Republicans for Obama- Reverse Racism?

Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that YOU misrepresented the information in the article to suit your views and political orientation and then wanted an apology when you were called for it.

Just because you don't like it that Powell might have considered an opposition candidate for any reason (be it race, sex, or whatever) doesn't mean that all black Republicans are doing the same thing.

The very fact that Powell, a general and lifetime Republican would EVEN CONSIDER Obama, which is purely based on Race, is a slap and is racist no matter how you interpret the article.

Just curious, Gatorhugger, where did you get this fact? Born and raised in Harlem to Jamacan parents, he comes from a democratic party background environment. He has not always been in step with Republican Party ideals and he left the White House in 2004 under less than ideal circumstances. His party affiliation before the 1990s is not known to be Republican. His biography goes into some detail on his bipartisan work with both parties. So how do you know he is a lifetime Republican?

Why would you be shocked by a disgruntled Republican switching parties?

FYI, it does not matter if Powell was a general or not. There have been Democrat generals in the past.

You think I called you out for lying? You did lie by misrepresenting what was stated in the article are and continuing to do so.
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I have a bad feeling about this election for both Repubs.and Dems. In regard to reverse racism - I just see 'racism' and I don't know of any race who has a monopoly on racism. Obama is perhaps the most racist candidate, himself,to be elected to the presidency since LBJ or Richard Nixon. Obama troubles me, however, because he's going to take office at a dire time in history, and I just don't see him hitting the ground running. There's been so much focus on his 'race' and the 'need for change' - I think it's distracted folks from focusing on how these big changes are going to be accomplished. I see a tough time ahead, and I think it could be worser than Jimmy Carter's time in office and the 1st term of Bill Clinton. It could be a royal disaster.

With that being said about Obama, I don't see any rays of sunshine coming from McCain and the Republicans. Afterall, they created much of this mess. McCain just doesn't get it; he's waaaaay out of touch with how people are wanting real change...and he seems to be offering very little change. He seems to be offering war with Iran?

In regard to the future of race relations, I believe an Obama administration
will accomplish three things: 1) it will break the glass ceiling, and inadvertantly destroy the myths of 'reverse racism' and 'institutional racism'
2) it will open up a more sophisticated dialogue of race relations in the U.S.A. and the door will be opened for accusations of black racism and double standards to legally stick. 3) This is tough, but America will either be more united - or, if things get bad for Obama and the 'new dialogue', it could open up the door to what some might call the Balkanization of America - at least in terms of culture.

The next administration is going to be handed a mess. The next administration's honeymoon is going to be cut short by the stress of $5 gas,
rampant inflation, and two costly wars that have become quagmires.
In a sense the U.S. is in a position similar to Russia's after the 1st Chechnya War. Putin was a smart effective, strong leader who turned Yeltsin's blunder into Chechnya into a more effective deescalated situation of containment. He also helped turnaround the Russian economy.

If Obama is strong - then he might be the man for the dire hour. If he is weak - then he might be a disaster. Race? Well, it's a double edge sword, and I just hope three years from now I'm not worried about healthcare costs while pumping $7 gas while troops are still bogged down in Iraq/Afghanistan... Race could prove to be an ugly distraction, a red herring to our real problems. I've been accused of being racist for being critical of Condi Rice, and I've been accused of being racist for not being overjoyed about Obama. Nobody , however, has ever blessed me as being nonracist for supporting Colin Powell. I find that all too typical and telling. The next administration could very well open a new Panadora's Box and divide us all. We shall see. The Bush Adm. certainly opened a Pandora's Box in regard to U.S. Foreign Policy.

Maybe one Party will be destroyed in a few years to come and in its place a Libertarian Party will achieve more power. I think Americans are hungry for a more libertarian sensibility.
My boss is a black man. (I'm White) I love my boss, he loves me. We have a very good understanding with our working relationship, and get along very well personally. He said he doesnt like Obama. He doesnt like his opinions, and kinda thinks he's full of poop.

We both are voting McCain. Most other people I work with are on the Obama band wagon (they are all white). Some of them were even going for Hillary. But now it's just me and my boss Going for McCain;) I talk about it every now and then with my co workers. But they always say "well Obama will change things" And they never seam to know how. They just say "he will make the economy better, and get us out of Iraq". When I discuss facts and reality with them, and the obvious movement towards socialism and the striping of our rights, they dont listen, they like to think things are easy, and that the media is telling the truth, and that campaign adds and promises are reality. :eek:

Obviously none of them are members of TFL.... Unfortunately, this is true of most Americans. Black or White.
Racism is discrimination or prejudice based on race. Not just white prejudice or discrimination against blacks.

It's not "reverse racism" if a black person discriminates against whites, it's just plain racism.

A Racist is a racist no matter what color.