Restaurant Shooting


it looks like they might have a handle on the situation
Any comments on how to handle a situation like this one? Doug I know you've got one!

LOL!!! :p I was going to say upon reading the first bit of your message, for those of you who say my "senarios" are all ridiculous, wild and far fetched, they maybe that, but they are not impossible.
Regardless they do make interesting discussion.

Unfortunately, it becomes far less humorous when it is discussing an actual shooting in which people have died instead of a Doug.38PR senario.:(

More guns, less crime is the most I can say at this point.
It is tragic that this has happend and of course I'm sure everyone here feels for the families and friends affected. Maybe it will make for good discussion when more facts and details are released. Much can be learned from discussing things that actually happend as opposed to what might or could. I do like your senarios Doug. I've read tons of your posts. You should collect them all and publish a book on surving the urban jungle of gas stations grocery stores and fast food.
While we take hours and even days to think about "scenarios" the real ones happen extremely fast . The only thing that will save you is to get very good training and always be aware, alert, ready to act !!
My wife was joking with a friend about my insistense on sitting in a seat facing the front door, preferably with the exit near by. It seems the friends husband is a hillsborough county sheriffs deputy and does the same thing. They laughed at us, called us paranoid, and other names. Once again I will remind her why I want to keep a visual on the entrance at all times. This tragety will keep her quiet until she forgets again. I am just disgusted right now that such vermon walk the earth.
I am glad that someone else started this thread. I heard this earlier today. I didn't know what to post but I was thinking along the lines that if I was eating there and I was carrying, perhaps I would have been able to stop the perp. Who knows. Yeah, CA is a tough state to get a CCW permit. When will people learn.
My wife was joking with a friend about my insistence on sitting in a seat facing the front door, preferably with the exit near by.
My wife thinks I'm nuts because I always insist on sitting with my back to the wall where I can see all the doors and always with an escape route!
California. Unarmed and undefended.
As is England. Even the police don't carry a firearm and it's open season on them!

It may not have made any difference if someone in the restaurant had a firearm, this whole thing may have lasted only seconds and to be able to stop the shooter before he shot the two victims might have been impossible but then again he may have been in there for five minutes.
When will people learn.

It took a horrible incident at Luby's in Killen, Texas to really get people riled up enough to push for a CC law here. That was back when GW was gov and seemed to be a bit more gun friendly. It also helped to push Ann Richards out of the gov seat here. I recall a news clip just before the election showing her out dove hunting-surrounded by body guards, telling the camera that "we don't need a CC law". Well, duh! If I was escorted by Texas Rangers everywhere I went, I'd consider myself rather safe too! (ya moron:mad: )

I won't hold my breath for the great state of California. Too many people in charge there will be trying to blame the gunman's parents or to feel their pain.
No Kalifornia will use this to tighten gun laws not allow more carry and if this scum bought it legally watch out. The whole state may have to be written off as un saveable for humanity.
I left Cal many years ago,and I know it sounds somewhat cold,but for all the bitching and whining people in California do regarding the laws in their state,they keep voting the morons back into office,so I have a real problem finding my sympathy button...
kirkcdl +1
Problem is just like New York State there are more "soccer moms" voting then gun owners and I believe Kalifornia has a couple anti-gun senators just like NY's Clinton and Schumer.
Kirkcdl-- There are over 36,000,000 people in the PRK. I have one vote for myself and any that I can influence to vote my way. Not a big number, all told. While it is true that you get the government you deserve, not all of us are getting the government we desire. Save just a small amount of sympathy for those of us who think right and deserve better. We are friends of the 2nd amendment and the RTKBA.
Norton said the shooter's fatal wound appeared to be self-inflicted.

No joke. Really? :rolleyes:

Who else could have shot the attacker, in Kalifornia?! :barf:

Really, why is it that anti-gun "Just-call-911ers" don't read of this kind of thing and think, "Hey, waitaminute, this proves that cops don't swoop in like Superman and prevent all harm to all people, and maybe -- just maybe -- we're actually all on our own for the most part!"


I do the same thing when possible, and I don't even mention to my girlfriend that I'm doing it.

She is of the "head-up-her-@%%-about-security" type, and is PETRIFIED of holding and firing a handgun (we've gone to the range to the tune of $120+ unsuccessfully trying to teach her). It has been all I can do to train her to lock her friggin' doors in her car when driving (her friend/coworker was nearly carjacked recently when he was surrounded by 8 or so "youths" who pounded on his car); to train her to lock the car when parked (she seems to think that thieves care that there may not actually be anything valuable in that knapsack she leaves on her front seat); to train her to not leave her pocketbook on the child seat of the cart at the supermarket...

I clipped a newspaper article this very night that said there were four victims of wallet/purse thefts the other day in our area -- people who had done exactly that. I actually approach women at the supermarket now and then (I've done it a half dozen or so times) and gently remind them that there are professional thieves out there who use teamwork to distract women who are shopping and lift their purses. Now I have an actual article to show my girlfriend. She learns this stuff slowly -- having been a blissninny liberal for a good number of years... [:(] But she's making some progress, thanks to me and the fact that I live in the real world...

Azure, I feel you pain. My wife however has evolved from the stinky head syndrome to a mean little thing. Still her level of preparation ends at locking the doors and scanning for wierdo's. She can shoot very well however, so I am lucky there.
We were talking about this shooting here at work and one of my buddies said "something like that will never happen around here", I told him "that's exactly what those people that got killed probably thought."

Some people just don't get it. Or maybe ignorance is bliss. I choose to be prepared. How about you?
The saddest part is that some jerkwater representative of "the people" will use this to try to ban all guns everywhere.

The problem with that mindset is that there are some who will continue to possess weapons even if they are banned totally. And eventually, SOMEONE who has no conscience will get their hands on one of those weapons and will kill a lot of people with it in a massacre.

And in this instance, would the outcome have been any different had the BG used a steel pipe? Or a baseball bat?

We don't need a gun ban. What we need in California is the Right and the ABILITY to defend ourselves from wacko's. Wacko's with guns, or pipes, or bats, or even chainsaws.

Vote this time. Vote against ANYONE in office who is against our Rights and for someone else. We might not get better representation, but at least we'll get rid of those who only prey upon us for their own ends.
I have been telling my family that I am getting my ccw, and everyone of them say why you dont need one around here. I live in a small Orem Utah, but I have noticed that lately there have been a lot of shooting and high speed chases that end up with some one dead. Now I dont have my ccw yet or even a gun but my class is going to be next tuesday and gun to follow sortly. I have been reading tons of the threads here to better prepare myself. I can find myself scaneing for everthing that might be out of place. I dont want anything bad to happen to me or anyone i know, but if and when it does I will make sure I will do the best I can to help me and my loved ones.:)