Repealing the 2nd Amendment

I read it, and yup that's how the constitutional amendment process starts. But the rest of the constitutional amendment process guarentees that this will go nowhere. Congress will not touch this.

Cordially, Jack
1. There is imposed an annual tax on each and every firearm in any household as follows:
a. first firearm, $10
b. second firearm, $20
c. third firearm, $30
d. fourth through ninth firearms, $100 each
e. firearms in excess of the ninth, $1,000 each.

Wow, some of us would really be hurting. :mad:
Read some of the comments in that is downright Frightening that the people leaving those comments can vote in this country.

Thank god this has about as much of a chance as going through congress as a law legalizing crack for kids..
Not only that, but you'd have to pay an additional fine if your stolen gun was used in a crime.

Overall, I say: :eek: . . . wait, no. That should be: :barf:
It's the interweb and there are lots of loonies on it. This guy is clearly one.

However, you will note that the Brady Campaign and this guy operate along the same lines. While this guy's routine is not as "common sense", both of their goals is to slowly price guns out of the hands of honest people. Him through taxes and the Brady bunch through increased ammo costs and increased firearm costs driven by added paperwork and added "safety features" as well as creating additional hassle for every one attempting to buy either ammo and or firearms.
TG is right. Anyone can say pretty much anything he wants on teh interwebs, no matter how irrational or unlikely. Feeding trolls never works out satisfactorily.
While I disagree completely with this nut job, I do have to at least give him credit for at least displaying the intellectual honesty to call for an upfront repeal of the 2nd, rather than infringing, twisting and misinterpreting it to death.

Fortunately, there is no chance of him succeeding.
There is no chance of him succeeding today.

If we fail to maintain vigilance, twenty years from now might tell a different story.

Wow, my family would have to pay more than I make in a year just in taxes on guns...

The guy proposing this needs to seek some sort of medical attention.