Restaurant Shooting

True, threegun.

Sometimes you hear people say, after a vicious crime has happened somewhere, "This used to be such a safe place!


Um, NO, it DIDN'T.

Usually they're talking about a place that has zero anything as far as security to keep it a "safe place" -- it's just that they observe that crime didn't used to happen there. That is not nearly the same as a place being "safe." It just means lightning hadn't struck it.

My Publix supermarket down the street is a "safe place," right? I mean, I have never heard of a violent crime happening in it. Does that really make it "safe"? No. No more so than driving a car with bald tires is safe just because you haven't driven over any wet patches of pavement...yet.

Every single place is a place where a criminal could choose to commit a crime. The fact that they don't usually choose certain locations for their crimes does not make those places somehow insulated from crime -- "safe". That's what people seem to mistakenly believe: that a history of being crime-free means a continuation (with some sort of "guarantee") of being crime-free. Anyone who is not hopelessly, blindly optomistic and disingenuous with themselves would recognize that.

rest. shooting

I've actually insisted that my wife "get out of my seat" the few times she sat down facing the door. She likes to see who comes in, but I'm the one ready to do something about it. I never sit with my back to the door. You would think Arnold would have done something by now,
I don't care if is disney land, it can happen. Might not be a gun either. Billy Ferry entered a publix (I think) and splashed a pale of gas on a checkout line of customers and lit them on fire. Killed 5 innocent people. My gun might not have helped here but my awareness since I began carrying might have. If I can't carry, I ain't going....simple as that. To many sicko's out there.
Billy Ferry entered a publix (I think) and splashed a pale of gas on a checkout line of customers and lit them on fire.
That's the trouble with the world today. It's had to believe that no one saw this guy enter the supermarket carrying a "pail" full of gasoline and no one said anything to him or tried to stop him. What were they thinking? Wouldn't you be suspicious of someone like that?

Yes your gun definately would have helped because you could have killed that son-of-a-bitch right there on the spot and been done with it. But instead I'll bet he's in some prison or mental hospital while those 5 innocent people are crispy critters.

What a sick world we live in and now another shooting at yet another Denny's in Kalifornia.
Everyone likes to rip on Cali (myself included)... but we should also turn some attention to Denny's. I have never been to a Denny's restaruant where I didn't sense the presence of an unstable subculture. I have been to multiple Denny's in IN, NY, NJ, IN, PA, OH, VA, GA, and FL... all have that uneasy aura about them. The food is good and cheap, but the environment leaves a bit to be desired.

An interesting stat would be how many police responses go to each chain of restaraunt annualy for some type of public disturbance. Waffle House can't be far behind.
Depends on the location. I visit a couple of Denny's in my area, one is great the other is located closer to a low income area and can be worrisome at times. I avoid that one whenever possible. You can't blame Denny's it the scumbags eating there not the company.
Fourth in three days?!

good heavens
I've never been a big fan of denny's, but some people obviously dislike it a lot. These things keep happening but still no changes. What would be so hard about total reciprocity? ::sigh:: I'll stick with waffle&steak.
It's not just Denny's, it could be any restaurant. Denny's just happens to be where these punks are hanging out. I'll bet the guns these jerks are using are all illegal ones at that! So much for gun laws. :mad:
I wish Mr. Harold Hatley, who was killed by the gunman, while intervening had been armed and killed the perp. It was heroic for him to lunge at the killer, unfortunately it cost him his life.

I go to a local Denny's, seems as safe as most restraunts. I do go as armed as I can in Illinois, "fanny pack transport", worse than California in respect to CCW.
Mr. Hatley did what many would not be able to do......die fighting. I hope that if faced with the same scenario, I have the intestinal fortitude to do the same. Of course I would be armed and have much better odds but the point is that he acted while others froze like a deer in the headlights.