Republicans for Obama- Reverse Racism?


Big article in my paper today about how ALL the black republicans are going to vote for Obama. They feel it is too historic an opportunity to have representation of a black male, that 100% feel that they are voting Obama. That includes long term Repubs like JC Watts and Colin Powell and long term black repub talk show hosts.

Makes me wonder if these are really true republicans or just calling themselves that for their betterment. Now that it's the choice of voting black or sticking to their so called principles, they go black.
( and never go back. Couldn't resist that :)
I'll say one think about the races, the blacks stick together at all costs.

Someone commits murder and is black, they say he's innocent.
Someone runs for President and has voted against your party his whole life, you vote for him anyway.
It's a consistent bunch. Black Power never really died, it's just been brewing under the surface for decades. In middle class white America, to vote because of skin color would be racist. For Powell, it's perfectly acceptable.

This double standard of Black Power and promoting Black gains at all cost is pathetic and is systematic of the problem of race relations. There will always be pride and prejudice since the minority will never let the issue drop or live a day of their lives without secretly planning revenge and rejoicing at every opportunity the majorities demise.
Maybe they just see which way the wind is blowing and are looking out for their best interests in the next few years?
This double standard of Black Power and promoting Black gains at all cost is pathetic and is systematic of the problem of race relations. There will always be pride and prejudice since the minority will never let the issue drop or live a day of their lives without secretly planning revenge and rejoicing at every opportunity the majorities demise.

Get off your racism high horse. There is no double standard. Special interest voting happens all the time. Fremmer has a very good point...

People vote for who they want to vote for, for whatever the reason. That's the system.

So where is this alledged article that claims 100% of black republicans are voting for Obama? How did they get Watts and Powell to go on the record to say that this would happen or to reveal how they are voting?

It is hard to believe such absolutist nonsense, especially when no source is provided.
Probably some self-interest in it. Punching a hole through that glass ceiling ultimately helps their careers too.
There is some racism involved in the rank and file backing of Obama but that cuts both ways. Notice the disproportion of primary votes to caucus delegates? Public declarations are out of sync with private votes. Shame we still have that problem in this country. :(
If Obama were trying to make it as a rapper they would claim he's not black enough to understand them since his mother was white and he came from a middle class background. He hasn't exactly had a life that would lead me to believe he's at all in touch with black culture. Somehow I cannot picture Obama throwing in 50-Cent's latest cd on the way to work in the morning.

If Obama is elected racists will just say the only reason Obama has some drive and some smarts is that he is half white. His election won't change their minds about blacks in any way. He'll be tagged as the "1/2 a Prez", the "Spoda-be Prez", and the "50 per'Cent Prez".
I'll say one think about the races, the blacks stick together at all costs.
This can probably be said about most ethnic groups. It's somewhat fundamental to human nature. However, it's ALWAYS considered "hate" when whites overtly organize along racial lines.

For example, it is perfectly acceptable to have a black, Hispanic, Asian, or Jewish student group on a college campus. This is considered a commendable display of "diversity." It is absolutely NOT acceptable to have a group dedicated to promoting white interests. This is considered a display of "hate."

Of course many (or most?) whites are also racially-conscious; it's just that whites are the only people who are required to hide it.
In my opinion this entire election has been about race and of course our great media loves it that way. Does anyone here truly believe a well spoken white man would have beat Hillary, not a prayer in my mind. The far left have a minority ladder they judge everyone on and the white woman is at the bottom and this what we've come too, not quality but making a statement.:(
I'm sure some rino's white or black will vote for B.O

I am equally sure no real conservative, whether Eskimo or Aborigine, Chinese or
Native American or Black or White...will vote for B.O
I wonder how Alan Keyes feels about having to vote for Obama because he's black. Keyes is someone who I could get behind because of his beliefs and character. The Republicans should have run him instead of McCain who I think is a huge mistake as a candidate whether he wins or not.
Double Naught Spy
So where is this alledged article that claims 100% of black republicans are voting for Obama? How did they get Watts and Powell to go on the record to say that this would happen or to reveal how they are voting?

It is hard to believe such absolutist nonsense, especially when no source is provided.

The article does not state that "100% of black republicans are voting for Obama". However, it does make that point that many so-called conservative black voters "revel over the possibility of a black president".

Here it is:
They're idiots. An Obama presidency could set back race relations 50 years. If he screws up badly, and the empty suit will do just that if elected, it will be blamed on his race (or at least his self-professed racial identity) rather than his glib pronouncements of popular nothingness and lack of any discernible qualifications or ability.
No one should be allowed to call themselves a Republican or a conservative if they express even the possibiliy that they might vote for someone who's views are so close to those of Karl Marx.
An Obama presidency could set back race relations 50 years. If he screws up badly, and the empty suit will do just that if elected, it will be blamed on his race (or at least his self-professed racial identity) rather than his glib pronouncements of popular nothingness and lack of any discernible qualifications or ability.

Exactly right. Well said sir. Just to add, its a sad state of affairs when the quality of candidates for the most powerful office in the world is so poor.
"So where is this alledged article that claims 100% of black republicans are voting for Obama? How did they get Watts and Powell to go on the record to say that this would happen or to reveal how they are voting?

It is hard to believe such absolutist nonsense, especially when no source is provided."
Well now that you got your article, where is the apology to me Double naught? You basically called me a liar for making it up. Well I did NOT. :mad:
Well now that you got your article, where is the apology to me Double naught? You basically called me a liar for making it up. Well I did NOT

Well Gatorhugger, no apologies here. Having an article citation does provide a source, but you still misrepresented the information. When folks cite an alledged article and then debate its content online without providing the source, then we are left with only having the descenting view of the person reporting the supposedly horrific article. In this case, that was you. I didn't doubt that the article existed, only the absolutist nonsense you reported...which turned out to be nonsense after all!

You said,
Big article in my paper today about how ALL the black republicans are going to vote for Obama.
{You provided the caps and I provided the bold}

This statement is pure garbage as the article DOES NOT make any such claim.

It does NOT say that Watts and Powell are going to vote for Obama.

J.C. Watts, a former Oklahoma congressman who once was part of the GOP House leadership, said he's thinking of voting for Obama.

Likewise, retired Gen. Colin Powell, who became the country's first black secretary of state under President George W. Bush, said both candidates are qualified and that he will not necessarily vote for the Republican.

Yes, Watts and Powell have considered the option, but that doesn't mean that is how they will vote. Why did you misrepresent this? Why did you take statements that were definitely not absolutist and make them that way?

Good God, the article title specifically states that black conservatives are conflicted about Obama and then backs up the title with information. NOWHERE does it state that 100% of black conservatives are going to vote for Obama.

I noticed that you conveniently left out quotes by the likes of Michael Steele, a black republican himself who opposed Obama...

Michael Steele, the Republican former lieutenant governor of Maryland who lost a Senate race there in 2006, said he is proud of Obama as a black man, but that "come November, I will do everything in my power to defeat him." Electing Obama, he said, would not automatically solve the woes of the black community.

So you think I called you a liar and you are looking for an apology? You are a FUNNY FUNNY person!!! :barf:
voter are fools most of the time

how many of you can say you would not vote for a candidate based on some minimal number of criteria. I continually read post of those who will vote for one candidate or another becasue the candidate is or is not: christian, black, male, military hero, long time party member, gun rights supporter, environmentalist, wealthy, will challange Roe v Wade, does not support school prayer, lower taxes, free lunch, ad infinitum. That why its called politics and politicians like to find that one item that will get you to vote for them. Most people are fooled by one or two items and fail to look at the future rather than the present when one or two traits are more important than others.
The very fact that Powell, a general and lifetime Republican would EVEN CONSIDER Obama, which is purely based on Race, is a slap and is racist no matter how you interpret the article.
You are correct it did not say 100% guaranteed they would vote democrat, but it does say there is an entire group of old school republicans considering Obama( no they will never come out and declare it and say how they pulled the levers, but read between the lines people)
So this is not nonsense, its a fact. ( thanks for the non apology)
You do have a minority group crying for Americans to be colorblind and expects colorblind decisions in government and the judicial system, EXCEPT when its a minority running for president. Then it's ok for lifetime Republican leaders to say screw the best man, I am voting Black? If Swartzkoff would come out and say, hey, screw the best man/woman in my party, as long as he is white, I am strongly considering him.
Thats Ok?
I don't think so.