Reports from 3 Gun

Creative accounting? :p OUCH! :D I resemble that remark.

I could buy proficiency. You just watch. One of these days the stuff from the Million Dollar Man is going to come true. Only downside is that I'll make all those bionic whooshing noises while I shoot.
Buying skills... even if I had one of those pimp JP's I know I still couldn't run the course like those guys. Don't think I'm making equipment excuses.
Wyatt... I DID see one of those rifles being used in the games. Seriously. The team just before ours had one on the Targets of Oportunity stage. We saw him zipping it up in the case. Admitedly, I didn't see the muzzle break but everything else was as pictured above. Ask your Dad if some one was using it... I think he could confirm that.

I also observed a G36K on that same stage some time later. Now THAT would be a great rifle for these matches!

I'll second Pyle's comment on seeing these guys run a real "Stock" gun.
You guys are familiar with the term "IROC"? The IROC race series takes the best drivers and puts them in cars that are all as same as possible. I think that would be a great match. All US GI Issue weapons. But I suspect that the same guys at the tops of the list would remain the same guys at the tops of this list too. You have to hand it to those fellas - they sure can shoot!
well, whatever. I'm going to shoot the match next year with my single stack, my 500 and either my mini or my dad's m-1a and not worry about what other people are doing.

does anyone know offhand if any of the TFL members from bakersfield or anywhere else in california would like to form up a team for next year?
Andy, look up a TFLer by the name of El Rojo. He is located in Kearn County. He is a precision shooter, but I imagine that 3 gun would be right up his alley. He is a good guy. Other than that, I know that we have a bunch of guys up and down the coast. How into 3 gun they would be remains to be seen.

And they do occasionaly have matches where everybody shoots basically the same gun. Like the Single Stack Classic. Guess what. The same guys win, by about the same margin. It ain't the machine, it is the man.

Speaking of machine, I figured out what went wrong with my FAL, but I've got a post going on about that over in Art Of The Rifle.
Glad to see you guys had a good time out there, too bad we never got to hook up and shake hands. You completed the match safely and learned from your you know what your in for next year. Take what you learned from this match and train for next year... :)

AS for the equipment race thing.. just a note. The 4th place shooter Tony Huerstel was shooting an iron sighted AR-15, a Benelli M1 Super 90 and a stock Glock 35, and I know this for a fact, he is my friend and I shot with him all week. Wazoo guns and equipment are not a replacement for skill with a weapon, but they can help a bit. :)

Andrew..I think you and I were talking the nite of the L/E team shoots.. I was with the LAPD guys, and let you check out my M4 with the NSN ACOG.

Rich and Denny, Thank you for stepping up and providing your support to the people who make this match possible, even if you don`t hear it from every shooter.. your help is greatly appreciated.

See you guys next year,
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AS for the equipment race thing.. just a note. The 4th place shooter Tony Huerstal was shooting an iron sighted AR-15, a Benelli M1 Super 90 and a stock Glock 35, and I know this for a fact, he is my friend and I shot with him all week. Wazoo guns and equipment are not a replacement for skill with a weapon, but they can help a bit

See! Thats what I am talking about! This guy came in with stock equipment, chewed some bubblegum, kicked some butt, and took some names! I really wish I had had the oportunity to see this guy shoot. Maybe next year.

Andrew, I know a couple of military shooters from the match that are looking to form a team. They are from back east, but they are good guys and seem to be competent with their weapons. If you can find another person in your area to team up and train with, maybe you guys can form a "bi-coastal" team.
chandlersniper158: aah, okay. i remember you. I'm quite favorably impressed with the NSN as my TA01 was much less suitable for night shooting due to its really overbright reticle.

I'll probably Pm el rojo tonight and see how interested he would be.
Andrew, he just PMed me back. He is interested, and he has another TFLer who lives in Bakersfield who also may be game.
I'd love to see some of the top shooters in an ISOC (not I-suck, I-SOC, Internation Shoot of Champions) competition.

AR, Glock 21 or Standard 1911 type and an 870. That would be superbly cool. I'd like to see who choked it.


I'm taking PR II with the Iron Brigade boys next month, have you been through it yet?

Yeah.. you`ll dig it.. they have the UKD range all done since I was there last.. you can shoot out to about 700 yds from the tower now. You`ll definately get to put a few rounds downrange while your there. Let me know how ya like it.

Wow where to start.

Pvt Pyle:
The J.P. tactical ( a way over used and VERY misquoted word) is an 8 1/2 lb rifle w/ aluminum bolt carrier, and sans sights or optics. It's color is black and the high grade barrle is bead blasted stainless. Of course the color is unimportant since spray paint comes in many colors. The cost of this rifle is about $ 1600.oo and comes with a case, cleaning rod guide, bi pod, and many other nice extras. It also has a very nice 3lb. trigger pull.
As to it's reliability, all I can say is since I started to shoot for J.P. I have about 2300 rounds through mine WITHOUT a single malfunction. This includes using 20 and 30 rnd mags, Thermold 45 rnd mags and a Beta C Mag. Yea a G.I. could break it I guess, but Ive seen G.I.s break tanks and artillery also. As to accuracy mine is a 3/4 min. rifle with good loads and using generic Federal ammo is a 1 1/4 min. rifle. This is substatially BETTER than G.I.

George Hill:
As to PIMP J.P. rifles, these ARE NOT the ones used at S.W.AT. wc3gun . They weigh close to 14lbs without optics and are sold as unlimited rifles for U.S.P.S.A. 3 gun competitions. It is a great picture but you need to read the rest of the catalog befor triing to mislead others. This is kind of akin to putting a picture of a FERRARI in a 4 wheel drive magazine and saying what lousy ground clearance it has.
As to the GIANT MAG FUNNEL business. If deep concealment is the goal then you have a SLIGHT point. However when your bracial nerve is stuned by a bullet wound that goes through your arm and that magazine you pulled out of your carrier is slick with your own blood, and your fingers don't have much feeling due to the nerve involvment, you will praise the saints for that GIANT mag well. Just because you don't like the looks of something doesn't make it worthless. For open carry ther is just NO reason not to have every edge you can get.

I like your Idea of a ISOC, except I don't think the outcome would change one little bit. WC3GUN is almost always won by an iron sight shooter, Like Bruce this year. I have placed in the top ten since 1996, and up till 2000 I shot a stock M1A, a single stack .45 with 7 round mags only, and a stock Benelli 121-M1 12 Ga. I still shoot my M1As enough to wear out a barrle every year or so, and generally go through about 15,000 .45 rounds a year. I just don't think any of the top shooters would CHOKE. I would love to shoot a match such as you suggest, because I know already pretty much how I and others would do. As a great friend of mine likes to say " it,s the indian, not the arrow" and I tend to agree with her.
I agree. Like I said, the top shooters could beat me even if they were armed with a Hi-point, a Lorcin, and a NEF handi-shotgun.

Kurt, congratulations on your good finish.

My post was not ment to say how great the top shooters are, it was ment to point out that eqipment doesn't make the shooter. I feel that I COULDN'T beat anyone with a Lorcin in my hands or a single shot shotgun; but a stock 1911 and an 870, yes. By the way the Hi point carbines aren't to bad out to about 150, after that it would be chance. I think you have the right idea, by reading your previous posts. Practice, practice, practice, especially with the gear you are going to run in a match such as this. Remember STOCK gear is the main stay of most great shooters. Who can afford to burn up 1600 dollar match rifles just in practice? No one I know! THANK YOU for the kind words!! KURT