Remington Thunderbolt 22lr

Remington Thunderbolts also referred to as Remington Thunderduds is one of those ammunition it seems people love to hate.

My experience with it has all been good and when it comes to failure to fire I normally see light firing pin strikes. I have for example a few S&W Model 17 revolvers and when they strike a cartridge there is no mistaking the primer strikes on spent cases. My Ruger MK II on the other hand does not strike a rimfire cartridge nearly as hard.

Unless I am buying ammunition for my Anschutz it really matters not to me. The Remington Thunderbolts function as well as anything else and if I saw it for $15 a 500 round brick I would buy a case of the stuff.

I have a good bit of Thunderbolt 22 ammo and haven’t had a problem with duds. It is, however, the least accurate 22 ammo I’ve used. That said, if I could swap it for pretty much anything else, I would.