've looked at them myself. But as I said, there are others and I do not have enough experience to really point you in a direction.

You might also check the headspacing, but do your homework using the search box to find the specific model of gun you find and that should tell you anything specific to look for. Google also sometimes has good stuff, but I would more than likely recommend here, The High Road, or gunboards forums. Gunwriters have their own quirks and it doesn't necessarily mean they are experts. There are smiths, ex military, long time enthusiasts on all of these sites that have seen and experienced so much that it's awesome we can call on their knowledge.
Why, I'm not in a competition to see how many guns I can own and with the little ill be shooting I don't need to worry about the cost of 500 rounds of ammo. I also have my skills proficient enough and I'm not going to hunt any small game.
A lever action 30-30 is certainly a good choice. I picked up a unfired 1978 Winchester for $500 that will be with me for the long haul.
Well, I guess it all depends on where you live in Nevada. I lived in Vegas off and on for almost four years total, Reno one year and Winnemuca for nearly ten years. Hunting around vegas wasn't much back then 1961 to 1965 with a few spaces in between. In Reno you could hunt in the Sierras to some degree and In Winnemucca I was able to hunt something literally every day. Shooting jack rabbits on the run teaches you a heck of a lot on running game. I used several rifles in that period of time but if I was to do it on a minimal basis, I would look at a good .22LR, something on the order of a Remington Model 7 in 7-08 or .308 and never look back. When I lived in Winnemucca, that almost 10 pound 30-06 was a killer at higher elevation especially for a seriously heavy chain smoke like I was back then. I quit in 1975 BTW.
I found a Remington M660 in .308 that the local hardware store was clearing out to get it off their shelf so I snapped it up along with a scope and mounts and a few boxes of 150 gr. ammo, Winchester IIRC. Come deer season I made a neat 426 pace shot on a Mule Deer my hunting partner had wounded and fell in love with the .308. Took many a deer with that rifle and still have it although it's been restocked and other slight changes made.
No, ammo isn't the cheapest but then you take up hand loading to alleviate the cost. Shooting is not only fun but habit forming.
FWIW, I've taken deer in Nevada at ranges from 6 feet to that 426 pace shot I once took. The 6 footer was a deer that laid doggo until I almost stepped on it. I literally shot from the hip.
I see that Nevada now has an elk hunt down in the Ely area so you may want to try your luck there.
While I now live in Arizona, I still miss living in Nevada. Nice state to live in especially away from the big cities. :rolleyes:
Paul B.
Not sure how to put my thoughts into words here...

with the little I'll be shooting I don't need to worry about the cost of 500 rounds of ammo.

So, you only shoot a little, therefore 500 rounds should suffice. But if you could get 5000 rounds for the same money, would you shoot more often? In other words, maybe you don't realize what you're missing?

Would you honestly plan to head to the range and only fire like 10 or 20 rounds from your centerfire rifle? Or would you go like twice a year and burn through 250 rounds each session? A .22 is always fun to bring along to get in some more trigger time, in addition to whatever your primary goal is for the day.
I'd like to start off with buy a 10/22 for plinking and fun.

What feature(s) or characteristic(s) has you leaning toward a semi-auto but one that not not look like an "assault rifle"?

I am not good at reading minds but there are a few magazine fed bolt action .308 (7.62x51 NATO) rifles out there like the Mossberg MVP patrol that are pretty darn fun and versatile. The MVP Patrol uses standard pattern mags so you can have your little non-threatening 5-round hunting mag in the gun, but a bag full of 20-round mags loaded with mil surp rounds for playing at the range.

The .308 will yield a lot more power at a lot longer range than the .30-30 or 7.62x39 which for me makes it a lot better of a choice for hunting big game. I am not saying you can't hunt elk with a .30-30 or a mini-30, only that the .308 improves your chances of a quick, clean, humane kill.
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Addressing the last 3 posts:

I live in Reno, I've decided on the 30-30. If my friend takes me hunting it'll be fine. He's a bow hunter so he can definitely get us up close enough.

I meant I won't need to worry about the cost of 500 rounds of ammo because I will never shoot that much. I'll probably shoot 100 rounds a year tops and I'll probably never go to a range with the ability to shoot on the BLM land around here for free. Again, I have like 10 or more hobbies ahead of this one.

I liked the Mini at first because it was semiauto which I think is fun but I've only ever seen them with 5-10 round magazines and I also like the more traditional wood stock look. I know you could load the Mini up and do an equal amount of damage but I'm just not really into the "assault rifle" culture and I don't really want to support that industry with my money.

Thanks for all the help guys, I really appreciate you sharing your experience and expertise with me!
I picked up a used Marlin 336 at the local gun store. There is like no wear on the metal at all, thing must have been shot once. Its a new model with the Remington barrel but my understanding is they originally dropped in quality a bit but then picked it back up. I hope its accurate. I paid $440 for it with tax and the $25 background check fee. In Ohio, you didn't have to pay extra for that. Haven't shot it yet and didn't bother with pictures because I'm sure you all know what it looks like. I'm excited, I think its going to be fun. I'm excited to someday get a scope and try to push the upper limits with the Leverevolution ammo but just gonna plink for now. Thanks again.
I think you will be quite happy with the 30-30. Some fellow would have you believe that it's only a little better than a spear. But I like the cartridge a lot.
Would anyone recommend a front sight for the marlin. I'm not trying to win any competitions but I have a little trouble seeing the front sight as well as I'd like. I even thought about just putting a dot of white paint on it.
In Reno, stop by the gunsmith on Donald just west of the south end of Reno airport. It's a half block off peckham behind the storage place (airport storage? It's blue painted) and look at the Howa rifles. You can get a bolt action CF in your favorite caliber for about $500.

I just love my Howa 1500 in .223, which came with scope and mount for $480.
Tell them Cliff sent you.

But I would really recommend a .22 just for shooting. Lever action the Marlin 39a is as good as it gets. Get used off of GunBroker. They may have one for sale at the Reno gunsmith that came in today while I was there...
But I would recommend pre safety model. And highly recommend not new, the Remington built Marlin's just suck.

I personally hate the 10/22. Just too many of them out there and not really reliable.
I've got a JC Higgins bolt .22, nice little thing with no real fire rate. A pre safety 39a, nicer and much more fire rate and a PPS for when I really want to dispose of ammo.

Like the 10/22, and most semi auto .22s, it is ammo picky. But the pps looks far cooler and isn't seen everyday.

As far as frequency of shooting, Carson City range is free. Not that long of a drive, but is weather dependent.
And the Reno gun range is an indoor range that is great for .22 and pistols. $300 a year membership, shoot all you want for just ammo and target prices.

If you just want to get out someday, send me a pm and we'll discuss you joining me. You will have to buy your own ammo...
Marlins did suffer for awhile, I was given new gun. I think 5hey are better now. There were issues even in good old days. No one remembers.

The rougher one I oiled heavy, cycled 1k times and they cleaned oil out. New one I cycled a bit, but not as much.

I was going to say deer season is not far away.

I gave skinner peep sights. But if hunting any distance, I would get scope. Leupold vx2 or 3, for me. 2-7

Just cause your buddy gets close with bow don't you count on it. He is cammoed up, and very careful, probably in tree.

Check out nikon spot on, enter ammo you will use. Get am idea of bullets path. It is short range gun. Killed more deer than CWD though.

Make sure no warranty issues. Please let us know good or bad.