remington shotgun made in 1900 - got a ?


New member
Guy come in the shop today had a gun his great grandpa has had for years and years.

Here is the question. Got me to wondering when the guy come in and I told him I am not sure if legal or not and got me curious so asking...

This gun is a Remington SxS Shotgun.
I looked up the numbers and the whole gun is matching.
It was made in 1900.

The double barrel has been chopped to 17 3/4" and has a pistol type handle that has been cut down from the stock. This looks to have been done YEARS ago. He said it hasnt been fired in according to his father about 40+.

Is this gun at all legal in any way or would it be considered a SBS???
It's illegal, don't touch it. Age doesn't matter if it fires readily available ammo.

Determinants for Classification: Even though this weapon may exhibit a barrel shorter than 18 inches, it is subject to NFA regulations governing minimum dimensions because it employs a conventional ignition system and uses fixed ammunition that is readily available through ordinary channels of commercial trade. Consequently, this weapon would be classified as a “short-barreled Shotgun” and therefore all NFA regulations.
Unless the shotgun was manufactured by Remington that way it is an unregistered short barrel.

It wouldn't matter if Remington made it that way or not it's still a smooth bore under 18 inches.
It's just screaming for "permanent" screw in chokes

They would have to be soldered in or otherwise permanently attached but yeah that would work. It would look a little funny tho.:D
AfterLife said:
The double barrel has been chopped to 17 3/4" and has a pistol type handle that has been cut down from the stock.
Sounds like a new stock might be in order, too, to bring it up to the minimum length of 26".

Measure twice, stay out of jail once, or words to that effect... ;)
I wasn't 100% on what to tell the guy. Other than I don't think it's legal.

He said "Oh!!!"

I don't want anything to do with it. Just thought I would ask to see if I was thinking correctly.

Appreciate all the replys. If the guy comes back and mentions it I will tell him.
Unless the shotgun was manufactured by Remington that way it is an unregistered short barrel.

It wouldn't matter if Remington made it that way or not it's still a smooth bore under 18 inches.

Not exactly sure about this, but I think you can get a special ruling from BATF IF the gun was made that way by Remington.

The Smith & Wesson 9mm carbine made in 1940 for the Brits is a good example of that. The guns have 10" barrels that would otherwise make them SBRs, but BATF removed them from the NFA.
Those are not "short barrel shotguns" but "any other weapon" classification. They are legal but do require registration and $5 transfer.
If that was the case the snake guns made by Crescent and H&R would be legal.

Good point; I think it would depend on whether the Remington was a very uncommon special order, and then it would still be up to BATF to say "yea" or "nay."

Like I said, the S&W 9mm carbine is very definitely an NFA weapon by BATF's definition, yet they removed it from NFA status, even though it's got a 10" barrel.

The primary difference between the H&R Handy Guns, Ithaca Auto Burglars, etc., is that they were common production weapons and thousands were produced.

I suspect in this case, however, that the shotgun was chopped at some point in its life, and therefore the OP should run, not walk, away from it.
i dont think this gun he brought in was a factory gun, i think it had been sawed off a long long time ago.

but not sure.

Then he's asking for trouble unless he has sleeves soldered or welded to the ends of the barrels.
Adding chokes sounds great EXCEPT...

The gun is now, today, illegal, and the owner, now, today, is committing a crime. And any gunsmith would commit a crime by taking the gun in and by working on it. Technically, even those who know about it and don't report it are committing a crime.

The owner can't even destroy it, since that would be destroying evidence of a felony, the felony being owning the gun in the first place.

Legally, the only thing the owner can do is to turn the gun in to BATFE or the police.

Locate from pld part shop any replacement barrel, or

consider stubbing the chamber area and fitting new made barrels into the stub, make it a 16 or 20 ga. There's a method for lining the old damascus barrel called "Teague", see if that is an option.

Best chop the shorten across the chambers to eliminate them.

buy replacement stock from Wenig's, likely be expensive as it's not a stocked item.

The action and stock are no problem once restocked full length, barrels are.
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