Republicans v. Libertarians (OPTIONAL reading)

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Staff Emeritus

If you are offended by our discussion, skip this thread!

It’s not worth your peace of mind or your health to be upset by threads you
easily can skip!

a) Of course, everyone is free to chime in - helpful comments can clarify

b) Let’s keep the discussion on THIS thread rather than mucking up other
folks’ offerings.

c) Let’s stay civil. If we can present facts clearly, we each can evaluate them
and come to different, even opposing positions in a rational, studied manner.
Let’s stay calm and let our facts do the fighting, OK? So, let me list our arguments as best I understand them at this time. Please add your views or correct any
misunderstanding that I have, OK? As we agree on corrections and
additions, I will re-post them (by editing) to this first post as proponents direct.

By editing this first post,
- We (and others) can keep track of where we stand just by reading the first
- A fair summary will be kept.
- We can even delete our later posts to save bandwidth for Rich. (After all,
he’s the guy paying to support our chat.)

We should vote Republican because:

1) To split votes between a Republican who has a good chance of winning the Presidency and a third-party candidate who has NO chance of winning probably would result in a Democrat President.

2) A Democrat President would:
a) Tax and spend worse than a Republican,
b) Destroy our gun rights quicker than a Republican,
c) Possibly even confiscate (or set-up confiscation of) our firearms.

3) A third-party President would unite Congress against the Presidency to
the extent that:
a) There would be little or no cooperation between the Congress and a third
Party President.
b) Such conflict would result in deadlocking our federal government and
preventing much useful (as well as less-than-useful) legislation.
c) Such conflict could adversely affect our international relations. (I don’t
know how far you feel this one could go, so please add to this one.)

4) If we (gun owners) abandon the Republican Party, and:
a) If they win, they see us as an impotent fringe group whom they can ignore.
b) If they lose, they see us as turncoats, unreliable supporters, etc.

5) A solid majority of either party will not be as handicapped and forced to compromise or as prone to compromise.

6) We should be more concerned with the Supreme Court than with the Congress. Supreme Court openings must be filled by Republicans (with Conservatives) rather than by Democrats (with Liberals) - so vote Republican for the sake of the Supreme Court appointments to be made.

7) We should give the Republicans one more chance - four more years.

8) A Republican President would eliminate some of the onerous Presidential Executive Orders.

9) A Republican might slow down the increasing gun control victories in Congress.

10) Libertarians have no track record - we have no way to tell if they will do what they promise.

11) Libertarians promise the world but won't be able to deliver.

We should vote Libertarian because:

1) Voting for a Republican is a wasted vote. The Republicans and Democrats are too similar to differentiate.
a) They both tax and spend too much.
b) They both are destroying our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and our way of
life. The only discernible difference is the Democrats are quicker and worse
than the Republicans.
c) If the Democrats have their way, we will lose our gun rights quickly.
d) If the Republicans have their way, we will lose our gun rights by
compromise in a slower manner, which is likely to be more effective than
trying to outlaw gun ownership quickly.
e) The Republocrats are pushing the U.S. into a subservience to the United Nations.
f) The Republocrats are entangling us needless, maybe illegal, maybe immoral treaties and conflicts.

2) Whether a Republican or Democrat wins the Presidency, we will lose.
a) However, if a third party, such as the Libertarians, win a large number of
voters, this represents “lost” votes to the Republocrats.
b) A party that wins the Presidency by a small margin can NOT claim a
c) Whoever wins will see the American people are getting wise to the
Republocrat games and getting fed up.

3) If gun owners would wake up and vote Libertarian there might just be a
chance for a third party candidate.

4) A third party candidate would reduce or eliminate many of our obnoxious,
anti-American programs - possibly saving our Republic.

5) A solid Democratic majority means more and more guns laws. The Republicans HAD a majority and we got more and more gun laws. The difference is only one of speed and severity - the eventual outcome would be the same with a Democratic or Republican majority.

6) The Supreme Court is important - they interpret the laws of our land. However, the President and the Congress are making both laws and directives with the power of law. The Supreme Court won't even decide whether the Second Amendment means what it obviously says! The Supreme Court, filled with appointees of the Republocrats won't even hear cases to restore our freedoms. Therefore, we must take over the Legislative and Executive Branches first - the Supreme Court later.

7) We have given BOTH the Democrats AND the Republicans MANY chances! Why would the NEXT four years be different from any of the previous "four years"? We can only lose more of the Bill of Rights by supporting these liars (Republicans and Democrats) for another for years.

8) A Libertarian President would eliminate ALL the onerous Presidential Executive Orders.

9a) Republicans facilitate and VOTE for gun control.

9b) A Libertarian President would veto ALL gun control measures. He would eliminate gun control directives in the entire Legislative Branch. He would work to revoke ALL gun control measures and punish violent offenders rather than "criminalize" decent Americans.

10) Liebertarians have no track record, but the Republican's track record shows them to be anti-gun "compromisers" with anything the Democrats come up with. With some 22,000 gun laws on the books, the two major parties have proven to be the enemies of freedom.

11) Both Libertarians and Republicans are making promises:

11a) Libertarians promise to eliminate gun control laws.

11b) Republicans, specifically Trent Lott, promised, gave his word, that Republicans would work with Democrats to enact NEW gun laws.
For additional references, see next post.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 06, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 08, 1999).]
As my offering against the Republocrats, I refer to the following travesties (possibly crimes) of our government and related supporters:

Thought Control:

Executive Orders:

International, governmental terrorism:

Gun control agenda:

Republicans Vote for Gun Control

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 06, 1999).]
havent we done this ad nauseum already.....
I would like to add one thing to your argument....when you talk about parties any party your talking about them as static organizations, non-changing. We know that this is not true, a solid majority of either party will not be as handicapped and forced to compromise or as prone to of the other serious problems we have are politicians poll use, the problem with that is they apparently work look at their use for clinton. So if the polls work that well, as evidenced, them the problem is education of our fellow citizens.....fubsy.
Deleted by Dennis to save loading time and bandwidth.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 04, 1999).]
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams, addressing Philidelphia State House on August 1, 1776.

I'm a Libertarian, but I pretty much always vote Republican. Now. I used to not vote (but always stay registered) so that my absence would add to the apparent illegitimacy of the system by demonstrating how many of us who bother to register are displeased with the candidates offered.

Unfortunately, I feel that it's unlikely that Libertarians are ever going to get anywhere in this system. I think we're headed right down the crapper, and it's been going that way my entire life (I'm going to be 33 in two weeks) - only now it's picking up speed. I fight like hell to buttress the 4th Amendment virtually every day at work, and it isn't getting any better. (I do win a few, and even some for the 2nd Amendment, but the way the wind is blowing is all too evident.)

Dennis, I'm glad you brought this up again, but I just don't think there's a constructiive solution. Boy, this is depressing. I'm glad I don't have kids. At least I was *born* in America.

last one out, bring the flag . . .

Dennis, thanks for starting this thread...good thinking to have it all in one place. I think the biggest hurdle to all of this is convincing enough folks to get "out of the box" of the alleged two-party system. Both main parties have held all the cards for so long, that most people cant fathom anything different beyond the (nauseating) staus quo. The Republicans are especially irritating when they spout off about "third parties"...dont they remember their own history?

Erich, I agree with you. I wonder some days if there is any way to steer clear of the storm we can all see on the horizon. I am also a Libertarian, who usually ends up voting for Republicans (they are usually Ok, down here in NC)

I do also agree that right now, we as a Nation, are treading water in a statist toilet, waiting for the next elected dictator to pull the handle. :(

But, I vote, and try to keep the faith...its all I can do, right now.
I was talking to a fellow just the other day about this very topic and he brought up a point that I do not recall seeing along these lines, nor had I thought of it:

Should we be concerned more about what legislation is passed by the new government, or should we be more concerned about who is appointed to the judgement seats by the new presidency?

The courts have the last word on a law, do they not? No matter what is passed in Congress can't the Supreme court render the verdict of "unconstitutional" and supercede congress and our president?

Of course it is the president and congress who make the decision of who will fill those seats.....

Maybe I'm way off here. If so, please give me the proper bearings! :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."
John, that's a good point, but unfortunately neither party's justices have been very good for us free men for some time now. I used to love Justice Scalia because he would never allow himself to be drawn into the weird federalizing constitutional theories of recent times. Unfortunately, even if he hasn't *presided* over the disembowling of the Fourth Amendment, he's certainly acquiesced to it.

I work with appellate courts, and I see a *lot* more hope at the state level. You see, the federal constitution provides only the *minimum* of rights that are required by law; states can recognize that their citizens have additional rights under the state constitutions.

John, I think you have a really good point here. How many of us particularly go out of our way to educate ourselves on the appellate judges/justices we elect/our representatives appoint (depending on your local system)? If folks were to approach this the way, say, the Christian Coalition has, and pester every prospective jurist with questions that hopefully would reveal his/her stance on recognizing the freedoms inherent to Man, we'd be a lot better off. As it is, though, we just get a lot of "Tough, but Fair" rhetoric from the clowns who want the job. It must be what the hoi polloi want, though, because no one gets upset about it.


I recall some people voted for National Socialists to keep Communists out of power. The way things went, they would have been better off voting with 8mm...

Seriously, why pick one of two bad ends just because you are convinced that an improvement isn't possible? Sometimes people do prevail against nasty odds (Finland '19 & '39, anyone?)
Well, guys, if those of us who vote Libertarian succeed in "giving the election to the Democrats," you can take heart from one thing:

The Libertarians will be the ones picking up their guns and heading for Washington when TSHTF.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
I doubt if ill take heart if the shtf and ya'll take up arms against a legally constituted govt.......especially when you by your choice gave that govt legitimacy and will be responsible for that govt existence...and all that comes from it....fubsy.
Following John's excellent point....

One has to understand how our system of government is supposed to work: legislative, judicial and executive.

Except for the infamous executive orders..the executive branch can not (not supposed to) make law...that is the perview of Congress and the Court is supposed to make sure laws are compatible with the Constitution. Our problems are 3-fold:
1) Congress has neglected its role by allowing the Executive branch make law thru creation of regulatory facto legislation thru regulation. Further, Congress has either forsaken or has no comprehension of the Constitution in legislating.
2) The Executive branch has ceased being the "COO" and become a dictatorship, backdooring legislation thru regulatory agencies, executive orders, and "agreements" with the UN/NATO/et al
3) The Judicial branch has lost the understanding of the Consitution, and flat out doesn't do its job. It has become politicized and populated with people who believe in the concept of an authoritarian big gov't, not the Constitution...thus it avoids key issues because of "PC" or they maybe harmful to the growth of big gov't in the future. De facto, they contribute to unconstitutional legislation by avoidence and omission.

Our society is composed of 3 basic types: gimmestuff/caregivers, apathetics/clueless and independent/self-reliant types....everyone will fit into to these 3 categories. The powerbase is money and aquisition and unfortunately more people want freebies than those who don't. As long as the gov't has the power to rape our wallets for as much as they want, we will have electees who will give it to someone in return for votes.

We all know the Dem/liberal position. The Reps took Congress on the promise of smaller gov't, lower taxes, less waste. Did we get it? Not in the't is bigger, more wastefull and taxes are higher...with the result of seducing more folks into the "gimmestuff" category.

What we need is national rage and a person to ride point on that...we ain't gonna get that from a Republican...they lie as much as Liberals.
So what if an Independent party candidate is against abortion? He can't do squat...thats the Court's job. So what if said candidate is for school prayer? He can't do squat...only Congress and the Court can deal with that. My point is that as long as the candidate understands and believes in the Constitution and operates one except the "gimmestuff" folks have anything to worry about. The President is supposed to be the "steersman" and a moral example. I'd bet anyone here on TFL could fill those shoes...we aren't talking supra-morality and we aren't talking rocket science. We are talking intelligence, integrity, honor, morality and trust.

There is no one in the Republican party that fills those shoes.

************** Article

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited August 07, 1999).]
...and once again, fubsy misses the point.

IF a Demonicrat wins in 2000, and IF said Demonicrat tries to take us even further into the socialist sewer, THEN you can damn sure bet that the Republicans won't be the ones to bail us out. It will be armed citizens doing their duty and fulfilling their obligations according to the Constitution.

We've seen it over and Over and FRIGGIN' OVER: Working within the system is waste of time, money, and energy! If it worked we wouldn't be in the festering sht!tpot we're in now, dammit!

Fubsy, listen up. Dig the taters outchyer ears for once. The Second Amendment is the ONLY thing standing between us and tyranny. By your post above, you intend to disavow all violence brought against any government elected by so-called "democratic" means. So why bother keeping your guns at all? Be a good little sheep and turn them in.

You know got-damn well that Junior or McCain or whoever won't do anything to protect your rights. Read my .sig again, and think about it! YOU'RE STILL VOTING FOR EVIL!

Call me a traitor for voting Libertarian if you want. I'll be able to look at myself in the mirror afterwards, and I'll get right up in your face if you try to call me on it.

Yeah, I'm a loud, confrontational bastard. I'm SICK of listening to whining compromisers who say "It'll work this time, really!" I'm SICK of being called a closet Demonicrat when I'm NOT. I'm SICK of all you "We can't win so we won't even try" LOSERS!


A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Deleted by Dennis to save loading time and bandwidth.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 05, 1999).]
I found this argument pertinent to this thread.

The site:

The article:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>---------------------------
How a third party
can win in 2000


© 1999

The final political insult to conservatives made by liberals came last week when the State of Maryland under dubious circumstances indicted Linda Tripp -- of all people -- for wiretapping Monica Lewinsky.
Never mind that Ms. Tripp already had immunity from prosecution given to her by Kenneth Starr -- and that his federal immunity supercedes any state's ability to charge her for this crime. Never mind that the Lt. Governor of Maryland, just a week before the indictment was handed down, rode on Air Force One with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton to the JFK Jr. funeral. Never mind that Ms. Tripp, more than anyone else, deserves to be hassle-free and that President Bill Clinton, more than anyone else, deserves to be indicted for real criminal activity.

But no indictments of Clinton will ever be handed down because so-called Republican "conservatives" in Congress are too weak, too compromised, and too focused on perpetuating their own existence to do anything about it. And many of Clinton's socialist buddies in the Democrat Party are guilty of colluding with the president to commit many of his crimes.

I'm telling you, folks -- if ever we needed to clean house, the 2000 election is the time to do it.

But that won't happen as long as real conservatives, independents and fed-up folks keep listening to the "political experts" tell us it "can't be done outside of the Democrat and Republican Parties." Horse dust -- tell that to the governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura.

It can be done and it must be done. And there's a way to get it done.

We've all heard the influential talking heads on both sides give their primary reason for discounting any serious third-party challenge for the presidency and Congress. Any such challenge will only take votes away from (GOP or Democrat -- circle one), and therefore cause the (GOP or Democrat -- circle one) to win by default, so the big lie goes.

Wait a minute. With a couple hundred million potential voters out here -- many of whom are sick and tired of the corrupt "business" of "mainstream politics" -- claiming that no third party can win any election is worse than ludicrous. It's downright insulting because claiming that assumes that you and I are stupid if we choose "none of the above" and "waste" our vote on putting a third party into power.

If you're like me, you're probably tired of "wasting your vote" on the two mainstream political parties -- both of which have merged for all intents and purposes. I realize, as you do, that yes, both parties still speak about differing points of view. And on occasion, one party actually opposes the other on some insignificant piece of legislation that ultimately wouldn't make much difference out here in the Hinterland if it did pass.

But the fact is, regardless of whether the Democrats or Republicans have been in charge, the federal government has steadily grown more repressive, more expensive, larger, more complex, and less responsive over the past 60 years. Pretending otherwise is folly and it's a lie.

Worse, the Republicans -- supposedly the party of smaller government -- has kept the EPA, the IRS, the BATF, the Commerce Department, the Department of Education and the National Endowment for the Arts around to suck away more of our money and liberties than ever before. We don't have fewer power-hungry bureaucrats since Republicans took over Congress -- we have more. And because the GOP has refused to rein in William Jefferson Clinton, he has been able to write numerous executive orders and presidential decrees that directly usurp congressional power and have, in essence, created a dictatorship in the White House.

It's time for this charade to end. It's time to say, "No more!" to career politicians who owe their souls to special interest groups, lobbying firms, big corporate donors and a president who has too much on them.

There is a solution, and it came to me during a recent interview on my talk show with Sen. Bob Smith, the newly-independent, former GOP senator from New Hampshire who wants to be our next president.

Sen. Smith appealed to my Catholic and Protestant listeners to support him, primarily, because he is staunchly pro-life, would appoint only pro-life judges to the Supreme Court so we could finally get rid of Roe. v. Wade, and would appoint only pro-constitutional judges to the federal bench. He was so adamant when taking this (and other) positions on the issues that a few of our listeners actually called the show just to say they were changing their minds and supporting Smith.

That's a powerful response to a powerful message.

Now just suppose that others who have similarly powerful messages -- like Pat Buchanan, Alan Keyes, Harry Browne, Steve Forbes, and Howard Phillips -- were to band together? What kind of voting block would these candidates draw? What if Reform Party supporters joined as well?

Disenfranchised conservatives from both major parties would flock here, as would the already large (and growing) base of independent voters around the country.

These leaders, regardless of whom they chose as candidates for president and vice president, could make a pledge to each other that if their candidates won the White House, each of them would be placed in various positions within the administration. That way nobody goes away a loser -- each of them wins something, with this country winning the most. Since incumbent administrations usually have the advantage (except for this year), it's logical to assume that the leadership coalition we placed in power in 2000 -- with their small government, pro-constitutional ideals -- would be there for some time to come.

As one set of leaders served out their time in the White House, a new pair could be drawn from the remaining group, and so on.

I personally would support such a platform -- one filled with the constitutional ideals these leaders espouse. No matter who the top two candidates are in 2000, in 2008 there will be two more we can draw upon. But these people must pledge to include the others in each new administration's Cabinet.

If enough Americans get it through their heads that there is more to political life than simply Democrats and Republicans this can work. If enough Americans were educated to the fact that there are really only two kinds of politicians -- those who support and defend our constitutional rights and those who do not -- this can work.

But don't be fooled by the rhetorical lambasting such an idea will draw from the "big two" political parties. Anytime their traditional bases of power are threatened they will attack.

United we stand and divided we fall. Enough of this fractious infighting. No more Linda Tripps. [/quote]


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited August 07, 1999).]
can you still put up the initial post I responded to and my response......Id like to see them and not have them removed, give me a minute and ill respond to conneach's vituperative remarks.....fubsy.

......I dont know what happened but after I posted this I started receiving them....tks fubsy...

[This message has been edited by fubsy (edited August 03, 1999).]
your post...
Well, guys, if those of us who vote Libertarian succeed in "giving the election to the Democrats," you can take heart from one thing:
The Libertarians will be the ones picking up their guns and heading for Washington when TSHTF----------------------------------

my response....
I doubt if ill take heart if the shtf and ya'll take up arms against a legally constituted govt.......especially when you by your choice gave that govt legitimacy and will be responsible for that govt existence...and all that comes from it....fubsy.
Your response....
...and once again, fubsy misses the point.
IF a Demonicrat wins in 2000, and IF said Demonicrat tries to take us even further into the socialist sewer, THEN you can damn sure bet that the Republicans won't be the ones to bail us out. It will be armed citizens doing their duty and fulfilling their obligations according to the Constitution.

My response....
why wait conneach, according to you were already in a **** pot....the system dosent work, so why havent you already marched? Why wait for 2000, go for it.....lets dont try to resolve problems with out bloodshed, and destruction......have ya'll marched and i missed hearing about it....(must be the taters),, If the shtf I assure you that there will be republicans there as well, that if their still CITIZENs.......oh I forgot, their sheeple cause they dont believe like you....not very libertarian is it? they dont get to have their freedom to think and behave the way they want...---------------------------------

your part.......
We've seen it over and Over and FRIGGIN' OVER: Working within the system is waste of time, money, and energy! If it worked we wouldn't be in the festering sht!tpot we're in now, dammit!-----------------------------

I agree, we have suffered huge losses and enormous frustration.......what worries me the most is that I cant find a way out....there dosent seem to be one,,,,,,the people and kids have been brainwashed for years with the press in print and tv and Im not sure if we can get through to them....----------------------------

your response.....

Fubsy, listen up. Dig the taters outchyer ears for once. The Second Amendment is the ONLY thing standing between us and tyranny. By your post above, you intend to disavow all violence brought against any government elected by so-called "democratic" means. So why bother keeping your guns at all? Be a good little sheep and turn them in.-------------------------------

My reply....
I just have had hard time believing your that dont think I know the second amendment is the keystone of our bill or rights?...If it bothers you that i dont necessarily want to see death and destruction up close and personal in this country...tough..if you want it so bad, have at it........As far as using a gun against a government that has been duly elected by the people, you bet Ive a problem with it. The framers of our constitution gave us the means to have a violence free revolution in this country every four years, we have allowed our system to become corrupt, Im not sure if it needs to be destroyed in order to be repaired. As far as turning in my firearms...wanna come collect em...baaaa

your post.....
You know got-damn well that Junior or McCain or whoever won't do anything to protect your rights. Read my .sig again, and think about it! YOU'RE STILL VOTING FOR EVIL!-------------------------

My reply....
Who said Im voting for either one, Ive posted that I like smith, and alan keyes.... and if they had a chance of winning id vote for em.......providing they had support....
LIke you I could make the assumption that the two will not do what I want, I know no one who would, not even your wizard brown, who will wave his magic wand and make the world grand again.....the only libertarian Iam aware of who has won anything and Id vote for is ron paul-----he has a track record, he dosent survive on rhetoric, using old saying's to prop him self up as his only means of qualification.....EVil---I assume your refering to the definition of: a source of sorrow or distress.....well I gotta tell ya if the democrats when again ill certainly be in sorrow and again if i dont vote the way Connieach, heck im voting for thats narrow and bigoted, or I could just say how liberal.....sheesh....

your post..
..Call me a traitor for voting Libertarian if you want. I'll be able to look at myself in the mirror afterwards, and I'll get right up in your face if you try to call me on it.

My response....
WHAT IN HELL are you talking about.....Unlike you I support and believe in peoples rights to their beliefs, even if i disagree with them....I dont think there sheeple, or whining, or any such tripe, their entitled to their opinion. You carry that mirror around a lot do your gonna get right up in my face for what? silly....your one bad computer screen is shaking reading that....----------------------------

your post....
Yeah, I'm a loud, confrontational bastard. I'm SICK of listening to whining compromisers who say "It'll work this time, really!" I'm SICK of being called a closet Demonicrat when I'm NOT. I'm SICK of all you "We can't win so we won't even try" LOSERS!--------------------------

My reply.....
I dont mind confrontation, I like got more bring it on...I dont think Ive called you a closet democrat, I have (and im not sure if it was you), stated that the tactics i see from libertarians tend to be the same that the democrats know what I mean, running out of argument and start calling people loser, sheeple, and whiners, etc.....another words having lost the argument go to personal attacks....-----------------------"We can't win so we won't even try" LOSERS!----------------------
Im almost convinced that you believe everything is black and white---Im sure your not naieve on that point so you must be rigid in your thinking.......Ive said before and iLl try once again.....Im not you enemy unless you choose to make me one....we will have to work at solutions to our common problem independently of each other....I have not dismissed out of hand a 3rd party canidate, unless its that brown guy....the right canidate, the supporting cast, but I will not give a democrat a win.....And if i have to vote for a republican to keep them out of office, ill do it and keep working for change, and you can go back and look in your mirror.....baaaaaaaaabaaaaaaa...fubsy.

(This post has been edited by Administrator for formatting problems only)

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited August 07, 1999).]
THIS is what I like! Nice, civil discourse! (sigh)

Okay, grab the gasket cement, repair the blown gaskets, and move on.

Coinneach has good reason to be frustrated. The Republicans and Democrats put on a good show about being adversaries. In some individual cases, it may be true. However, most members of the two parties have become indistinguishable from one another - a single, large, government-rule supporting mass.

The "individuals" certainly include Ron Paul, Bob Smith, Alan Keyes, and on some issues a few others.

But let's look at the bottom line. Is gun control becoming more restrictive or less restrictive? The answer, on which I hope we all agree, is that every year there are more gun laws and other restrictions. We ARE losing the war with our current tactics.

As Fubsy stresses, we have a choice for a bloodless revolution at the ballot box every four years.

However, we are not taking advantage of that bloodless revolution. And, I repeat myself, a government may be "legally constituted", but it is NOT a legal government when it repeatedly violates the Constitution it is sworn to uphold. The German National Socialist party and apparatus being a vivid example of an elected, but tyrannical government.

Am I comparing our current government to the Nazis? Yes. Obviously they are not carting off dissidents to the ovens - but our current crop of Republicans and Democrats are violating the Constitution and virtually EVERY one of the Bill of Rights on a daily basis. We have become numb to their offenses. We need to awaken both ourselves and our leaders and show them that the current slide into paternalistic Socialism is NOT acceptable.

Neither the Republicans or Democrats get the picture - therefore I can see only three choices.

1) Continue to vote for Republicans or Democrats - either will continue to degrade freedom in America. Let conditions worsen until we no longer have the means to resist and become subjects - just like those nice "civilized" folks in England. (Barf!)

2) Vote for someone other than Republicans or Democrats. This is the bloodless revolution Fubsy mentions - the most practical solution to the "Republocrat" problem.

3) Fight! The Bloody Revolution! A solution NONE of us wants, but a solution we must keep viable. That's what the Second Amendment is all about.

I pick number two.

We have waited "four more years" time after time to no avail! Why would anyone think the NEXT four years would be different than those of the past?

The current government (Reps & Dems) have NO reason to change their course. They are liars - for ignoring the promises made in their party platforms. I am hoping that by voting for NON-Republocrats they will see the error of their lies - even if a Libertarian majority is (at the moment) not likely.

We MUST retain our Right to Keep and Bear Arms - and we are losing that Right, inch by inch, under the Republocrats!

Vote now or shoot later!
I'd really like to first thank Dennis, Coinneach, John/Az2, and the other libertarians here for bringing the party to my attention. Before I started here I really did not know much about them, and now thanks to them, I have found a political home. I'll be voting Libertarian. Please let me explain why. These are complex issues, but I'll be as breif as possible

We want "them" to stop trying to take our guns away, right. Then logically what we need to do is understand why they want to do that. I'll sidestep any NWO conspiracy theories, and look at the American People. the people, citizens, who don't want guns in this country, do have a legitimate complaint. Too many people are dying by gun-fire. The large number of people being killed or wounded is their primary weapon againstus. It seems logical that if fewer people were killed, then the "Gun Problem" would decrease, and the motivation for gun control would also decrease.
So how do you get fewer people killed? As shown on the A&E Guns in America special, and the nightly news, there is a WAR going on on our streets. This war is the cause of the majority of the malicious gun-fire in this country. What's the war over? Drugs and turf. The Libertarian Party seeks to decriminalize drugs. This would ham-string the black market drug industry, putting them out of business. Check a history book on prohibition, and then tell me when was the last time Seagrams, Miller, or Bud did a drive-by. doesn't happen.

Now I don't advocate drug use, however I do believe that drug addiction is a medical problem, not criminal. The current "War On Drugs" is a complete waste of time, MONEY, and effort, and has been a complete failure. After billions of $$$ spent, drugs are still readily available in every city, town, or shanty in America. This money can be better spent by you and I, in the form of tax cuts.

Now for issues like Columbine, etc, the solution to this problem is simply more parental attention and control. To give parents more opportunity to spend time RAISING there kids, they'll need to spend less time working to pay the Gov't for crap that doesn't do any good anyway, like the "War On Drugs", Welfare, corporate welfare, and so on. The LP stand on reducing taxes and the size of government will work towards this.

When I looked at I learned something very interesting. Since the early fifties, income tax has grown at approximately the same rate as the proportion of income brought into the family by working women. So basically all these working mothers, are doing so just to fund this big oversized government we've got here.
I have no problem anyone working, but to HAVE to, in order to meet the tax burden, while your children suffer for it is SLAVERY.

The Republicans and Democrats only offer more flavors of the same old crap, and I'm sick of it.

Vote Libertarian for a Change!!!!!!!

"I am convinced that we can do to guns what we've done to drugs: create a multi-billion dollar underground market over which we have absolutely no control."

George L. Roman

"The U.S. Constitution may be flawed, but it's a whole lot better than what we have now."

"If we can put a man on the moon, why can't we put Clinton there?"

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