Republicans v. Libertarians (OPTIONAL reading)

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Bob Smith could not in good faith be the presidential nominee of the Libertarians. Why? Because of his use of the Bible (Christian) as a guide for morals. Libertarians support freedom in all area; the limitation on freedom being when you infringe on another person's freedom, thus issues like homosexuality and abortion are left to the individual, not dictated by the government.

Though I choose to live by Christian values, I think in the long term the Libertarian philosophy is the best hope for preserving our freedoms and rights. Life is too short to have anyone tell us what we can or cannot do, even if it is for our own good no matter how "good" is defined (e.g. longer/healthier life; less pollution; more safety; etc.).

Unfortunately, the status quo has many people who want to keep it this way. Until this changes, we will continue the constiction of our rights like a boaconstrictor (sic) sufficates its victim. The freedom grabbers selectively choose whose freedoms to diminish or eliminate and then do it in the name of some "good". Those who have their freedoms crushed need to unite in the name of all freedoms. We need to redefine "freedom" as the ultimate "good", otherwise we will continue the slide to totalatarianism.
If I understand you correctly, I like your Libertarian approach. :)

We may have the same moral values for different reasons. And if we have differing, even opposing moral values, we should respect the other's beliefs unless we (or someone we must defend) are infringed upon. More than that, as Americans, we should be ready to fight for the right of the other person to HAVE his own beliefs.

I have NO problem with someone who hates guns and prohibits firearms in his home. I
will fight for his right to keep his home gun free. But when he tries to limit where I can take my guns, or has the gall to try to take MY guns away from me, the fight's on.

If dope were legal, and Mr. Hophead wanted to fry his brain on cocaine, I couldn’t care
less. But when his supply system creates violent crime, or he drives his car dangerously because he’s whacked out of his gourd, then he is infringing upon our safety.

If Mr. X and his family believe in (fill in blank), I could care less. But when they try to make their beliefs legally binding upon me, I have a problem. Even if I believe they are right in their belief, they have no right to shove it down my throat.

Frankly, I think the same concept holds true with most values. I will fight for the right of the extremists to believe and practice what they desire. But when any group tries to force their values on me, that’s when I have a problem.

If we would practice our beliefs without infringing upon each other, I think we all could find a Libertarian home. But when one of us refuses to support our RKBA because the
other has different beliefs, they are undermining their own rights as well as the rights of those whom they vilify.

It’s a shame.

All sides must soon realize that if the government becomes much more totalitarian, it will be the government who dictates what we ALL must do (or NOT do) regardless of our
personal beliefs. I don't believe that would occur with the Libertarians. So, for the moment, I’m sticking with the Libertarians.

Are you sure it's their backs that are being scratched...?

(I can't believe I said that! :))


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."
I think my stick is floatin' down the Libertarian river, but how can I trust them if they have no record just promises and so many words? They are politicians after all.
Also, when a Congress member changes party affiliation, what recourse does the constituency have? What about potential Libertarian Congress members dressed in Republican suits?
Libertariansdo have a stellar record of fighting intrusive government regulations...
I understand the fears of "Animal Farm" re-occuring, as even a Libertarian would need some authority to get things changed. However, I would settle for things not getting any worse for now, and it appears that the situation would actually improve. By how much is another question.

I do not think that the extent of political change would be all that drastic...but the changes are likely to include the most loathsome aspects of the current structure first.

Why does everyone say "Libertarians have no track record"?

There are over 200 Libertarians in office nationwide. None has ever voted for an unconstitutional issue. None has ever approved a tax increase.

The <a href="">LP website</a> has more details.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Greetings gentlemen. I'm a regular over at but visit your forum now and then. I hope you all don't mind a newcomer but I am compelled to throw a few thoughts into this simmering pot.

First of all, magnificent discussion guys. I am aware of the LP's ideas but even if I weren't, how could anyone NOT take them seriously after reading this thread? I must ask you all to include in your responses the folowing thought:

**HOW** will we convince thr masses of the benefits of the LP?

Example: I have several foreigners that work for me. Indian, Iranian, South American, etc. (please do not dare label me as a racist, the specifics are nedded to create the example). These people really do believe that the government is needed to take care of them and to provide for their safety. I have attempted to discuss the reason of the BOR's to them but the message and therefore it's intent does not sink in. A gentleman from Iran commented on the Columbine shooting and said "my government protect us from that kind of thing". I asked him why he is here then. "It's crazy there, too many soldiers and fighting and government people killing each other." I told him the government here COULD NOT become tyrranical BECAUSE of the BOR's, specifically the 2nd. I said we have the ability and responsibility to defend the Constitution from anything, foreign or internal. His response to my calm and very thorough explanation: "Well ,I don't think peopel need guns, the government should take them away". Say what!!?? Even after my explanation he STILL had his mind set.

SO I beg the question for discussion - How do we educate/convince the masses?

Another example: local schools teaching American History without a mention of the 2nd amendment. SOme, I have heard from friends, even go so far as to say that the COnstitution does NOT guarantee the rights of *individuals* to own firearms.

How do we begin to teach the next generatiion of children about this when the liberals control the textbook contents?

Thanks for listening. I too am sick of the Repub's and Demo's. I just finished writing Ron Paul a check for his election campaign.

Indeed, vote for a change...


[This message has been edited by CMOS (edited August 10, 1999).]
I had a discussion with an Indian neighbor who was visiting his kids in the US. The guy, 65 or so, said he "served his country". That turned out being a beaurocrat. Anyway, he told me how terrible Columbine was and, before I could say anything, added that his veteran American neighbor reamed his a new one for advocating disarming everyne. He thought that the idea of keeping the govt. in check was funny.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you this moving process is a pain......

We will have to just disagree on the word evasive, I dont find it acidic. By all means continue to rant and I too will continue to point out the libertarians are not the answer at this point, even if they could get elected in such numbers I dont think they have the experience in our political system. that is not to say that they wont eventually.
As far as the drug issue is concerned there is no way I could vote for that. I dont really care what they've done in other countries either, and i do have a problem with open borders(dont like the ones we have now either). I lived for quite awhile on the border and I realize how hard it would be to secure.

As far as trent lott is concerned I cant defend him, to me he is one of the major problems we have ...along with other rockefeller style republicans.
As far as the libertarian track record Ive asked many times and have not received any kind of response, I would have thought ya'll would have been trumpeting it to the ...what do ya all call em, oh yeah does appear obvious that your party has not untill late been able to attract members on its rhetoric or merits it has acquired, it must attract members where it can of course and att its the disenfracised/conservative members of the the republican party---a strange mix that, conservative views and libertarian, oil and water?, How long do you think they will stay?
As for me having problems with the republicans and it being my "awakening", lol...your kidding right...Ive been working within my means to change the political climate since I can remember.....I know of no political party that I could agree with 100% of the time, do you? Like i have tried to point out in other posts political party is static, they are all dynamic and changing-even the libertarians will experinence that if they ever get power. It is basically large group for the republicans and the democrats sounding alike, yep they probablly use the same polls.
If you and I were elected to office we would most likely be ineffective, not that its so hard or complicated(although it might be), but we'd have no support.might be fun though to have a rifle range at the whitehouse...heh id vote for that...
Like you I fear too that if a significant change does not occur in our government and our institutions that the loss we suffer will be great and it will be the death knell of our country. Unfortunately, I am not convinced of the ability of the Libertarian party to suceed in such an endever.
As for keeping up the struggle, Iam not trying to change your party allegance, nor am I looking to change, I am sincere in my views that each person is entitled to an opinion wether I agree or not. Iam hoping to find a solution that will work.
I feel that our government and institutions are out of contol. Iam not sure if a 3rd party president could do anything with out a supporting cast.....its very doubtful even if he could be elected, Iam sure that if enuf conservatives get elected, even over existing republicans the nature of that party can change and buy us more time to win the war. In effect to stop or at the least slow our losses so we can build up the people to secure us a beach head so (we),(the american people), can have an effective 3rd party. At the very least I think we have to slow down our losses and fight to stop them, I dont see were putting our efforts behind someone who if elected would be ineffective is helping win that war. I do see were it could make ya "feel good", that is until the democrats stepped up their onslaught.....and I will admit its a gamble, it could be that the republicans will take us there hand in hand with the democrats, especially with not enuf conservatives---not what but how could that be stopped by a president?, the veto pen?, do you really think the democrats who voted en masse to protect clinton would break ranks and support that president....I dont see any easy solution for us, we either lose fast or lose slow, with any cainidate of any party.
We must find a way to win, ......Ive enjoyed the discussion and will be bowing out for a while to read what others think...fubsy.

As we have agreed countless times, the Libertarians have not been elected to
the Presidency. However, to jump from there to the assumption that a
Libertarian could NOT be effective as President is unwarranted and unworthy
of your judgment and the opinions you have expressed.

George Junior has never been President. By your own argument Bush
therefore must rely upon the “experience” of his fellow Rockefeller
Republicans - gun grabbers by their own promise.

If you have expanded “track record” from the Presidency to include “our
political system” you have cut the throat of your argument. Libertarians in
local and state offices repeatedly have proven their Constitutional stand
opposite the Republican/Democrat regime.

I want to recognize, address, and resolve the drug problem. I despise drug
abuse but a huge number of Americans are engaged in making, distributing,
selling, and using drugs. The drug problem is NOT getting better. The
so-called War on Drugs is becoming too tyrannical to accept - it must end.
Already the government can seize your property and sell it before you are
even indicted! No indictment, NO trial, NO guilty verdict, they just take your
stuff, sell it, and take the money.

The Democrat/Republican regime is making too much money and usurping
too much power from the War on Drugs. But drug use continues. The Drug
producers and distributors get rich. The politicians get rich. And the
American people pay more taxes to support the whole danged lot of them.

The Democrats and Republicans are winning both money and increasing
power over the American people. Our Bill of Rights is being destroyed and
the American people are being disenfranchised. This, quite simply, must stop.

Our borders already are open. In the words of those who keep them, our
border are “sieves”. We must accept that and cope with it, or do what is
necessary to change it.

Voting for the current Democrat/Republican regime is to perpetuate the
current political machine. There are not enough so-called conservative
Republicans to bring about change or to prevent the demonization of gun
owners or to prevent gun registration and confiscation in America.

We agree that there is no defense for a statist such as Trent Lott, but you
continue to support him and advocate others do likewise. I quit. I won’t
support him any more.

To say that a Libertarian President would be powerless is an unsupportable

* A Libertarian President would force Congress to overcome his vetoes.
Then Congresscritters would be forced to show their real colors to the
currently unaware American masses.

* A Libertarian President would eliminate the current and tyrannical
Presidential Executive Orders.

* A Libertarian President would eliminate the tyrannical regulations,
directives, rules, unwritten policies and procedures intended to enslave us.

* What would a Libertarian President to the Internal Revenue Service,
Department of Justice, BATF, FBI, and the alphabet soup of enforcers
currently in power?

* What kind of judge would the President nominate to the Supreme Court?
How could the Democrats and Republicans NOT confirm nomination after
nomination of qualified judges of integrity? The Democrat/Republican
political machine could not withstand such obstructionism for long.

You state, “As far as the libertarian track record Ive asked many times and
have not received any kind of response, ...” I would ask readers of our posts
to review this thread and judge for themselves.

You state, “I feel that our government and institutions are out of control....
“Like you I fear too that if a significant change does not occur in our
government and our institutions that the loss we suffer will be great and it
will be the death knell of our country. Unfortunately, I am not convinced of
the ability of the Libertarian party to suceed in such an endever...”

* Even you, as a staunch Republican supporter, admit our government is out
of control. Apparently you agree the Democrat/Republican machine no
longer represents the American people. You admit the current path leads to
destruction and violence. So why continue the slide into Socialism? It’s time
for a change.

* Even if you are NOT sure the Libertarians will be better, why continue
with what assuredly is worse? It doesn’t make sense.

* The Republican/Democrats won’t change. They have too much to gain by
perpetuating the current system of usurping power and gaining control over
the American people.

* Both Republicans AND Democrats are calling publicly for gun

But, for lack of a “track record”, you refuse to support the RKBA promised
by the Libertarians? Inertia, Fubsy. You are continuing on the path to
tyranny in the vain hope the snake will change its personality and have a
sudden burst of morality. Not likely. If the Libertarians can not break the
Democrat/Republican stranglehold on the American Presidency, we will get
the promised increase in gun control - which leads to registration and
confiscation. And you will have the Democrats and Republicans to thank for
taking the very actions they promised.

And, similar to the snake, if you protest the loss of our Right to Keep and
Bear Arms, the Democrats and Republicans will say, “You knew what I was
when you voted for me!”
As we have agreed countless times, the Libertarians have not been elected to
the Presidency. However, to jump from there to the assumption that a
Libertarian could NOT be effective as President is unwarranted and unworthy
of your judgment and the opinions you have expressed.
D. Actually that is my argument that they are ineffective and have no proof that they can do other wise.
George Junior has never been President. By your own argument Bush
therefore must rely upon the “experience” of his fellow Rockefeller
Republicans - gun grabbers by their own promise.
Once again, I dont like bush, but yes I would vote for him over a democrat, i still believe that a vote for a libertarian is a vote for a democrat att,....not all republicans are trying to sell us out, I do think that the ones that arre need to go,and be replaced by conservatives, ......
If you have expanded “track record” from the Presidency to include “our
political system” you have cut the throat of your argument. Libertarians in
local and state offices repeatedly have proven their Constitutional stand
opposite the Republican/Democrat regime.
This is exactly what Im talking about...who are you referring to?, what local and state offices?
I want to recognize, address, and resolve the drug problem. I despise drug
abuse but a huge number of Americans are engaged in making, distributing,
selling, and using drugs. The drug problem is NOT getting better. The
so-called War on Drugs is becoming too tyrannical to accept - it must end.
Already the government can seize your property and sell it before you are
even indicted! No indictment, NO trial, NO guilty verdict, they just take your
stuff, sell it, and take the money.
I do believe that you despise it, but you are willingly supporting a group of people who believe that its ok, not because the so called war on drugs isnt working, but because they believe that it should be legal.
I dont support or agree in any measure that confiscation is a valid, no more than I believe that the rico act is good...
The Democrat/Republican regime is making too much money and usurping
too much power from the War on Drugs. But drug use continues. The Drug
producers and distributors get rich. The politicians get rich. And the
American people pay more taxes to support the whole danged lot of them.
ROTFLMAO....and you dont think the libertarians are going to try and make money...there was apost on this tfl were a member posted there was some disagreement in the libertarian party over brown and his folks just doin it for the money?...i think its on that other thread....
The Democrats and Republicans are winning both money and increasing
power over the American people. Our Bill of Rights is being destroyed and
the American people are being disenfranchised. This, quite simply, must stop.

Our borders already are open. In the words of those who keep them, our
border are “sieves”. We must accept that and cope with it, or do what is
necessary to change it.
accept that and cope with it....dosent sound like you, I thought you'd want open borders, isnt that the libertarian platform ?
Voting for the current Democrat/Republican regime is to perpetuate the
current political machine. There are not enough so-called conservative
Republicans to bring about change or to prevent the demonization of gun
owners or to prevent gun registration and confiscation in America.
I sincerly hope your wrong here, and that there are enuf conservative republicans elected to halt this situation, I already know there arent enuf libertarians.....yet...
We agree that there is no defense for a statist such as Trent Lott, but you
continue to support him and advocate others do likewise. I quit. I won’t
support him any more.
My support for Lott is very grudging, I do believe he needs to be replaced, but thats up to his constituents....I never have liked the guy, he is not conservative enuf for me......look its like frist and thompson in my state, fred pissed me right off when he could not vote yea for the article of impeachment concerning whether clinton perjured himself or not---he had his head up his butt. that very action means he is not to be trusted and we in this state need to work to replace him. Frist, that poor little rich kid, lol.....he supports the Juvenille justice (finger in throat here), and that means we have to replace him, but were are our alternatives?....this is the home of brown and were is his vaunted libertarians????--you would think in his home area he could field somepeople, know? If he has who are they ? He dosent live more than 15-20 miles from me.....
To say that a Libertarian President would be powerless is an unsupportable
It is not unsupportable, your whole game plan relys on his ablity to muster the, what do ya'll call em again...oh yeah the ""SHEEPLE"", so that congress would not DARE to block anything he wanted, give me a break--they'll eat him up and spit him out for lunch and the american people will watch it likes it's oprah winfrey....sheesh....for ya'll to suceed you need to put forth that impression that it is unsupportable. I wish it was that simple, hell id vote for him, but its not....
* A Libertarian President would force Congress to overcome his vetoes.
Then Congresscritters would be forced to show their real colors to the
currently unaware American masses.
Do you not think they already know, and that they either dont care or they dont agree with you or for that matter me...?
* A Libertarian President would eliminate the current and tyrannical
Presidential Executive Orders.
I know that is what the platform says, but how is he going to lead without a supporting cast in congress????...ya reckon he might use executive orders?...otherwise he'd be like a fish out of water.
* A Libertarian President would eliminate the tyrannical regulations,
directives, rules, unwritten policies and procedures intended to enslave us.
Now this one is really reaching, How again is he to do this?...magic wand time again? Oh yeah I forgot he will use Executive Orders....
* What would a Libertarian President to the Internal Revenue Service,
Department of Justice, BATF, FBI, and the alphabet soup of enforcers currently in power?
I would sure like to see changes there, and he could with the power of his office affect the appointment of the director of the fbi, and the dept of justice, and Im not sure if he appts the rest or not, but he cant get rid of them with out congress---unless he uses .......executive orders.....and I bet congress would overrule that.....
* What kind of judge would the President nominate to the Supreme Court?
How could the Democrats and Republicans NOT confirm nomination after
nomination of qualified judges of integrity? The Democrat/Republican
political machine could not withstand such obstructionism for long.
Oh come on,,,,,,You do know of a federal Judge by the name of BORK....he is probably the strictiest constitutionalist around and they destroyed him politically....This is a crucial area and pro constitutional judges need to be elected,....
You state, “As far as the libertarian track record Ive asked many times and
have not received any kind of response, ...” I would ask readers of our posts
to review this thread and judge for themselves.
Im asking for examples, peoples names,positions they've won how long they stayed in office ,,, not party platform and rhetoric, come on there has to be some and ya'll have to know who they are, heck your carrying there water.......
You state, “I feel that our government and institutions are out of control....
“Like you I fear too that if a significant change does not occur in our
government and our institutions that the loss we suffer will be great and it
will be the death knell of our country. Unfortunately, I am not convinced of
the ability of the Libertarian party to suceed in such an endever...”

* Even you, as a staunch Republican supporter, admit our government is out
of control. Apparently you agree the Democrat/Republican machine no
longer represents the American people. You admit the current path leads to
destruction and violence. So why continue the slide into Socialism? It’s time
for a change.
A staunch republican I am is someone who believes in our constitution and dont feel that the party you support can att do what you profess it can do, Im not alone in that belief or your party would have a significant position nationally. Im concerned that the "its time for a change" and the change will be the democrats will have both houses of congress and the presidency.
* Even if you are NOT sure the Libertarians will be better, why continue
with what assuredly is worse? It doesn’t make sense.
This could be the crux of our positions. Iam not sure the libertarians can do anything on a national scale ...att....
Ive gotten the impression from our posts that you believe the problem is so great and they system is so flawed that there is no hope of correcting the problems,,,,I dont feel that way, I think the problems can be corrected with the proper people and support, The existing politcal situation we find ourselves in did not occur over night and I doubt if it can be changed overnight.
Even the libertarians will be working within the existing structure of our politcs, that cant be changed over night. In some areas they cant even get on the ballot, so how are they going to win nationally?
* The Republican/Democrats won’t change. They have too much to gain by
perpetuating the current system of usurping power and gaining control over
the American people.
That is not true, the party's have changed many times, depending upon the members....ronald regan, and nixon were not the same, carter and clinton wee not the same, the democratic party of hubert humphrey is not the democratic party of today. And they do perpetuate the system that instilled them in power, changes are need there as well, but ya cant make the changes unless you can get elected, and yall cant get elected....----
* Both Republicans AND Democrats are calling publicly for gun
it sucks too, and I hope we burn the bums who have turned on us......
But, for lack of a “track record”, you refuse to support the RKBA promised
by the Libertarians?
That is correct, were is the evidence that they will be effective in a state let alone at the national level, even if they could be elected, so if I vote for the libertarians and they dont win, what happens, the democrats do and they will rush to destroy the second amendment, and yes some of the rockefeller style types will help them and some republicans will not, at the very least they will be in a position to try and stop the democrats, and ill go home and look in my mirror...sheesh....although Ill tell ya this is the one area, That I do believe a libertarian president could use his veto pen, if its not overridden.
inertia, Fubsy. You are continuing on the path to
tyranny in the vain hope the snake will change its personality and have a
sudden burst of morality. Not likely. If the Libertarians can not break the
Democrat/Republican stranglehold on the American Presidency, we will get
the promised increase in gun control - which leads to registration and
confiscation. And you will have the Democrats and Republicans to thank for
taking the very actions they promised.
Inertia is the very thing I want to stop,,,the damn democrats and rockefeller republicans passing more gun control--but you have to be electable and get elected to do it and one here and one there aint gonna get it done.......
And, similar to the snake, if you protest the loss of our Right to Keep and
Bear Arms, the Democrats and Republicans will say, “You knew what I was
when you voted for me!”
have you never heard of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer.....the partys are not fixed in stone, they can be changed, they have been changed-----its like ive said earlier I dont care who ya vote for, but when ya lose and all of us continue to lose faster with out any potential of slowing em down, remember ya voted your councience(sp) I like everything they do no, do you like everything the libertarians stand for?, of course they have done little so its easy to like em, they can have positions without compromise, because its all rehetoric, heck, i like the rhetoric--its the reality I have a problem with....

My friend we have hashed this till Im sick of it, Im gonna continue my packing and move and maybe if we can find something new to disagree about we could start stay safe and keep up the good fight my friend...fubsy.

Having read this whole thread it seems to me that you are caught up in the fatalistic reasoning that "the system is as it is, and until something changes I will continue my course toward the cliff, for any change I try to make will only take me there faster."

It's like saying to the fireplace, "Give me heat, and only THEN will I put wood in you!"


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
No thats not quite what Im saying, you say...
"the system is as it is, and until something changes I will continue my course toward the cliff, for any change I try to make will take me their faster".....
1. The reality is that the system is as it is, and no amount of rhetoric will change that, it takes votes---and once again---ya'll dont have the base to get elected att to make those sweeping changes that a prez alone cant make....
2. If you think that the course for the cliff is going to reverse with an elected libertarian as president, you've missed the points ive been making about what a president can do and cant do with out the use of exectuive orders and who does make those changes and thats congress, some lone libertarian president isnt going to get it done. What mechanisms can he use to make it happen?...he's not a king or a wizard his power is not absolute and he has no magic wand.
3. Obviously if the course cant be changed over night we will continue towards that cliff, and i feel that by giving my vote to a canidate (libertarian), att....who has no ability to get elected on his platform is increasing the rate we will travel toward that cliff, not because the libertarian view is wrong necessarily but because if enuf voters vote for them they in effect become a spoiler in our system and help the democratic party get reelected? in this election there is a good chance that the democrats will take both the house and senate back--is that what anyone of us wants?, our worse case scenario?...yeah I know we can be comforted by our mirrors as the legislation hits the fast track and the nra and loses potential allies.........otoh, like all the republicans or not, and I dont, at least with some republicans in office we have a mechanism in place to allow us to try and slow down this erosion of our rights so we can stop and change this jugernaught of the press and liberal/socialist/anti-constitutionalists.
4. I dont see libertarianism as a positive change not saying it cant become one, I think it is still a fledgling organization, and if the american people believe in the message it will grow, they are starting to, and it is getting frustrated republicans as members who are supposedly conservative, yet two main planks are definitely not conservative--borders and drugs, perhaps those issues need to be readressed by both parties. The question is how long will they stay with them?
5. Another problem that I have is that I dont see all republicans as democrats and cant lump them together, like ya'll like to do with your more than I could lump ya'll in with anarchists...changes need to be made and I think they can still be made from with in, this election will tell many things about this country------the fight for our country isnt hinged on one election, not even this one. Although a loss to the democrats will most likely put us further behind the 8-ball, and yes I want to slow and stop and destroy the bastards....our views are different as to how that will happen.........tell me something, do you really feel the democrats will break ranks........and as a unified voting block who will win?
..........Perhaps Im just to JINGOISTIC, ......fubsy.

I'll keep this brief.

Any fledgling orginization needs support if it is to become more of a force to deal with.

No, one election will not reverse our course.

No, a Libertarian president would not have a magic wand, but as Dennis has expressed, at least he would have the power to veto unconstitutional legislation and force the individuals of congress to show their true colors in overriding the veto. This would be a start.

Yes, a vote for a Libertarian MAY give the presidency to a Democrat, but what of it? Let get this whole damnable slide to enslavement over with, and have it done. I don't plan on living to serve some self-proclaimed tyrant, but I can die with a clear concience that I voted against such a slide But if the will of the people choose slavery over freedom, then LET THEM HAVE IT. As a practicing Christian, I have a knowledge of better things to come. Death is only a doorway.

Those who DON'T vote only contribute to the problem and deserve what their apathy gains them.

You and I will NOT stand by idle, and I know that we both will cast our vote for what we think would be the best thing for this country.

For that I am truly grateful.



"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
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Dennis will start part II

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
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