Reports from the range...

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Rob Pincus

New member
I thought that it might be fun to have a thread (or strictly for talking about the shooting we did, like the same day. (maybe this will help me to keep track of how many rounds I shoot through each gun, like you guys do....

Today I ran 204 (200 blazers and 4 Hydrashoks..)rounds through one of the Realtree Glocks. Shot some pins and colored squares of paper. Checked out the Winchester Ballistic Silvertip ammo in my scout rifle, put a few rounds through some metal plates at about 75 yards, that was fun. Then hit 4 out of 5 bowling pins at about 100 yards.
Then my Stock Broker showed up and I let him shoot my LAR .50BMG.
That was it.... anybody else do any shooting?

For a nominal fee, I'd be happy to transcribe your data onto those MTM data sheets...

[This message has been edited by Mykl (edited 10-29-98).]
Okay, add another 50 rounds to the RT Glock entry ;-)
The wife wanted to try it out today.

We also shot the G34. She went ot the house and I shot the 35, my Beloved sightless .22 Cadet, a german PPK in .32 (my Jam-o-matic) the USP, and a Ruger SPeed Six. I would rather shoot the 10mm all day long than two cylinders full of the .357.

About a box of ammo in each calibre, except for the PPK, I could only stand to push through two mags.

Anyone else getting to shoot?
Last night I had a chance to go out again and do some shooting. A friend of mine who owed me some money paid me back (per an agreement the ball and chain doesn't know... Ssh) in ammo. 200 rounds of .40 S&W. Cor-Bon 135s and Federal Hydras for the good stuff. The rest were Georgia Arms new loads w/Gold Dot bullets.
I went with my brother. He has a .40 Sigma but I still let him come.
My HK USP fired consistant 2 inch groups with the GA stuff and did better with the Federals. The Hydra Shok bullet is more accurate than some "Match Grade" stuff I fired. It was very consistant... Punching one inch groups. The Cor Bons were the hottest loads we had and they did 1 and 3/4th groups. I was shooting at about ten yards, standing... And on a bad knee too.
The HK performed flawlessly. How boring of it...
The Sigma was a little more interesting. It didn't like the Federals and stovepiped twice. It loved the Corbons and was shooting 4 inch groups with it. The best the Sigma did. The Sigma was warm on the GA fodder. Shooting it was amusing. You could watch the slide cycle and feed and eject... etc. But it did function. The Sigma needs hotter loads to be consistant.

I was also payed in a can of Army BALL 5.56MM NATO. But as my current Bushmaster AR is still as of yet unfired... I decided to hold off on it untill a special occasion.
I've become a real fan of Georgia Arms ammo. The Gold Dot bullet is as good as the best and better than most, IMHO. The prices on their stuff are affordable enough to allow one to practice with the same rounds he carries. Their 10mm offerings are hotter than other factory loads I've chrono'd.
I keep hearing good things about the GA 10mm, I'll have to go find some.

Any tactical drills Kodiac or just punching those tidy groups?
You guys like GA Arms???

I have purchased 1 box of amo from them.
.41 mag, I fired 1 round, it blew the case in half and lodged the front of the case in the chamber. I never shot the other 49 rounds. Nor have I ever used any of thier bullets again.

Was this just some fluke? Do they really load better than I do?
I'm talking about their factory ammo, not the reload stuff. I've not tried that. However, my chrono tests of GA in .40S&W and 10mm showed good standard deviations in velocity as compared to better known ammunition. I'll post if there's any real interest.
Georgia Arms has good stuff. Evedently the GA State Police use GA ammo for duty.

They will be offering rifle ammo of different types as they already do - but with this new MOLY coating - done in the "tumbling" process other than the less effective "spraying" process. Whatever that is.
I don't think Moly would be that great for pistols - but I have only read articles on the pistol stuff. Haven't tried it yet.

I was doing rapid draws and some speed work...
But no IPSC style stuff. I was having a hard enough time just standing on the uneven ground. (Out on a friend's farm)
I occasionaly shoot with a guy who coats his 10mm bullets with molly in a tumbler....he swears by it.

I'm not sure if what I got was factory or reload...all I know is one was enough.

Maby I'll have to check them out once more.
Seeing that I do live in GA!
Remember, goverment agencies buy LOW BID. I would not use that as my criteria for buying ammo or anything else, GLV
Really GLV?
Hmmm... have you seen the new FBI .45?
Or the special 10mm MP5s in 10MM?
Those dont go cheap my friend. Neither do the CorBons, and Hydra-Shoks that many LE departments buy.

What I understand is that the guy who started GA was a trooper that had a hobby and turned it into a business.

600 dollar toilet seats dont seem cheap either
Kodiac, you have managed to mention toliet seats on my thread, god bless ya!

Who wants to come up to Nashville Sunday??
(that is an invitation, at least to most of you

There is going to be some good style tactical shooting going on. Ex- PSD instructor will be here, and some LEOs.

Email me, if you are interested.
Dang, I would love to Rob - but I got kids and Halloween parties and just plain not enough time... Would I really drive 16 hours for a shooting match?

16 HOURS? I can get all the way to Atlantic City in 15. where are you in VA ??
(besides, do you think i'd extend that invite if you guys were close ??

Bought some GA 10mm at the gun show today, they had sold out of the 308 150gr before I got there, they were selling it cheap! I may get to Chrono the 10mm sunday.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 11-01-98).]
Kodiac, the FBI,etc are goverment agencys with unlimited budgets. State Police do not have that kind of budget, at least here in the free state of Indiana. Our state Constitution does not allow budget deficits. We cannot buy all of the goodies the feds get. GLV
Okay, we had a good day at the range.

WEnt through many draw and fire drills, multiple targets, maulfunction drills. WE used snap caps and loaded eah others mags sporabdically with them.

Worked retention and disarming drills. Even waited until it got dark and did some lowlight and flashlight drills.

Shot G30, G34, G23, G35, CZ52, RT G20, USP 45, and the Colt Cadet. The other guys had Sigs and HKs and ran some rounds through my stuff.

I really like the new Ghost ring sights on the G20. Very cool.

The CZ52 was surprising reliable and felt good to shoot. Sights were high by a mile, but the gun was very consistent (the 7.62x25 also did noticably more damage to a metal plate than the 10mm 180 FMJ).

We only shot about 600 rounds, but it was an intense full day shoot. We had one guy with us who was a newbie and he learned a ton. He went from sight picture to quick draw from concealment, safely and accurately.

I know some of you guys must have shot this weekend, no?
Last night I got a call from a good friend of mine. He had put in some huge stadium type lights out at his farm... and lucky enough - it lit up the little "Range" he has there.
Needless to say, we hooked up there 30 minutes later with some Mt Dew and a couple Sub sandwiches from Blimpies... My Bushmaster and his Steyer AUG. The range only goes to 100 yards, but heck... that is plenty good enough for some informal shooting.
I brought 1000 rounds of Nato Hardball, and we went to work. A County Sheriff came by just say Howdy... He wanted to take shot with the AUG, we let him... He busted several pumpkins for us, then had to get back to work.

Stayed out till about 1AM and we had a blast.
Perfect weather for shooting. Nice and crisp - kept our barrels cool.

The Bushmaster jammed a couple times in the first 100 rounds... but as it had never been fired before, I expected such. After that, it smoothed up a good deal, and functioned perfectly. It was shooting very accuratly - I will have to test that in detail next week.
The AUG shot great too. It's little scope didn't do that well in low light- but made up for that by BEING A STEYER
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