Response time for a home invasion?

My neighbor said that before he moved here he lived in Nevada and had a home intruder in his home. He said that it took 15 min for the cops to arrive and that he only lived 10 min from town
For bite a big dog is great. For alarm (bark) a small dog is better.:)

Thought I should add more info. Since we live in an era of mad lawyers, give the Police dispatcher limited info. My house was invaded by 2 men armed with pistols-rifles-wet noodles. one is down on my living room floor and is no threat-disarmed. the second man (give description) left limping with injured right leg headed west on Ferngully. My family is awake and in the house. Venture no other in formation on how the scumbag got the bad leg. Say nothing else until your lawyer gets there. You are not protecting yourself from the police, but from the bad guys lawyer when he tries to sue you. Sometimes a d.a. out to make a name for himself will attempt to get to higher office over the backs of anyone they can. Keep your mouth shut until your lawyer gets there!!! This is from a former Police Officer with 14 years on the job. Remember, your job of protecting your family isn't finished just because the shooting has stopped, and everything you say to the dispatcher is recorded.
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A couple of other things

A lot of good information that I'm reading. I'd like to add a couple of other thoughts.

We have a small but yappy dog. He sleeps with us in our bedroom with the doors closed.

1) When he wakes me up (happens with some frequency) I grab the amplified shooter's muffs that I keep by my bed. I'm hard of hearing, and it's quicker to put on muffs than to mess with a hearing aid at 3 AM. Also useful if somebody shoots at me or I have to shoot at somebody - they'll be temporarily deaf and I won't.

2) Next, I grab a high intensity flashlight and firearm. Also wake my wife (sound sleeper) and make sure that she will be able to grab the shotgun in the closet.

3) open bedroom door and let the dog go tearing out howling into the house, follow with flash etc. and go to hallway, check top of front and back stairs. Stay visible to wife who should have retrieved shotgun. Do not try and clear house. I must admit, wife is not always ready with shotgun, but it's still nice to know that it can be retrieved if needed.

4) If dog is still howling with no other sounds, recall dog, pet him, compliment him, go back to bedroom with him. If, after a few minutes, he doesn't start up again, we can stand down.

5) If dog suddenly stops howling or yelps or I hear other sounds, retreat to bedroom, close bedroom door, take cover behind bed (with wife already there), call 911 and give descriptions of us and what we wear and all the other things that have been mentioned before.
My dog is my early warning system. If she goes off, so will I. I think the notion of barricading oneself in the room with a cellphone is fine, but it only works for single individuals living alone. In my reality, I have my wife, my kids, and my elderly Mom in the house as well. Locking myself away in a safe room is not an option.
Who needs a cop or a dog?

I have twin turrent mounted .50-cal machine guns guarding the approach to both the front and back staircases. These are laser guided, infrared sensitive, gattling guns capable of burst fire at 6000 rounds per minute. After the last burst, i toss a couple of flash-bangs down the stairs, kill power to the 50's, and slide down the bannister blasing away with my AR-15s. On the main floor, the flashbangs go into each room 1-2-3-4. like that. Then i clear the house with my 12 gauge, one quick blast of 00 buck into each room, then its over.

Who needs to call the cops? Call the repairman.

Okay, so maybe i exaggerated a little...:D

Seriously , a German Shepard is about the most loyal, child-friendly, devoted pet you could ask for. They also put the fear of painful, bloody death into a BG mind when they start to bark and growl.
Keep it simple

First if you think someone is breaking into your home you are not going to be sleepy or groggy, it's called adreneline.
Second the dog is a great deterent
Third for a newbe a double barreled shot gun or a Judge is in my opinion the best bet aim isn't a big issue and the shotgun load won't blow the door off it's hinges like in the movies.
Also remember the BG doesn't know your floor plan, you do, leave the lights off, don't give him anything
Finally most break in guys are cowards looking for an easy score. Fire one in his direction and he will probably break a leg trying to get back out the door.

Just my thoughts
Finally most break in guys are cowards looking for an easy score. Fire one in his direction and he will probably break a leg trying to get back out the door.

Just my thoughts

I'm pretty positive there is a huge problem with discharging a firearm in that manner.

I'm just saying, I might be wrong but pretty sure that's the case.
re: clothing information to 911 et al

oh I was totally being genuine. Thanks for backing me up on that. I consider that a gem because recently I had a situation where that would have greatly helped my interaction with the police. I was armed, and a break-in was in progress on my storage unit. I told them I had a gun, OK, but I never ever thought to tell them what I was wearing. So yeah, quite sincere about that :)

The lime green idea was true also! I have a very old, very comfy lime green commodore 64 shirt that would be perfect.
Lots of great advice given, especially a good dog (I have two "yappers"), BG seem to prefer to avoid them for easier targets, wireless alarms offer lots of options now as secondary and can be configured to notify authorities.

Security cams can also easily be set up.

Flashlights and take to time to have you and the wife to get some firearms training. (Know your target and what is behind it)

Make sure you have the arms secure to prevent access by curious kids but access by you quickly when needed.
One thing Please keep your gun within your reach, loaded and at the ready 24/7.

I know people that own handguns that claim "Im well protected". "I have a gun in the safe , along with the ammo". Whats the use of an unloaded gun thats locked in a safe?
It takes a while for cops to show up. Even if the police are fast, an invasive burglary can be done in 5 minutes easy and give the perps 10 min to get away. I wouldn't put my faith in Cops, Dogs, or a Taser.

There are a few demotes I'd like to post on this...







I haven't stumbled upon demotes for any other defensive guns, but let me know if you find 'em.