Revolvers Are Coming Back!

Terry, email me your shipping addy and I'll send you a keyboard with no CapsLock key. Free.:D


Sam.....who often isn't.

I'M SORRY GUYS. We use CAPS for input of all data here at the plant. I don't even notice them nor see anything odd in other folks posting in caps.
Through superior firepower.
Geez, Terry....

I know JT types in caps 'cuz he can't hear anything.... Given that you are SO much younger than he is, I would assume your hearing is better..... :rolleyes:

Wayne Miller
PNW Sixgunner
Now I know why Terry's ammo is so loud. They programme the loaders in caps.

I love it tho, lets me know iff the gun went off.

Sam..........EH ?

Funny, last handgun I hade customized was a 2.5" S&W Model 19.
Trigger job, polished trigger, mini-bobbed hammer, chamfered cylinder holes, parkerized, Eagle "Secret Service" grips, tritium dot w/white outline dovetailed front sight. My 'smith told me if I ever want to sell it he'll buy it back. Carrys nice and light, too. LBC
You guys. :)

I was without a revolver of any sort for 8 1/2 years, or so. Bought a Single-Six maybe a year and a half ago. I'm a die-hard auto guy, with the Glocks and Kel-Tecs to prove it.

In the past month, though, my handgun purchases have been:

Taurus .38 Ultra-Lite
Taurus .22M 941
S&W 57 (pre-treason, of course- "S" prefix)

Maybe that's why I haven't had the money to get another car yet! I knew there was a reason...:D

(that 941 feels really sweet, btw. Haven't been able to shoot it yet. Can't wait. The Ruger's accurate, but I hate that loading gate.)
funny you should ask........
I got back from the family reunion last week. Most of the guys (and many of the Gals) carry a handgun, and this year, when we did the annual show and tell in the motel room, every darn one of us was carrying a revolver. We all laughed, but then brought out the other guns. Most of the others were Glocks, 1911s and BHPs. The revolvers were on the hips and in the purses though, not in the suitcases. Most were .38, some .357, one Smith in 9mm. We did get a laugh out of the comment that this would be the wrong room for some hoodlem to try a hold up.
Revolvers never really went away for the folks who know how to shoot a handgun. Even many die-hard autoloader users have discovered the simplicity and inherent appeal of the wheelgun. I was raised on autos (being a Euroweenie), but right now I have far more revolvers than autoloaders. Two "flat guns" left out of ten handguns, and my preferred carry pieces are a Model 19 and a snubby 686. (Sometimes, I have to admit, I am toting a SIG P225, on those days that feel like autoloader days, but more often than not I carry one that's round in the middle.)

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a revolver in the holster or purse of a skilled operator; they are fine and proven fighting tools. As a matter of fact, the two best and most "professional handguns" one can tote are the *&* Models 13HB and 19, with the 4" M19 possibly being the best all-around handgun ever made.
why they don't make 10 rounder revolver instead of 6-7 round???
10 round revolver sounds better than 10 round-limited edition semi-auto.
Probably because a cylinder the size of

a base ball would be too unwieldy for CCW?:rolleyes: Eight rounds in an N-frame, or the equivalent Taurus:eek:, is about as good as it's ever gonna get.:D
JohnAK Wrote: why they don't make 10 rounder revolver instead of 6-7 round???
10 round revolver sounds better than 10 round-limited edition semi-auto.

Because it would look like you had a popcan strapped to your side when trying to CCW :)
Last to leave my collection

If I must disolve my collection of 30+ quality handguns my last ones left will be a Les Baer and a 1971 Colt Python, I am not sure which one will be the last man standing but I will sell a kidney before having to make the choice;)
Love my BHP, but my first and lasting love is my S&W revolver I bought 18 years ago. I love the way it handles and shoots. It will be the last gun that leaves my collection.
I was noticing the same revolver v. semiauto thing in our shop, every time we order in a new GP 100, it sells. 3 in the past 2 weeks. One sale we took a trade on a Beretta 92 for the Ruger. A few years ago, a new GP 100 would have been sitting around for months waiting for a buyer!

We are also experiencing a tremendous surge in intrest in the new Taurus Ultralight and Total Titanium small frame .38's too. Probably sell 6 per week together.

Haven't seen a new S&W lately. Nobody even asks for them. Shame what they did to themselves.
Revolvers have enjoyed a resurgence in popularity on two fronts. First, there Cowboy Action Shooting which have resulted in numerous Peacemaker clones out there. Second, the magazine ban have caused other shooters to reexamine and renew their love for the old wheelgun. While I carry a semi today, there's still a soft spot for the wheelgun and a Colt Python will always catch attention on the range.

BTW Mannlicher, let me know when & where your next family reunion will be. I want to be very far away when some bozo tries to rob the place.;)