Revolver capacity...what do you think?


New member
I feel like revolvers often get overlooked for home defense because of their capacity.

Most unmodified pump action shotguns(a pretty popular home defense selection) have a 4+1 or 5+1 capacity.

So we have two different types of firearms with similar capacities, why are the revolvers overlooked so often?
Because most younger folks can't shoot them as easily as they can a semi. Us older guys were raised on wheel guns...............;):D
5 shots of 12 gauge is far different from 12 shots of .357. I don't think it is reasonable to compare the two.

Without the comparison - I have 5 shots of .22 Magnum on me (ok I have ten but the reload would be close to a minute). It is my opinion that if you cannot land one or two "good" hits in five shots more are just likely to cause further collateral damage.
5 or 6 shots really ought to be enough for self-defense. I suppose you may need more in a big home invasion scenario, but for most scenarios even a 5 shot revolver should be enough. And you can always keep a speed loader close by.

Revolvers are outstanding as self-defense weapons IMO.
I personally don't think revolvers are overlooked by folks who know guns. They are often recommended on forums like these for their simplicity. More people compare them to pistols than to shotguns, though. Larger pistols undeniably have a bigger capacity for those who value capacity. Pocket pistols often narrow the gap in capacity, of course. If people are shopping for new home defense guns, they are going to see more pistols than revolvers on the shelf, and often the revolver will be higher priced if the quality is equal. The use of pistols over revolvers in movies and TV shows probably plays a role in selection for a first-time buyer, too, while there is a certain nostalgia attached to revolvers for gun people.

I choose a handgun over a shotgun for home defense because of the ease of maneuvering in close quarters, too. My HD handgun is a semi, but you are sure to hear from quite a few who have a revolver beside their bed.
I generally agree with FITASC, but a semi being easier to shoot than a wheel just dosen't make sense to me. I learned on a Colt Python then switched to a 9mm 18 years ago to get my carry permit. I sold that ASAP and went back to 357 (can shoot several different types of ammo) wheels. Yes I know, "Different strokes for different folkes."
Back to home protection. Shooting 5 or 6- 38 special P+'s vs a semi 9mm or such, it's all about accuracy and preparation. My Ruger GP100 or SP101 or LCR
should be just fine. If not,then I'm toast no matter what and I'm not going to shoot a full 357 mag ammo in the dark in my home.
If I'm using my revolver for home defense then it will be my S&W 627 with 8 rounds of 38spl. I agree with the others that don't want to light off a 357 in the close confines of my house. I think a revolver is often overlooked due to only having 6ish rounds, why limit yourself if you don't have to. I agree that you should use what you shoot best, for some its a wheel gun and others a auto. For me its my FNX-45 with 15+1 rounds of 45 on tap, if I need my gun then I don't want to worry about bringing an extra reload and a light. I use a weapon mounted light (please don't tell me why you don't use one on your weapon, it works for me) and this may be another reason why people use a semi VS a revolver and yes I know a few do have light attachments. lol :rolleyes:
I do enjoy the look, feel, and craftsmanship of a quality wheelgun (and I do own a few) but I look at them as mainly fun guns. I don't think I would use one for home defense over a semi or a pump shotgun simply because I wouldn't want to be outgunned by an intruder with a full size semi or facing multiple intruders. My home defense combo is actually a 12 gauge and a CZ 9mm both with blinding\strobe optional tac lights mounted on them.
It's probably about as deafening to shoot a .38 or 9mm indoors as it is a .357 magnum.
How long the effects last might vary, but at the time the shots are fired the immediate effect won't be all that different.
Choose the caliber for other reasons.
You won't be hearing much for quite awhile either way.
Now that I am fully retired (66) I live in an apartment/condo in an over 55 community. My long guns remain in my safe and my home defense gun is a 7 shot 357 Magnum revolver. It's loaded with Buffalo Bore® 38 Special+P 158gr LSWCHPGC. It is what works for this old fart! LOL!!!!!:D
Because most younger folks seem to think they'll be getting into an extended fire fight, not chasing off a criminal.
Not all of us older guys were raised on revolvers either. However, a revolver, if there's an inquisitive kid in the house, is less likely for said kid to be able to fire. The owner of said revolver having failed to do/have a trigger job done.
I personally don't think revolvers are overlooked by folks who know guns. They are often recommended on forums like these for their simplicity

I wonder if there is some hubris involved creating the feeling they are overlooked. You are right that they are often recommended for their simplicity for people who have physical issues with racking the slide for instance or for the first time shooter.

Is there a feeling"I am an experienced shooter in good health - I'm not going back to a revolver" involved?
Revolvers are somewhat out of fashion at present, that's all. It seems that so many defense scenarios at present involve "multiple attackers-high on drugs", etc. that high capacity is a must.
I'm with SMEE78, I keep my 627 loaded with 8 rounds of .38+P 158 gr hard cast SWC. More than enough for me, especially since it's the gun I shoot best. Plus, if 8 rounds don't do it, it would make a good club being an all steel N frame.
I like semis. I carry a 5-shot .38 because its shape makes it convenient to carry concealed.
The burglar's motive is to steal something that they haven't earned by their own hard work. He's hoping for something easier, and thus is planning for you to be gone. If things don't go as planned, he will be looking to get the heck out of there, because you might have a gun. He didn't come for a gunfight; he's a theif, out for an easy score. He doesn't want to be shot, even by a 22 rimfire. Your stuff is not as valuable to him as it is to you because he didn't have to work for it, and he will sell it at a fraction of its value, likely to buy drugs. Even if he has a gun, you, with your gun, is a situation he didn't want to have happen. Thus, any gun you have is a powerful deterent to his plans. 6 shots is plenty of deterrent to crime. If you have determined assailants, I imagine it would be helpful to be good with those six shots.
In my opinion, 5 or 6 shots in a revolver is plenty for almost any scenario that you may possibly encounter......

I mean, thinking through it logically......1)Most likely the time you'll need to pull your gun will be a 1 on 1 or 2 on 1 encounter and the perpetrator(s) will assume that you're an unarmed easy target. 2)Once they find out you're armed, when you produce the gun, the "attack" will probably end immediately.... No one WANTS to get shot over a wallet, car, tv, etc.... 3)If the attack continues, lets say because they didn't plainly see you pull out a gun or they figure you're too scared to use it, and you DO have to shoot..... the sudden sound of muzzle blast from a .38 or .357 from 10' away and pointed toward them is going to sound like a cannon going off...... THAT very likely will end the encounter whether it hits them or not. 4)If you do shoot, and it does hit them, it will likely end the attack.... no one wants to KEEP getting shot or DIE over a wallet, car, tv, etc. 5)If that still doesn't stop them.... you still have 4 or 5 rounds left.

Yea someone can always argue......well what if you get attacked by a gang of 12 people who are all 6'6 300 lbs, who are wearing bullet proof vests, and are high on meth and they keep attacking even though you're shooting them........... well, maybe in that case a small revolver wouldn't be enough..... but outside of those types of situations.....;)

I am always amazed by the folks who carry two pistols (typically a 15+ round capacity and a "backup gun" in an ankle holster), 4 extra magazines, two pocket knives, a bowie knife, a super bright flashlight, brass knuckles, and pepper spray on their body everywhere they go. I mean....really? You're not preparing to go on a planned mission into Baghdad are you..... you're going to the gas station and home depot.....:confused:

Again, 5 or 6 rounds of good "self-defense" type ammo would be plenty for almost any situation..... And the only reason I even say "almost" is because of those folks who will reply with "well what about if XYZ happens".

Just my .02
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So we have two different types of firearms with similar capacities, why are the revolvers overlooked so often?

Cause a 12 is a one shot fight stopper 95+ percent of the time. The revolver ain't, even the .500.
