Restaurant / Bar CCW


New member
Guys, what happens when you are carrying and you go to dinner at a restaurant or bar? Here in VA (and I think in most CC states) there is a law that says you cannot carry your weapon concealed into a bar / tarvern that has a license to consume alcohol on the premises? Do you carry open ? Do you leave your weapon in the car?
Bar carry

If you know your going to a Bar,leave the gun at home. DO NOT carry open or you will be looking at a angry police persons. Or just don't let anybody know you have one.
looking at a angry police persons

Not necessarily angry, just possible police presence from patrons calling 911.

It's legal to open carry where alcohol is served, but where I live in N. VA it would be a big hassle and freak too many people out. It's a horrible law that really should be reconsidered. Just the other day I went to a burger joint and it wasn't until I ordered that it struck me they served beer. :eek:

Bad thing I know, but I leave mine in the car. I don't know what else to do. Most restaraunts serve at least beer.
i dont really go to bars anymore, getting old I guess, but if I go to a eating establishment that serves liquor then I lock my gun in the car. its the law, its stupid, but its the law.
Fortunatly, here in PA we can carry in bars or wherever else may have alcohol. Being a college student, I go to the bars for two reasons: to hang out with friends and have a few-then I carry. Then there are the times when I leave my appartment knowing full well that I will not be getting home under my own power-best off to just leave it at home. Its one thing to not remember where you left your underwear.......
New Hampshire has never had a restriction on carrying in bars or other alcohol-serving establishments since the enactment of the licensing system in 1923.
I carry in all restaurants in Texas, even if they serve alcohol. Texas Law permits this. I never, never, carry in bars, since I retired.

Jungle Work
And the thing is, many shootings/robberies happen just outside of places like nightclubs, restaraunts, bars, malls...all places where (at least here) you can't carry. It's like the BG's know this or something. :mad:
In Florida, yes in restaurants that serve alcohol.

You may NOT carry in:

"any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose;"

- Florida Statutes 790.06 (12)
In Oregon, you can carry into a bar as well as places that serve food as well as has a fully stocked bar (like Applebies).

The trick here is.... if you are out and about and carrying, don't drink. Simple as that.

Now, I do have a tendency to maybe drink abit too much during my time off of the real world outside but what I do in my home and in my backyard is my business. What I do in public and how I behave is everyones business (as in, I am civilized and a good/safe person).

I don't go to bars ($2.50 for a beer, please, I'm not that drunk yet :D ) and when I go out to eat and carrying, a nice glass of ice tea hits the spot. It's all personal(sp) responsibility. I don't think that laws should be made for what a person MIGHT do, but after the person did it (and then they should be slammed for it).

I unconceal my gun when entering VA restaurants that serve alcohol. If they don't like it, they can ask me to leave and I will take my business elsewhere, permanantly.
mmike87, what type of holster do you use when you unconceal your weapon? I usually carry a Galco bikini (paddle type) holster, and it has no strap nor thumb release, my fear walking into a bar is a BG attempting to take my weapon from my hip (I dont drink.) And do you unconceal as you walk in? (Taking off your coat) or once you sit down? (Does it matter in the eyes of the law?)

I'm in Oklahoma, and the law here is that you can't carry the piece into the bar concealed (unless you're LEO) and open carry is flat-out forbidden except for like having your .30-30 in the rack above your head in a pickup.

So I don't take my ccw piece into bars. Period. As a result of that policy, I've found that I go into bars a whole lot less than I did when I was a younger buck. Probably doesn't hurt me a bit.

You can, and I do, take a ccw pistol into restaurants that serve alcohol and have bar areas. There's an exception for those kinds of places.

But bars, which are licensed differently somehow, are a different thing, and there is no ccw allowed.

Not necessarily angry, just possible police presence from patrons calling 911.

It's legal to open carry where alcohol is served, but where I live in N. VA it would be a big hassle and freak too many people out. It's a horrible law that really should be reconsidered. Just the other day I went to a burger joint and it wasn't until I ordered that it struck me they served beer.

Bad thing I know, but I leave mine in the car. I don't know what else to do. Most restaraunts serve at least beer.

[SS] As a Champps of Reston veteran, I object. In years of open carry, sometimes around cops, they've been called exactly twice. Once by the not so well informed guy at Champps, another time at our group's request because the restaurant manager just couldn't be convinced we were legal, but he was fine with us staying if we were.

Of course, I don't go to ABC licensed establishments to drink, I go there to eat, and I'm not into bars anyway. No leaving the gun in the car or motorcycle for me.

Don't know what to do...? Get a good belt holster! :p

Seriously, you can't believe press write ups, or horror stories from other, less developed states. For those days when I feel particularly paranoid, I carry a copy of letters on the VCDL page confirming Open carry is legal, and a copy of 18.2-287.4 ( highlighting the definition of 'firearm' ) and 15.2-915 (preemption).
in texas bars are a no no, but your allowed to carry in a restaurant that serves alcohol. any place that gets more than 51% of its sales from booze is of limits and they must have that sign outside that has 51% in big red ink.

Washington has a law stating that carry is not legal in bars. Period.

For restaurants, bar/grill arrangements, and other places serving alcohol, but not classified as a "bar", the 51% rule applies. If the establishment earns more than 50% of it's revenue from alcohol, it is off limits.

If I know that I am going to be in an area that is questionable, I don't carry.

If it is an accidental happening, (gone to dinner and didn't know they serve alcohol), I excuse myself and take the gun to the car as soon as possible.

This is a grey area that prosecutors and DA's love to twist, so the best defense you have is caution and logic.

Many states may allow knives/sprays if they meet legal specifications, so check laws regarding those.
It's currently illegal to carry where alcohol is served for consumption on the premises, but a bill was just introduced in the house for that to change so ccw is allowed in restaraunts. They don't think it will succeed tho.. but it's a start.

Although, having "a start" at getting your second amendment back is a sad thing indeed... should never have been taken away.