Revolver, pistol, and handgun

Our British cousins usually refer to pistols as revolvers.
My idea of an assault weapon is a M1888 in 45-70. I carried one up San Juan Hill in 1898:D
To me, it's petty garbage. There will always be those that ask a legitimate question or make a statement only to have someone respond with a worthless comment about what they think is the correct terminology of something based on their Google search (yep, we are all genius's and experts with the internet at our fingertips). It's right up their with the grammar police, irritating at best.

^^^This. Clip/Mag, Bullets/Boolits, hunt/harvest......Folks just want to argue over nuttin'. No one here is confused, still some want to cloud the issue and insist they are the correct one. 'nuf said.
buck460XVR said:
No one here is confused, still some want to cloud the issue

Learning about things takes time, and really understanding a subject and covering all the bases is a serious endeavor.

But everyone wants to appear to know something of importance.

The result is that some simple topics get overemphasized by those who want to appear knowledgeable but don't want to expend the effort (or don't have the capability) to gain in-depth knowledge on more difficult topics.