Restaurant / Bar CCW

In New York State there are no such restrictions, If you are licensed to ccw you are held responsible for your actions. I think thats the way it should be.

kenny b
Ah Smurfslayer, you're one of the 'guys', eh? Kudos to you and everyone that did that. I may rethink my carrying in restaraunts.

The other day however I was talking with a guy that tried to have some dinner at the Fairfax Outback, and the manager refused to serve them because he was open carry. He left. The restaraunt has been petitioned many times for this, so maybe things will change.
In Montana, concealed carry is illegal in establishments that serve alcohol for consumption on the premises.

Open carry is legal, but as a practical matter, not a good idea.
I'm with you on this one Smurfslayer....Getting myself a good holster (with thumb break) so I can do open carry when I step into the restaurant. And if they don't serve folks who are exercising their 2nd amendment rights, perhaps I will go to a restaurant that will.......and also set up a website for "gun friendly" restaurants....
there will soon be a blog...

I'm not an open carry "extremist" mind you, I don't do it everywhere I go. That said, I'm not afraid to.

Every Friday night I go to some restaurant open carrying, usually with several armed friends. Never had a problem, really. That is not an exaggeration either. The closest thing to a "problem" with a restaurant was Hard Times in Herndon. Once, and only once (we've been there plenty of times) the manager on duty informed us that he would not serve alcohol to us since we had guns... :rolleyes:, where's my sweet tea? :p

WRT the Fairfax Outback: I've heard of this before about some Outbacks, but more specifics before jumping to conclusions. It's rare that a restaurant refuses service... Did you let VCDL know of this?

Hey, if they don't want your money, I know plenty of steak houses that DO want your money...

WRT Champps: The specific restaurant wasn't my choice, but I was happy to go there, and the service was good... Even while the cops were standing around trying to drum up a charge to put on us.

I'm in the process of putting a 'blog' page up detailing just how much of a non issue open carry is here in VA. updates when it's read - I expect very soon.

It won't be fancy, but it will get the point across.

Great site! Thanks for putting it together. I particularly enjoyed reading about your views on the "battleground" issue. Keep up the good work!
Duxman go to

Places off-limits while carrying in VA

Date updated: Monday, July 19, 2004
• No person shall carry a concealed handgun onto the premises of any restaurant or club as defined in § 4.1-100 for which a license to sell and serve alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption has been granted by the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board under Title 4.1 of the Code of Virginia, nothing herein shall prohibit any owner or event sponsor or his employees from carrying a concealed handgun while on duty at such restaurant or club if such person has a concealed handgun permit. NOTE: only concealed handguns are prohibited - openly carried handguns are allowed
• Private property when prohibited by the owner of the property, or where posted as prohibited
• Carrying dangerous weapon to place of religious worship while a meeting for religious purposes is being held unless you have "good and sufficient reason"
• Courthouse
• School property/school functions unless gun is unloaded, in an enclosed container (but NOT in the glove box or console) and in the vehicle. A car's trunk is considered an enclosed container.
• Virginia Commonwealth University (8VAC90-10-50). Violation is a trespass charge
• Non-secure areas of airport terminals are off limits unless you are a passenger and you have your gun unloaded, in a locked container in your checked luggage, and declare the gun at the check-in counter
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I go to often. Its an excellent site. The very reason why we are going to open carry with regards to restaurants....
In TN, you cannot ccw in any place that serves any kind of alcahol. You can carry open anyware ccw is allowed, the law states that it keeps us from getting our license taken away if our ccw is spotted. Open carry is not encouraged but it is legal.
FYI - Texas law stipulates they must have a sign signifying that 51% or more of their income is from alcohol and therefore it is illegal to carry there. This pretty much means that restaurants are fine (unless signage says otherwise).
I don not believe any one should be allowed to carry when they are out drinking at a bar.
We all know people that can’t handle liquor and get the liquid courage and you think people should be allowed to carry a gun? that is crazy.
but people don't follow the law and it's my job to protect my life, we all know the cops can nevr be in the place fast enough when it all goes wrong.
But if it was legal then it would be shooting galore every night at a bar.
I believe it should be illegal for anyone in all states to possess a fire arm while over the limit.
I believe Louisiana has some laws on the books in regards to that matter of being drunk and carrying a frie arm, you can't even leave it in the car.
Now if you are out to dinner and the restaurant has a bar for people waiting (like what one doesn’t) then I believe as long as you’re primary purpose is not to drink like at a “bar” is then it should be ok.
Best way around this is a fanny pack and as long as you are not pulling it out then who knows what is in it.
I rater be judged by 12 then carried by 6.
I have an asp baton license and pepper spray license so I carry them in addation to my fire arm and 2 back up mags, I also carry a set of cuffs.
I will spray you first then beat you with the ASP baton aka the act right stick then if all fails then the gun. Then no one can say i did not give them enough opportunity to stop before I popped them.

Places off-limits while carrying
Date updated: Monday, November 29, 2004

A law enforcement office, station, or building;
A detention facility, prison, or jail;
A courthouse or courtroom, provided that a judge may carry such a weapon in his own courtroom;
A polling place;
A meeting place of the governing authority of a political subdivision;
The state capitol building;
Any portion of an airport facility where the carrying of firearms is prohibited under federal law, except that no person shall be prohibited from carrying any legal firearm into the terminal, if the firearm is encased for shipment, for the purpose of checking such firearm as lawful baggage;
Any church, synagogue, mosque or similar place of worship;
A parade or demonstration for which a permit is issued by a governmental entity;
Any portion of the permitted area of an establishment that has been granted a Class A-General retail permit, as defined in Part II of Chapter 1 or Part II of Chapter 2 of Title 26 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises.
Any school "firearm free zone" as defined in R.S. 14:95.6.
Additionally, property owners, lessees, or other lawful custodians have the right to prohibit or restrict access of permittees possessing a concealed handgun. Furthermore, a permittee may not carry a concealed handgun into the private residence of another without first receiving the consent of that person. Additionally, the blood alcohol reading of the permittee must not exceed .05% or greater by weight of alcohol in the blood.

:cool: :cool: :cool:
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I agree with you BCI. Alcohol and Firearms DO NOT MIX. This is one of the reasons why I do not drink. Strongest drink for me = Shirley Temple.

There are many state laws about being drunk and or over the legal limit and having your CC on you. In fact, if you are busted like this, you could lose your CCW permit.

This is one of the reasons why I am frustrated with some of the CC laws in restaurants, being a non-drinker. Open carry it is....
But if it was legal then it would be shooting galore every night at a bar.
New Hampshire has NEVER, EVER had ANY prohibition on carry in bars or ANY laws pertaining to consumption of alcohol while carrying, and have had carry licensing in place since 1923, and yet we manage to be consistently among the lowest crime rates in the nation.

Don't be SUCKERED by the Brady Bunch's "blood in the streets" rhetoric.

What you're saying here is EXACTLY the same as what they said when Florida was getting ready to go shall-issue in 1987, and what they've said every time every other state has gone shall-issue. "Shootouts over parking spaces," "The Gunshine State," blah, blah, blah.

It's BULL****, all of it, and the readers of this forum should KNOW IT.
Gun prohibitions ONLY after auto prohibitions

Personally, I don't thing ANYONE should be allowed to drive while out drinking at a restaurant or bar. And since more people are killed with automobiles than firearms here we need to reevaluate this "guns and alcohol don't mix" nonsense.

Virginia is living proof. We open carry all the time here in ABC establishments. Where's the "blood in the streets" ? Where's the problem that the antis told us about - that guns and alcohol will create problems when mixed? Well, guess what... In Virginia, they're already mixed!

Want to know something else - the only recent "incident" was an intoxicated ATF agent that shot some guys in a parking lot. He was rightfully charged, and convicted as I recall. so, the only "incident" the antis, and BCI4USA can point to in order to make their case is an out of control law enforcement officer. Where does that take us? The need to scale back law enforcement privileges in VA. Right after we we get driving with ANY alcohol in your blood outlawed. as well as serving alcohol to anybody with concealed automobile or motorcycle keys, as that is far more dangerous than serving patrons with guns.