Responses to rabid anti-hunters

I was planning on a NM cougar hunt in February, but I got the applications for the permits 2 days after the dealine for submission, due to my travel schedule and a zip-code mix-up. Too Bad. The cougar was going to be the RT Glock's second kill.

Yeah, anti-hunters can be weird. One evening at a steakhouse, I made a comment about the next day being "Deer Season Eve". I was immediately attacked (verbally) by a young lady who was incensed at the idea of killing Bambi. I merely asked how a deer was someway more "noble" than the cow we all were eating...

I have occasionally pointed out that as a hunter, I am a "do it yourselfer". Non-hunters merely hire somebody else to do the dirty work for them.

For those who get into the vegetarian shtick and denigrate hunting, I've used this argument: Okay, animate life, by your philosophy, has a higher moral value than inanimate life. Deer or quail (among other animals) have higher moral value than wheat or corn.

Therefore you must believe that a mouse, snake or rat has a higher moral value than a Sequoia or a redwood. Fine. Would you like my recipe for Sequoia-root soup? Redwood tea?

"Ignorance is curable; stupidity is forever."

Best regards, and good hunting!

Sorry about my warped sense of humor. It was my misguided perspective on the current state of affairs in my state. Ever since Californians passed a moritorium on hunting cougars, they've been overruning the state and in the process, bagged a couple of joggers. Some were even within the SF Bay Area!

In Northern CA it's even worst. The deer herds have been culled by the cats and half the time you're out there (especially without any dogs), you've got to look over your shoulder for them. I went bowhunting two years ago and came across some tracks which were bigger than my outstretched hand. Boy, did I feel stupid for being without a gun (in CA, you can't possess a gun on your person when you're bowhunting). I seriously questioned my sanity and thought longingly of my 44.

Californians who vote against hunting are ignorant of the ecosystem and the delicate balance which nature sets. They don't want to see any harm befall the gentle woodlands creatures. As mentioned, we've already lost a few people to cats but the voters willl still protect the cat. A few years back, we tried to pass a proposition which would study the impact of hunting mountain lions. We're not talking about legalizing hunting, just a study. Nope. Lost by a landslide.

The anti-hunters (vegatarians included) are hypocrites by nature of their beliefs.

They accuse us of making human life more important than all other life forms. I won't apologize for that. I like to know how that's different from them killing an army of ants or some flies for merely being pests. At least hunters kill for food.

So much for the sanctity of life these people claim to hold. Their so called worship of living things is almost pagan.
I hate cali. I mean I love the state, and the Weather here in San Jose, but I hate the fact that we have to many people who don't know how to have fun. To many politically correct people who have never been anywhere outside the classroom, the courtroom and the capital building. Our politicians need to get out and experience the world and understand that money and theory don't make the world turn

Good one! :)

As pointedly expressed by the cougar stories, I expect to be a link in the chain, even if not at the top! I believe it's part of living a healthy, balanced life...and would like to believe that all forumites attacked would have survived!
I believe in animal rights. An eagle has a right to eat a mouse, or any other animal it can kill.

I am a human, and have the same rights as an animal. I use the animals whose death I cause (including McDonald's cattle) responsibly. guilt for leather shoes...:-)!!!
I dont hunt any more. Anybody can kill an animal. That is when the problems start-cleaning it-getting it out of the woods etc.

I am ready to make an exception and shoot a table-grade hog real soon.

Better days to be,
