Report from Street Crimes Unit Banquet

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1) Not every question is an attack.
2) If being uninformed is the problem, LEOs should be glad we ask questions.
3) If we clearly indicate that our questions and opinions are based only on the information we have, then we should be evaluated only on the interpretation of those available facts.
4) We can be kicked off a bulletin board or the internet, shunned by others, etc., but nobody has the right or the power to tell any of us that we can not ask questions so long as we do not otherwise break the law (e.g. interfere with an investigation, engage in harassment, etc.).
5) Nobody will ever stop me from asking whether taking a life (of anyone, by anyone) was necessary.
6) Automatic pro- or anti-law enforcement opinions are as equally invalid as pro- or anti-civilian opinions.
7) When vehement arguments are forwarded (especially with no apparent support) they generate opposition.
8) Automatically saying we must trust law enforcement because they have/are/represent authority leads to tyranny neither of us believe in.
9) I do not believe LEOs are investigated or suffer more severely than civilians after use of deadly force. If anything, civilians have AT LEAST as hard a time because they may have to fight against the entire law enforcement and prosecuting efforts which have virtually unlimited resources (compared to the defendant's). The civilian gets "the treatment" at the scene, is arrested, handcuffed, taken to jail until he can get magistrated, raise bail, etc. or until he is indicted, tried, and judged. LEO gets a desk job or is put on leave. Either can lose his job (though for different reasons). Either can have similar emotional/psychological/sociological consequences.
10) Though it is true that the cop has the obligation to go into harm's way, he (unlike the civilian) does not have to prove he could have fled.
11) This constant drumbeat (by many LEOs and their supporters) of how LEOs are unappreciated, underpaid, vilified by uninformed, ungrateful civilians, etc. is poisoning what good relationship remains between the two sides and deepening a "we against them" situation where "sides" should NOT exist. Frankly, outside of my county, I have seen more LEOs degrade civilians than I have seen civilians degrade LEOs.
12) If being a cop is so bad that the "rewards" (e.g. emotional, physical, financial, etc.) do not compensate for the downside, then let's recall that LEOs are all volunteers, not draftees, and (so far as I know) not on contracts for specified time periods. They can resign and find other work. (And they never have to serve the United Nations, etc....)
13) Nobody anywhere can say I am anti-LEO. I have supported them financially, with free training, in the field (both when I was armed and when I was unarmed), and in comments for TV news, with various media reporters, and among other emergency personnel (fire dept & EMS).
14) They are people doing a tough job. One that I repeatedly state I would not, indeed could not do. They make their decisions, which I support, but when they make mistakes they must bear the consequences the same as anyone must, on any job.
15) Yes, LEOs die in line of duty. But each year on their jobs and from job-related injury and illness I believe you will find:
- more firemen die than LEOs,
- more EMS personnel die than LEOs,
- more fishermen (in the Bering Sea) die than LEOs (been reading National Geographic again),
- and, occasionally, even a school teacher gets shot.
16) As a percentage of total training, CHL holders here in Texas get much more training in non-violent dispute resolution and shoot/no-shoot decision-making than LEOs receive. Obviously, when the LEO is in training for almost a year however, percentages don't indicate the true picture. (Thought I'd try to make you smile at least once!)
I don't mean this to be a rant (my voice is calm, hands & eyes steady, palms dry, etc.). I agree with you wholeheartedly that we should not condemn LEOs because "they shot somebody". But imagine what a fix I (as a civilian) would be in if I were tried in court, for a questionable shooting, and that lady from your grocery store happened to be the jury foreman. (As Rich says, "Oy!")

I guess, at the moment, I am upset that:
- many civilians truly despise the folks that keep my family and me safe;
- many LEOs treat civilians like we are stupid and unworthy of common courtesy; and
- the forced "professional courtesy" displayed by many LEOs toward civilians exemplies legally hidden (but intentionally obvious) disdain for anyone "not good enough" to be a LEO.

Please be glad we stupid, uninformed, disloyal, unappreciative civilians ask our questions here. With you representing the cops, DC and others providing the research, and Rich keeping the party clean, it will all turn out okay in the end.
Mr Boing:

What is with this fixation with "RESTRAINT"?
Have you not read a single bit of my responses? Like I tried to illustrate to you previously, depending on the situation and circumstances, RESTRAINT , can and will get you DEAD, your partner DEAD, innocent bystander DEAD. I feel that on the majority, most LEO's exercise RESTRAINT even when they would be justified in using lethal force. This question about training. You can go over and over shoot-no shoot scenerios, but until you have been involved in that moment of truth. You will never know how you will react when you are at that instant capable of taking a human life. Sir please go back and read the threads. If you get the chance go on a ride along with a street cop on a midnight shift on a week end. Please feel free to ask questions in the future. Thus endeth the lesson for now.
"Thus endeth the lesson for now." What lesson, that police officer actions can only be questioned by their immediate peers?

There are some wrong things with this shooting. Burying heads in the sand won't do any good.

Though I dislike the nature of this unit. Different procedures will be needed for this unit or further 'lethal mistakes' will happen. Perhaps even to unit members.

What changes are in store for this plain clothes unit designed to shake down citizens that they think (by means other than just 'printing' of a weapon) are exercising their 2nd ammendment rights?

[This message has been edited by Prichard (edited April 25, 1999).]
Dennis, excellent response. I wish I could disagree with something in your post -- but I can't. I spent one career protecting this country, and I do not expect that I should now have to be protected from those who have the job to protect and serve. GLV
so what if X amount of rounds were discharged in what police on the scene deemed to be at the time a perp w/gun. had he truly been pulling a gun should the officer's involved taken their time to look at each other to see if they were at the ready( i thought you were going to shoot) no they did what they were supposed to do. this type of scenario does not take the time to be put up to a vote. yes it is the FORCE CONTUNIUM however knowing personally that part of ny, altough not in law enforcement, they acted at the time the way they felt was right.should there be more training then what the academy teaches? yes! however the people who live in that neighborhood said, yes it was an unfortunate incident however, crime is down and they feel safer.
KEEP IN MIND THIS IS A VERY POLITICAL ISSUE. al charlaton, jesse jackson,etc. dislike guliiani and they know pushing the RACIST white cop issue is all part of a get hillary clinton elected along with schumer inoffice insures their own political agenda!!
we want safer streets and neighborhoods yet we do not get behind those who we trust to do it.
"Restraint" just seems to be the right word, so I've used it a lot. My fixation with it, and the thrust of my admittedly under-cooked notion, probably comes from something Spartacus has said several times: He has been in a number of situations where lethal force would have justified, but was not required. He exercised other options, and while putting himself in greater danger, no one got shot.

I have read your other posts, and everyone else's, too. And yes, depending on situation and circumstances, restraint can and will get innocent people killed. But then the opposite is true, as well, isn't it? Especially when 1) potential lethal force situations are more common and more varied, and 2) walking away is not an option, as it would be for a "civilian".

Maybe I'm just not 'getting it', as far as the other threads. I think I am, and I think I just disagree with what LEOs must be prepared to put up with vs. "civilians".

If you think I need more enlightenment as to the other posts, please share it. No one else seems to be as confused as you think I am, so I just might need a few more lessons. You can email me if you think this is turning into a private sticking point between you and me, but my feelings won't be hurt if you don't. :)


[This message has been edited by boing (edited April 25, 1999).]

No one is complaining about "questions".. at lesat not me. I am disgusted by the would-be Answers that are given by people who have not-a-clue what they are talking about.

Furthermore, I resent your reducing my input at TFL to "Representing the cops".


Understandably, it sometimes astounds me when we agree, yet it also can astound me when we disagree. This is one of those cases. You almost preach "been there done that"... you constantly hold up examples of people who you know/trust that have "seen the elephant" and have "checked off all the rigth boxes" as the ones that you trust. Yet, when it comes to this obvious example of people who don't know what they are talking about passing judgement (note: Not asking questions), you come down on the side of the uninformed.

As for my political aspirations, I assure you that TFL plays no part in them. Hell, I haven't even mentioned the campaign I am currently involved in around here ( I don't think... ;)).... If you have any unanswered questions, feel free to ask them.

With 46+ posts to this thread, it is my opinion that both sides of the Diallo issue have been addressed and I perceive a trend toward bickering and polarization.

Therefore I'm locking this thread. Note I have not singled anyone out, implied nor inferred any blame.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
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