Remington NMA ball seater.

I figured that the cartridges were coned shaped, and maybe crushing them is what causes the ball to be driven deeper than you prefer.
How much powder do you put in those cartridges?

Use filler or some sort of wad material under the ball.
Are you familar with Durofelt?
You can buy direct from the manufacturer with shipping included in the price.
You want to make sure to buy the 1/8" hard felt for wads as indicated on the product page in bold letters.
Look for 1/8" Hard Felt for Wads and there's also some close outs under another page of material for wads.
They will help you if you call them.
You'll also need to make or buy a wad cutting tool, such as from Harbor Freight or Amazon.

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Remington NMA Ball Seater

Hi Arcticap
The .36 NMA is the one I end up seating the balls deeply on. The .44s work well with the longer lever. I had used 20gr, 25gr, and 30gr charges in the paper cartridges. All worked, with a grease covering, home made similar to bore butter, I thought that worked pretty well. I just varied the seating depth a little to the powder charge used. I know a lot of folks like the corn meal, but I have stayed away from it. Perhaps something I should consider to bring the balls to just below the surface of the cylinder face for a consistent load. When using loose powder, I do use durofelt wads, Durofelt is an excellent produc. Both with and without the grease covering. I have not noticed a big difference in the two.
I did order the OxYoke loading station, should be here in a day or two, will see how this works out for the .36. It will load both .36 and .44 so this may be the way to go, or it may not work out, will just have to see how it goes. I have contacted a machine shop to see what the cost would be to make a ball seater for the RB as suggested by Gary 4V50. If they can do it at a fair cost, I will probably do that as well. That way all bases are covered.