remington cleaning

Hate to say it but it sounds like some shoddy machining there, & I'm with Long Rider in that if this is a new gun I'de be contacting some one & havin it shipped back for a replacement.
The Remmies will cut a grove on the cylinder pin at the face of the cylinder ..they all do that least all mine do and I have 6 of them ..
The Remmies only falt to me is the cylinder binding ..I always take ,mine out and wipe the pin off after 2 cylinders shot ..they do get better with age as far as the fouling problem ..I shoot some of my older ones with out lube ...
The cylinder pin can seem so stuck that you would need to beat it with something ...and just a small amount of water splashed at the front of the cylinder will free it up instantly . Just keep a water bottle with ya splash a little on the face of the cylinder and then turn the cylinder once or twice and it`s free again .
I went down to Wally and bought a couple of the baby's sipper bottles. They have a spout which rotates up to use and down to close. I took the straws out of them and filled them with 50/50 Ballistol/water. One goes in the range bag and the other in the possibles bag. Neither has leaked yet under extreme shakeup. This is really handy, whether shooting the '61, the '58 or the Hawkens.

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The Remmies will cut a grove on the cylinder pin at the face of the cylinder ..they all do that least all mine do and I have 6 of them

Neither one of mine have. One's a 39 year old off brand and maybe I haven't shot the other one enough.:confused:
I bought the pistol used so not much chance of sending it back, was hoping peitta would guarantee it but was told no. I don't have much in it and a couple of the guys I work with have offered to give me what I have in it, I just hate to get rid of it it is the only one I've seen with target sights, and it does shoot good just a hassle with having to clean it after almost every cylinder, I have'nt tried the water hopefully with that and the filing on the pin it will do the trick if not I have a new pin to put in it and will sell it, I fought with an old thompson renegade which had the same problem as being so tight had to clean it after every shot or the patches looked like donuts after being shot. that was with a 490 ball .005 patch in a fifty caliber. hope to find out this weekend if the rain holds off long enough to shoot. Thanks for all the advice.
Hillbille, maybe dont give up yet, try a mix of crisco and bees wax
on the pin i use it all the time, it does not burn of as easy as just
crisco, when i shoot target, i find blobs of mix on the paper target,
and after 12 shots its still on the pin, it takes a lot of shots to burn of,
and try this, put your pin in a drill, spin that puppy and put some
emmery cloth on the pin, that will take it down a tad.
Just trying to help you, it sucks when things go wrong, and you try
all differant things and there is still a prob, i know it bugs the hell
out of me:mad:, well good luck.:)
just got back from the range in my hurry to pack this morning forgot to check ammo only had 14 ball when I got ready to shoot, after all 14 the cylinder was still loose the pin was a bit tight but it still came out by hand. accuracy was still the same so I'm hoping I got the problem fixed by shaving the pin down. thank you all for the help and the info. also forgot the water bottle so I think the pin would have come out even easier with a few drops on it. will be more prepared next time, I hope.
Hillbilly, instead of water, you might try bore 13
its looks like a milky substernce ( i think thats how
you spell sub you know what i mean ) anyway its
good for all bp foulling, i have a little bottle with a
thin tube on the end, a few dops on the pin presto
gone, that pin comes out like a hot knife out of butter.:D
long rider, thats what I use for cleaning put few drops in hot water with dish soap, never thought about putting on the pin guess that would be better than water except the smell, and mess, wasn't sure what it would do to the wood finish on the grips as it would get all over everything.