Rifle or shotgun?

When I hunted in LA in my youth, I used a 12ga. Ithaca 37 with a 30" full choke and 1 1/4oz #4 shot. Trees didn't shed leaves until November, so it was too thick for a 22. I used #4 because I had some 40-50 yard shots and it wouldn't take but one or two pellets.
Tree rats should be hunted with a .22 rifle. No lead shot to spit out when eating the critters. Shotguns ruin too much meat and if the shot is taken from too far a distance often fail to kill.
Both. I like a rifle better, but you have to choose shots carefully. A 22 shot into the air that misses can travel a long way before coming down. In some locations a shotgun is a lot safer.
I use everything depending on my mood. For my purposes, I've settled on the shotgun when I'm serious about bringin' home some meat. You can easily shoot 'em jumping between trees or bounding on the ground, or get 3 outta the same tree even after they scatter upon firing the 1st shot.

In fact, the shotgun is so easy it seems downright unsporting. So to add some fun and challenge back into the game, that's when I bring a rifle. I generally only take head shots to preserve meat (Though my great grandpa would disagree, since he loved the jowls & mixed the brains with his scrambled eggs). Preferably put a .22 bullet through the eye.

And then, there's times I just feel like getting a favored old gun out in the woods, and squirrels are readily available. So I might grab a pistol, or antique shotgun, or centerfire rifle, depending on my mood.
"...No lead shot to spit out..." Geezuz. Who cooks in your house? snicker. Pellets get removed when cleaning the beast.
"...serious about bringin' home some meat..." Hunt something other than tree rats. Hardly any meat in 'em. A ground hog on the other hand...
The only real issue with using a rifle is the high angle at which most shots are taken. Sends the bullet a very long way if you miss.
"...serious about bringin' home some meat..." Hunt something other than tree rats. Hardly any meat in 'em.

:D Well, yes. I thought that went without saying. Perhaps I should have said, "When I'm serious about bringin' home some squirrels..."
Shotgun, because most shots are up into the trees. I intend to carry a 22 sa revolver this year, though, for the occasional close ground or tree trunk shot. I also had an experience last year with a giant fox squirrel that wasn't dead when it hit the ground. The 22 will be good for that scenario as well.
A centerfire up into the tree tops?

I'm really trying hard to resist being snarky. Why do so many folks on these forums automatically assume everyone is an immature bumbling idiot? Sure, man. I also love rapping off a couple mags full of .308 fmj on New Year's Eve by shooting 'em straight up in the air in town. :rolleyes:
I always used a 20 gauge with #6 shot. Never had excessive meat damage. I am not a fan of firing a .22 upwards.
Both. I like a rifle better, but you have to choose shots carefully. A 22 shot into the air that misses can travel a long way before coming down. In some locations a shotgun is a lot safer.

Have to agree with this. Miss at one up a tree and the bullet can go a long way. I still would like the 22 rifle though. I've got a 410 SxS that would probably be pretty good also
for some stupid reason they are listed as endagered in my country and by golly don't they know it?

always pestering you if you are sitting quietly in a blind throwing pinecons on your roof

i've had the luxuary to hunt a few as pest control thou

used an airrifle because I was hunting in town