Rifle Selection


Hello all,

So I will try not to ramble and make this too long. I know i can search and find plenty of articles on this subject but I just want specific answers for my specific circumstance. Thank you in advance.

Little background, I grew up shooting in rural Ohio, I would say I’m a proficient marksman, not competition good but pretty good. I sold all my guns several years back when I adopted a very nomadic lifestyle for about 5 years. Everything I owned could fit in a couple boxes while I traveled and lived all over the country. I have finally settled down in Nevada. I bought a 9mm handgun for home/self defense I have my grandfather’s shotgun that I’ve used a couple times to shoot clays and I’m thinking about rounding out the collection with a rifle. Here is my thought process on this, let me know what you think!

I just wanted a rifle for plinking with friends, having fun out in the desert. I don’t want a rifle that looks like an assault rifle, a combination of a gun that doesn’t look as threatening and not drawing negative attention from some people. So I originally thought Ruger Mini 14 with woodstock. I still want to have a semiauto, I find them to be more fun. But then I was thinking well if I’m just going to plink with it why not just get a Ruger 10/22 and call it a day. Then I thought well my friend has invited me hunting with him before maybe I could get something that I could plink with and take a deer with so I thought Ruger Mini 30. I’m used to up close shots on deer in Ohio, in Nevada the distances can be great but my friend kills deer and elk with a bow so I know you can get up close to them. Do you guys think 7.62x39 can be effective on deer and to what range, if I do my part?

I started reading about 7.62x39 vs 30-30 and thought maybe that would be a better option but I’m not sure if it is that much better of a round and then for plinking my cost of ammo goes way up.

I’ve kinda got things narrowed down to a:

Mini 30
Lever 30-30
Mini 14 or 10/22 and buy a proper deer rifle later if I do decide to try it.

So anyways I kind of am asking, can I do it all with a MIni 30 but I’m also leaving it open to what you guys think.

One more thing, I realize that the 308 (7.62 nato) exists and I have seen the springfield scout rifles and think that would be more than capable of doing both the things I want but I’m just not willing to put that much money into a rifle and the cost of ammo seems to be even more.

Thanks again guys!
I know this doesn't specifically answer your question but it's almost impossible for me to imagine not having both, a centerfire and a rimfire rifle. So, my first suggestion is to get the Ruger 10/22 and the Ruger Mini-14. If I absolutely had to settle for only one, it would be the Mini-14. The .223/5.56 is so much more versatile than any rimfire cartridge and the brass for this cartridge is probably the cheapest and most readily available when "plinking" cost is a factor.

And welcome to The Firing Line, Justin.T.
It really sounds like you should separate plinking and hunting.

Lots of good plinking options. Ruger 10/22 and Marlin model 60 for semi.
And many more in bolt action.

If you want to hunt 30-30 lever action in Marlin, Henry, Winchester.
Yeah you can go the 7.62x39 route but you're kind of limited to AK, SKS, or a decently expensive bolt action.

For both 30-30 and 7.62x39 I would limit range to 150-200 yards but it really depends on how well you shoot.
Get a 10-22 for now. If you decide to deer hunt there are many options for budget bolt guns selling at or under $400 that would be much better options than any of the semi auto options for hunting. But that is for later, everyone needs a 22 to start with.
Well, just for a sanity check, try pricing your options out. I think you will find you can buy a 10/22 and a decent used bolt action rifle for less than the Mini. Nevada has some great hunting, and the 10/22 will get you onto all those jacks, and a 30-06 or 308 will get you onto deer (and be a lot more accurate on top of it).
The short answer is yes, the Mini 30 in 7.62x39 will do it all. It is more than enough gun for deer up to 200 yards.

With that said, I have a Mini 30 in 7.62x39 and I don't really like it. Accuracy is meh, the fit and finish is poor, and the cycling of the bolt pinches my fingers if I'm not very careful.

I MUCH prefer my CZ 527, which is a bolt action carbine in the same caliber. I love that gun, and have killed deer with it. That's what I'd recommend to you. Look at the CZ 527. It's gorgeous, accurate, handy, and even inexpensive. Can't lose.

Ps. For hunting with the 7.62x39, I'd recommend Hornady SST ammo.
7.62x39 it just slightly less powerful than a 30-30. It makes a decent deer round within the same ranges that you would use a 30-30. For plinking and small game you could do worse than a mini 30 but there are also better guns.
I used to use my 30-06 for plinking and everything else. I do believe a22 rimfire is cheaper to shoot and nearly as much fun as long as the range is not over 100 yards. To get the most of a hunting rifle I need a bolt action. You may never need the added accuracy but you might want to hunt more elusive game some day and semi-autos are rarely as accurate at longer ranges than bolt guns. You are living in some wide open spaces so you might as well be prepared. I won't try to convince you to get or stay away from this gun or that one - the choice is too personal and you can make tat choice for yourself. I just want you to think about it before you buy. You can always get a different gun in the future if you change your mind on what you want.
Go get a gun and enjoy it!
My experience with the Mini-14 is that my family friend has owned one for a good while, but he must've gotten his in the first bit of production, because it is not very accurate (3 or 4MOA, his opinion). I did shoot it, was fun, but really just a truck/tractor gun for shootin a deer if it ran in front of the tractor.

I would contend why not a bolt action? As others have stated, a .22lr semi and a new, budget priced .308/30-06 bolt action will cost about the same as a mini and cover both your bases. The Axis II from Savage retails around $300-$400 and is accurate enough for deer whilst a .22 is right around $200. You get the cheap range time you want with the .22lr and the ability to reach out and knock over a deer if you get the urge/invite.
Whole lot of room for what suits you on this subject.
I like all mine but the 94 and Browning .22 lever action and auto, and Remington 600 in .308, and a Mossberg .22 semi auto, from before serial numbers, are all great for hand carry and about or not quite as heavy as Ruger Super Blackhawk revolver.
One I would like to have is the very old Springfield .22 single shot with a long barrel. I carried that everywhere when I was a kid.
How much do you guys shoot? How many time a month?

For me it depends on location. Now that i'm in Milwaukee I go once every other month and I usually bring at least 5 guns and invest 4 hours.

When I'm in easier areas to shoot for recreation it's once a week for an hour or two depending on what i'm going to shoot.

But since Milwaukee is more costly for shooting I do go to the archery range and shoot my bow or crossbow twice a week in the summer months.
So for me, I shoot as much as possible lol. Doesn't exactly work out quite that way. I'll get to the range 2 weekends in a row and then it'll be a month before I make it back. Preferably I'd like to go every other weekend, but among trips, visitors staying with us, and of course cost of ammo, I just really haven't gotten into a rhythm.

I am also still kind of holding out for a rifle other than my mosin. Don't get me wrong, I very much enjoy the thing and one of these times I intend to put it on the bench and see what the rifle is really capable of with me out of the equation because by all looks, it's a shooter (as far as mosins go that is) and my targets are usually due to my error. But I digress. I don't really have the money for a rifle and my buddy was gonna send me one of his bolt actions that he doesn't ever use any more, but it's still not in the mail :mad: I would really like a C308, but again, funds.

So for now, I plan to go every two weekends, put some rounds down range with my shotgun because I intend to be extremely proficient with it and continue to improve with my carry gun. That's really all I have right now, so my range times are really pretty limited, say an hour to 2 at most if I'm going slow/switching between weapons. My range is approximately 15 minutes away, but there are a few others that are a little farther out that have some competitions that I am hoping to get to and then of course there's the wilderness, but I'm still not completely comfortable with that in this area yet.
I figured I would be in the minority here. If I shoot 2-4 times a year that's plenty for me. This is probably like 10-15 on the hobby list. I've shot a lot more in the past (I was a cop for three years) plus I'm intelligent and relaxed enough to shoot well so my skills don't deminish too much over time. The muscle memory comes back quick. This is why I think I'm gonna spend in the $300-500 range and get a used lever gun. I could accomplish all my wants with that and if I do want to hunt and from distance then I can buy and bolt action in a big caliber. I'll never own more than 3-4 guns because I'm a minimalist even after settling down.
For your purposes, that sounds like it makes a lot of sense. I understand the minimalist thing. I am the same way except I'd like to get into competition, so that's 1 extra gun. I just wasn't sure if you were dead set on a semi-auto or not. Levers are not all created equal, but I don't have enough experience with them to advise, so I'll let someone else help you there.
At first I kinda was dead set on semiauto but as described above I think thats changed.

Any advice on buying used would be appreciated. I'm assuming I need to look for no major damage to the stock , that the mechanics work, sights aren't busted, no rust and run a light down the barrel and look for pitting and that the rifling is still there, anything else?