Rethinking the Novak sights

Chuck: George already answered part of the question...if you have a backup weapon, dump the tied-up primary.

I understand the theory of single-handed malfunction drills. However, the techniques' elapsed time to complete, safety, and repeatability keep popping up as negative issues.

How long does it really take you to clear different malfunctions with only one-hand? What do you expect your opponent to be doing during that same period of time?

Can you perform these techniques under pressure without adding yet another gunshot wound to your body? After all, the purpose of the exercise is to survive, not to complete the perp's nefarious goals for him.

Will these techniques work with all of the different clothing and gear that you wear? It is one thing to practice the clearance techniques while wearing tight denim jeans with stout seams, reinforced belt loops, and a double thickness leather 'gunfighter' belt. What happens when attempt these techniques while wearing 'comfort-fit' cotton slacks (or uniform pants...or cargo shorts)? In the latter examples, I see a lot of ripped clothing in your future with only so-so results on successfully clearing a malfunction.
Share the wealth George!
What was the "WWI Chauchat Machine Gun" idea?

"'re thinkin was that 5 shots or was it 6? Well, you've gotta ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky??? ...Well, do ya PUNK!?!?
Uh, if you're hooking the rear of the ejection port on something like your footwear's heel, isn't there a substantial chance that any empty brass or dud round (if there is one) will bounce off of the shoe and fall back into the ejection port?

At least the Cheapo Technique is not dependent upon what you're wearing at the time. Work even for buck-nekkid intruder alerts at 4 a.m.

Apologies to those wearing dentures...

Anyway, I guess I gotta actually try this thing and make sure it works.

Edit: Those who catch the connection to previous snide remarks about competing flashlight techniques, win a penny.

[This message has been edited by Cheapo (edited December 02, 1999).]
The WWI MG I mentioned was designed by a French council of idiots. They took a reasonably sound principal of a long recoil system and completely ruined it. Many Soldiers armed with it dropped it in favor of using Harsh Language instead.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
Good points all, if you have a backup gun. Ideally, take cover, transition return fire, but I say you still need the one hand clearance techniques in case you just popped down to the quickie mart, with your one gun.

I was thinking more along the lines of dumping a half-loaded non-functioning gun, and it possibly getting in some knuckleheads hands. I suppose that's easier to prevent if alive to collect it later, and MUCH more preferable than having a kid pluck it from my dead hand, so I think I'll just dump it (but only if I have a backup).

I've never had a problem with a regular belt and regular jeans. Of course, I was never wearing a sweatshirt, when I did it either, so the back of the shoe comes to mind as an additional technique. So far, I haven't shot myself either. Doesn't mean it won't happen, but I'm trying to avoid it.

Thanks all,

All this depends on the METT.
IN the Army we have the phrase, "METT dictates."
What that means is everything hinges on the METT.
If your back up is a single shot - and you have multiple adversaries... Then you may want to consider fixing your primary.
If there is no cover - well, then forget about it... you cant duck for cover before reloading or a stoppage drill... Just do it quick.
If your back up is under several layers of something and you cant get to it as quick as you can do your Tap Rack Bang - then just TRB ASAP...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
Like Cat, I have no problem hooking my Novaks onto belt, shoe, doorjamb, or whatever is available for single hand drills. I know of at least one technique which requires neither sight nor object to hook onto, but it isn't my preferred technique, even with Novak sights.

Cheapo-I have this image of Burt Lancaster in "Last Voyage of the Crimson Pirate" with a large knife in his teeth. Actually,it could be useful in racking the slide.
Rover--I like that image.

Keeping in tune with what's happened with the Mr. X, Mr. Y, and Mr. Z flashlight techniques, I now need to patent a flexible plastic gizmo to attach to the slide. It will extend backwards 2 or 3 inches, and provide a flexible yet tough surface to bite on to do your malf clearing drill, complete with gripping ridges. This indispensable shooting accessory will allow the "Cheapo Bite Me" technique to be executed with the handgun pointed directly downrange, so you may immediately cover the BG the instant the fresh round is chambered.

The "Bite Me" device will most likely be attached to the new super-slick dehorned smooth as a baby's bottom rear sight I'll patent. Those dovetail grooves provide great anchor points! This revolutionary sight will be even more snag-free than the Novak.
George, doesnt it serve well to be snag free "the other way" to clear stove pipe by brushing it off towards the rear sight as done at gunsite?
[joke]Well - I supposed.
I dont know.[/joke]
[punchline]None of my guns Stove Pipe.[/punchline]

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey - have you seen the new Ultimate Super Tactical Match Gun?
Cheapo- I tried biting my gun.(joke) Something that had never occured to me in the last 30 years of so. I just assumed the "bite me" device would be between the front sight & the ejection port. If it is behind the ejection port then you would be putting your mouth over the rear sight, while avoiding the hammer. this would be easir w/ a glock, khar. etc. without an exposed hammer. But you would still get a round in the face ifyour not careful. Of course we are talking about the most desperate set of circumstances.
Rover--I really haven't tried this*, so I'll take your word on it. The rubber-cushioned slide is the low-profile application, while the "Cheapo Bite Me" device is more specialized, and now that I think about it, the more practical. [edit] Well, easier to use "practical."

*Yes, you may now turn off your BS detectors. My contributions here are archtypical thinking and blowing off opinions without really trying it. [edit] Does this mean I can be a gunwriter now?

Does anyone catch the resemblance to the flashlight wars? Or is it too obvious to comment upon?

[This message has been edited by Cheapo (edited December 08, 1999).]
Oh, I forgot the absolute best solution to this problem, if you are the type to prepare for every possible disaster. Suspenders, belt, and fire extinguisher in your briefcase, right?

It's the old King's compensator that's built into a Gov't model barrel bushing. It's just long enough that you can mash the muzzle brake against any old non-squishy surface and cycle the slide. The barrel goes into the King's unit during the recoil stroke.