Repealing the 2nd Amendment

He lives in CA which may explain a lot.

I agree ... when I read that nonsense, I assumed he was a Californian. Of course, I mean no disrespect to any of our Californian members who have their heads on straight ... and I expect they'd be the first to admit that Californians are not one with the US Constitution.
chasep255 said:
The author thinks he is running for congress. He lives in CA which may explain a lot. Also just remember the California's Dianne Feinstein would ban all guns if she could. Check out the rest of his platform LOL
Yes, and notice that "Repeal the Second Amendment / Repeal the Right to Keep and Bear Arms" is at the very top of his platform.
Not that this would happen but pay attention in civics class - do we have those anymore? A constitutional amendment would vacate your state laws. Tough Florida.

But it's just posturing - same old amendment crap that the right and left use to get campaign money. Pick your side and they will put forward a rights limiting amendment. Get money from your fringe - :rolleyes:
Let's not go there. Probably a joke, Goofy - but not TFL style. So to others, don't follow up on this as I don't want to close the thread.
This nut job would probably never be elected for office anyway. I don't think he even has a chance of getting the second amendment repealed. I am glad that we have some gun rights activists in our nation's capitol. At least I know that they will go down fighting before giving up my right to bear arms.
One, or more of our duly elected representatives has been proposing repeal of the second amendment every year for the last few decades.

It never goes anywhere. Repealing an amendment, particularly one with such a long history and such legal support (unlike Prohibition) would be a long drawn out process, and we would have time to vote any and virtually all sponsors out of office, both at state and Federal level before it could be passed.

Most of the politicians know this, and won't touch the issue with a ten foot pole. The few others know there is no realistic chance of it happening, but endorse the idea in order to pander to their lunatic fringe constituants.

I wouldn't loose any sleep over it.
I get a much stronger impression that plenty of people would like to dissolve the federal government and therefore abandon the constitution, just like that, though none would admit it and most don't even realize that's what they are suggesting with some of the things they say. Might not be such a bad idea.
Good luck collecting the tax! LOL What an unrealistic idea! I consider myself a rather moderate fellow, but I own more then 9 firearms. It's a collection, if I had only the ones I need, then it wouldn't be a collection:D
Zekeluvs1911 wrote: "Not that this guy has a totally realistic chance to succeed but this is a reminder to us all that there are movements out there that will constantly try to chip away at our 2nd Amendment rights."

He's not talk'n 'bout "chipp'n away" at anything, this is a full scale nuclear assault!!