Required training for nationwide CCW

Agree with JWT.

Federally mandated reciprocity or federally issued CCW could take the manner of use and issue out of state's hands. Let's not do that. I personally don't want Schumer, Lautenberg, Feinstein types involved in the circumstances of issue of my license, thank you. At least I have the option, inconvenient though it may be, to move to another state where I believe the gun laws are more favorable. Not that I would, though. Georgia is fine.
Do you seriously want Obama to choose who gets to carry nationwide?
Or that New York City, Chicago or San Franciso would allow it?
Leave it to the States.

This topic is going the way of the last one.

I was in favor of some training prior to issuance of a CCW, until I heard the arguements against.

No one with an iota of common sense advocates using a tool without instruction in it's proper use. However, the MO of the anti's is "reasonable" regulation. what's reasonable to one is onerous to another. Jeez, it was a major controversy here whether or not to carry an extra magazine.

The only requirement I would think is apropos is no violent criminal history and maybe a note from your doctor saying you are in sound mind.
Actually the shooting I think you are referring to happened in Ohio between the Kehoe brothers an Ohio Highway Patrolman and a Deputy Sheriff. The Deputy is the only LEO shooting and actually hits Kehoe several times, he is wearing body armor and still runs away.

I agree that training requirements can be used as a tool to take away the right to carry, however what would be acceptable? In a perfect world there would be no need to discuss this, a right is a right. However, we don't live there. What would be a good minimum of training or licensing for nationwide reciprocity? The training standards as they stand scare the hell out of me. Lots of people that carry guns everyday scare the hell out of me. What would be a good way to approach this? A state level? Federal? Have the NRA spearhead the effort?
Has the lack of extended or standardized training been shown to contribute to an increase in accidental shooting? In other words, if there is no problem why should government throw another requirement on those who want a CCH? I could easily support a voluntary system whereby those who train in CCH according to state law would impose a prereq requirement of an NRA beginners class. Again, voluntary. I am personally not a big fan of a national CCH law because it give our statists just one more means of interfering with constitutionally protected rights.
Howabout this, offer firearms education in high school, like drivers ed, without making it mandatory...kinda like AZ already allows.
...I saw some of the blue haired group coming in to the local DMV a few years ago to pick up their CC permits. They had already finished their "training". Some of these folks were using canes. I guess it was a 'special' class since they all appeared to be 70+.
Some of those little old people were killing Japanese, Nazis, or Chinese before you were born. They are more fragile than most anyone else out there - they need Sam Colt's "equalizer" more than some strapping young types I know.
I had a permit when AZ law went into effect, then later I let it expire when my state issued ID took over. Seen both sides, worked as an assistant instructor for CCW classes at a local range for 1.5 years. Seen my fellow staff qualifying each year on the Dept range. Toss up on who's worse.
Agree on reciprocity - I don't want to have to deal with an onerous requirement added by some New Yorker or Californian, ours works just fine.
If we have learned anything the last couple of months, we need to keep this out of the hands of the federal govt. It would take us down the road to confiscation surely faster.
I agree with those that say reciprocity should be extended between all the states.
I would be all for a voluntary training program that offered some additional carry options, but i do not favor opening the door to more federal supervision of my rights as a gun owner.

For ME, not speaking for anyone else, i wouldn't mind taking a course on handgun safety that was tailored to concealed carry situations, so long as it was voluntary. I do not have my permit but plan to obtain one before the summer's end.

I realize that driving on public roads is a priviledge & not a right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, but simply for comparisons' sake, in some places a rider safety course can/must be completed to get a motorcycle permit with less hassle & testing. Perhaps a national training class or program could be used to "fast track" an applicant's carry permit approval.
BTW, a national 'training' system will entail a federal license or similar certificate for trainers. Another bureaucracy. I suggest raising the taxes on wealthy gun owners to pay for that? Or a luxury gun tax on those expensive shotguns or fancy dancy 1911s? Or a tax on ammo?

TX CHL instructors do have to go through a class to be certified.

What do you think? :D
My vote is no for a training requirement. Its bad enough we have to get licenses to carry concealed, requiring training is just conceding away your rights even further.

The next thing you'll need is a license and training to practice a religion, or speak your mind.
Just a simple hunter safety course would be good enough for me. My class was a weekend of lecture, with a final 10 rnd shoot with a .22 rifle at the range. I think that is a that should be strongly suggested by our govt. I do not think they should be able to force any kind of classes before your allowed to exercise your 2nd ammendment right.

Every time I hear people speak of training I think of the expert who was the only one in the room qualified to handle this Glock BANG!
One trains a dog not a man.
Just my $.02

I am in the reciprocity camp. NO Federal standard need or should be allowed to exist.

Want a perfect example? Just look at the Fed program "allowing" pilots to be armed!

Think govt. health care is a good idea? Just look at the wonderful job they do with the VA hospitals!

Anytime we can keep anything out of the Fed gov. reach, it is a good thing!
Specifically addressing the topic of "nationwide" CCW? I don't see a serious problem with reciprocity. It works for my drivers licence after all. If Florida thinks I'm good to go, the other 49 states should accept it.

My stance on training in general is "the more the better" and a certain amount of demonstration should be required... again, just like my drivers licence. All talk about rights and anti-government concerns set aside for the moment, from a practical standpoint we all know that the purpose of a CCW is to be able to kill another human being. That's an awesome responsibility, and you should be able to demonstrate that you can actually kill the person who needs killing, and not shoot yourself or an innocent bystander in the process.
I don't see a serious problem with reciprocity. It works for my drivers licence after all. If Florida thinks I'm good to go, the other 49 states should accept it.

Driving is a privilege not a right.

My stance on training in general is "the more the better" and a certain amount of demonstration should be required

My stance is also the more training the better, but there shouldn't be any to exercise your RIGHT to bear arm
My stance is also the more training the better, but there shouldn't be any to exercise your RIGHT to bear arm
All rights have restrictions, none are absolute... and thank goodness for it! :)

I'm guessing that this is a "agree to disagree" thing...