Remington Core-Lokt ammo poor built quality?


New member
Been after some 300wm brass but its fairly pricey here in Australia so I recently bought my first ever batch of Remington Core-Lokt ammo, mainly to get the brass, and I have read their ammo is meant to be pretty good.

To my surprise a lot of them looked pretty crap, out of the two boxes roughly 40% had dents and dings, and about 20% had projectiles that will turn inside the crimp and are not tight in the neck, one even freely pushed back into the case, a few sample pictures are attached.

I know they will fire form no worries but I still expected better, every other batch of (Non Rem) factory ammo I’ve bought has always been immaculate, even the lower end stuff. They may shoot fine but I’m pretty sure I won’t be a Remington customer again.

For the record these all come from factory sealed boxes which were in good condition and didn’t look like someone had played football with them.

So, is Remington ammo always this poorly presented or have I just got a dodgy batch?



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I have been shooting CL's in one caliber or another for most of my life, and those my friend are as you mentioned so politely a very "dodgy batch".

I would shoot those pics to Rem and ask about some sort of refund to say the least. Might even bring them back to your dealer as well. If he has more from the same lot they could be in just as fine a shape, so there might be cause for them all to go back.
Normally Remington is top notch ammo.Are you able to return for exchange? Is'nt normal,good luck...Skeets
what condition were the boxes in? with thoses dents i would think the boxes were in bad shape. i wonder if they were repacked or a machine at remington did it and the quality controll missed them. i never got any ammo like that from remington in 60 years. eastbank.
@ brewman
I would like to see pictures of the head stamp along
with the dents and crimp issues. I fined it VERY hard
to believe that Remington would allow this to get out.
Please don’t think I’m brand bashing here guys or trying to fish for anything, I can guarantee these came out of factory sealed Rem boxes which still had the flaps glued and were unopened, boxes were in very good condition.

I’ll go back to where I purchased these from in a couple of days and I’m sure they will be happy to exchange or refund, and they will likely want to check their stock.

At the end of the day I guess even the best manufacturers still have defects to some degree, 100% quality 100% of the time is almost impossible without huge cost.
Even companies who work with tools like Six-Sigma and achieve a Cpk of 1.5 still allow for and accept 1300 defects per 1,000,000, just seems I got a heap of them, must be lucky!
Sorry for the tech talk there but I actually work in Quality Assurance.

Smoke & Recoil:
I have attached head stamp pics as well as bar codes from one of the boxes, even one of the receipt.
Apart from the pics already attached I don’t know how I can show you any better pics of the dents or crimps?

Old Stony:
I agree mate, they do look like someone’s poor excuse for reloads to me too, trouble is I paid good money for them to come inside a sealed Remington box.


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Well that ammo certainly doesn't pass muster. Can't much past that comment as I haven't bought a single round of factory ammo in probably 6 or 7 years and that was to get two boxes of .270 Win. ammo to test f a new to rifle I'd just bought. Ammo was Winchester as I recall.
Paul B.
Sir, you have misunderstood my request...
Show pictures diagonally of those cartridges which will
include the head stamp, dents and loose crimps.
Sir, you have misunderstood my request...
Show pictures diagonally of those cartridges which will
include the head stamp, dents and loose crimps.

OK, attached is best I can do mate, hard to get all the detail you request.



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if thoses dents happened in transit the boxes would also show damage. my take on it is, they were missed by qualty control and boxed at the remingtom factory and you should get new ammo or your money back. eastbank.
Son in law bought the wrong weight CL's so I pulled them and put in some 150's . Just for kicks I measured the powder from each one and from high to low there was 5grs difference . that's a lot for a 40 grain cartridge. I put new powder and some SST's in place of the CL's
i have never bought a box of factory ammo that had dents in the cases. likely a issue with the machinery that packs the bullets, but that doesn't explain the lack of neck tension, there is something really bad about that particular loading. they must be dealt with through Remington, not a huge fan of Remington, but it's not supposed to look like that. even 70 year old spam can surplus looks like new ammo. even though the dents will not likely makes a dangerous situation, I wouldn't even shot the ones that have neck tension, god know what else is wrong with those bullets, obviously they were not QC's at all

please call Remington, since you are in AU, maybe they ill just send you a coupon or something
Wow!! No doubt there was something going on with em. This is a first for me. A whole box full of bad Remingtons. Federal many years ago had installed a bunch of bad primers which cost me a deer with there cartridges. But I've never ever seen anything like what you've encountered. :confused:
Ok an update for those interested, went back to place of purchase and the guy was like “Those dents will fire out, I promise you” as if it was not that big a deal, true they would fire out I knew that, still didn’t meant they were ok, anyway once he saw how loose some of the projectiles were he admitted there was no way he’d fire them either.

Had another six boxes in stock, first one he opened had dented brass visible straight away, ironically first round he grabbed from said box projectile spun in the crimp.

Offered me a refund straight away and said he would take it up with their supplier.

In the end I swapped them for a couple of boxes of Federal Power Shocks, these were more expensive but in good faith he just did a straight swap and apologised, not that it was their fault.

All ended well, I guess a batch of rejects snuck through Remington’s Quality control, although for a first ever purchase of their factory loads I wouldn’t say they have made it high on my preferred supplier list.

I don't hunt, so I don't shoot corelokt ammo regularly. I shot it during the ammo shortage after one of the recent panic buy situations. None of the corelokt ammo I purchased was damaged. Yours look like poor quality reloads. The reaction of the store would make me think they are the ones who put the reloads in the box. I would stir up as much crap for them as possible.

I have bought ammo that had been swapped with other ammo. I look in all unsealed boxes, or boxes that have a non-factory seal. I wound up with cheap ammo in a box of what should have been GMMK one time.
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