Revolvers Chambered For Autoloader Calibers-Why?

Alaska Roy

New member
I see many shooters have bought into the revolvers chambered in 9mm-10mm-.45acp and then have to buy expensive loaders and unloaders for the spring steel adapters used to create proper headspace, Whew?
Why not pick a caliber with a rim that works without all the widgets and gidgets, I just don't get it!
A .357 is certainly better choice than a 9mm as is the .41 Mag over the 10mm.
When the urge to shoot .45acp strikes me I've got several fine 1911s to satisfy the urge and .45 Colt revolvers for loadings from the old cowboy loads (250s@900fps) all the way to bear busters like 340s@1200fps from my Rugers or late Smiths.
Help me understand what I'm missing?
Maby it's to ballance out the autoloaders that use rimmed cartridges.:D

I wouldn't mind having Coonans in .357mag and .41mag.


...the reloads with full moon clips are so fast? Besides, I don't need moon clips in my 625. Cases from low-pressure loads usually just fall out and they headspace on the case mouth, anyway.

No reason not to own revos in all calibers.

(My 10mm Vaquero doesn't require any special gizmos, BTW. ;) )
Expensive unloaders?

Mine's a hook shaped piece of sheet steel I bought for two dollars, works like a charm. Pliers will work in a pinch. Am I missing something, here?

Oh yeah, and what Tamara said. ;)
1. Sometimes, it's nice to have guns that have vastly different operating characteristics, and yet shoot the same ammo.

2. Because we can. Same reason people buy Corvettes.
I see your point.
If I want to shoot .45acp I can pick up a 1911 or Glock 21. If I want .357 magnum I pick up the Colt Trooper.

Couple of reasons.

1. Inexpensive Ammo (and reloading components).

About the only ammo cheaper to shoot than 9mm, is 22 rim fire!

2. Performance.

The 9mm round performs very well from short barrels. Both the .38 Special and .357 Magnum, are not at their best from snub nose revolvers.

My revolver does not use moon clips, but I've heard moon clips are faster reloading than speed loaders, lighter, and take up less space.

I'm also finding that the 9mm round is surprisingly accurate!


Well shucks...why did I re-mortgage the ranch to send Hamilton Bowen a pile of money to re-build a NIB Ruger 3-screw from 357MAG to 10MM AUTO??
Oh yeh, I remember now. 'Cause I was sick an' damned tired of my 10MM pistol tossin' every case into a rattlesnake hole.
And besides that, all of these new fangled shell shuckin' plastic pistolas are just a passing fancy; ain't nothing to 'em atall. Gaston told me himself just as soon as he got his first single action sixgun finished, tentively named THE VAQUERGLOCK he'd give me an even trade back for this G30 I put on at 530 every morning. The only thing keeping this new GLOCK sixgun from production is a few bugs in getting a good color case hardening on the polymer frame. After that, it's Katy bar the door. Good bye Ruger, Good bye Colt...
Well, since we're talking about this, I would like to buy a Smith and Wesson Model 25, nickel plated, four inch barrel, in 45 ACP. Anybody seen one?

In the WWI era in the U.S., it was pure expediency; revolver production tooling was available and handguns were needed. The decision to use .45ACP meant that only one kind of handgun ammo needed to be issued.

In more recent years, there were the requirements of police who were required to use revolvers but wanted to use cheap military issue 9mm. It is my understanding that this was the case in France and some other countries, which is why several U.S. companies brought out 9mm revolvers.

Other combinations are strictly custom or to fill a small market niche. Other than economy in using factory ammo, there is no real reason to use a relatively low power 9mm instead of a .357 Magnum.

I have several 9mm wheels. All in 9X32R. Nuttin low powered bout em either.:D

Sam....don't have to be crazy to occupy this body, but it helps.
I don't have a revolver that takes the 9mm. Would someone post some model #'s that I should be looking for. I for one would like to have a 9mm revolver, one that's chambered for that round.
Because alot of the guns made in those calibers are unbelieveably good (Think S&W 25, 625 and 610).

Because nothing, but nothing, makes for a faster revolver reload than a full moon clip.

Because moon clips and de-mooning tools are, in fact, cheap. There is a little widget made of a small piece of flat metal that you can put in your pocket to do it.

Because with round nose bullets, you can do almost everything but throw the moonclip at the cylinder backwards and it will still load. Take a look at some of the guys in competition shooting .45acp revolvers, the bullets guide themselves into the chambers because of the round nose.


The little flat black metal clip holding the rounds together is a moon clip. There's an empty one next to it.

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