If you end up in a fight at very close range, 3ft or less, a good case can be made that the "lowly snub revolver" is the absolute best gun available for that situation, bar none, end of discussion.
The short barrel and short overall length makes it difficult to grab away from you. The barrel can be jammed right into a goblin and fired without the gun going "out of battery". At this sort of distance, draw speed and speed of engagement are all-important, and the snub's simple manual of arms with no safety matters. If you're doing pocket carry and you sense trouble coming, "casually strolling along with your hands in your pockets" doesn't look threatening and nobody need know that you've already got a grip and can now do a draw/fire in under a second.
A *lot* of fights happen at this sort of range. If the goblin has a knife/club/etc he's going to try and close range to this point. If he wants to take your money, he needs to be almost there.
I consider a snub the ultimate "first response" and "always on you" gun. If you want to supplement it some of the time with something bigger, cool, 'specially those "late nights in the city" times.