Remington 7400 reviews?

A couple of years ago I bought a 7400 in 3006. Along with the e rifle I got the rest of the first box of ammo. A woman bought it and shot a few rounds out of the box. I tried it and found the bolt hanging open
. I removed the screw used to mount the scope mount. It was too long and catching the bolt. A shortened screw and a good cleaning had it shooting great for a 7400. The 10 round mags work good too. I am very happy for a cheaply bought nice semi quality rifle.
I fired one that belonged to a friend, 1n 1988. It was 30-06, wood, blued and he had trigger work done, cause this trigger pull couldn't have been more than 2#. It shot quite well, my first shot discharged before I was ready, because of the light trigger pull. It was more accurate than I expected.

I handled one recently at Scheels in Billings. It was in 308. It looked and felt cheap. It was not blued on Walnut. It was Parkerized on plastic. The trigger pull was wretched, and it rattled, and was noisy when cycling. I didn't shoot it, so I don't know if it was as functional as my buddies was in 1988.

To tell the truth I don't know if I'd want one or not. It didn't stop my buddy from bringing home venison with it though.
Grandpa's 742

Hello Everyone. My father gave my grandpa Fred the Remington 742 for Christmas in 1972. I'll never forget the joy and smile on his face. There weren't many deer in East Tn. back then and the rifle was never used very much. My wonderful grandpa went to heaven in 1985 and it was passed to his son Wayne. He died tragically and it was passed to his son Brian . He neglected the rifle and it became rusted outside. I asked him if I could have the old gun and he said yes.I had dreamed for years of getting back the rifle that may dad gave to grandpa and now it was finally mine! I would try to make my grandpa proud. I had the metal re-blued(wood was perfect) and mounted a Zeiss conquest on top. I was amazed by the accuracy and feel of the rifle.( 1 1/2" group) I love the way it points and is natural to shoot. I went hunting with it this year and took a 140" 11 pt on my south Ga club! The next day I went to a public wma and took a giant 140" buck on public land. tHe big buck came in from behind me and I had to shoot left handed over my shoulder. I fired 3 quick shots and he dropped in just a few yards! I then went to Ky and took a giant 18" 6 pt with grandpas old 742. I never once had a jam and for normal hunting use they will last a lifetime. It is not designed to shoot thousands of rounds like a military rifle. If I never take another deer with it , it has served me well this dream season! I also having a Browning Long-Trac that is a sweet rifle but for some reason the 742 feels better to me. I have always hunted with lever or bolt actions but now I am a fan of the semi-auto. Its nice to have a second shot if needed. My hunting buddy David used one for years and it did well until he let it get so dirty the firing pin wouldn't fire a round. I cleaned it and it worked fine.. If I wear this one out I may just buy a model 4. Happy hunting everyone and Merry Christmas! May God have mercy on America. Sincerely, Brant......For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosever believeth in him should not perish but have ever lasting life! John 3:16
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Good hunting rifle . Not my choice for a " have to depend on " rifle . Hang on the wall and take out for hunting season it should serve you well . This sieries of rifle kept us busy on repairs when I worked in that line of work .
I plan to do just that. I have other rifles as my workhorse but it was sweet to hunt with and be successful with grandpas old rifle:) Any ideas on the reliability of the model four Remington?
742 Rem.

My 1st deer rifle was a Rem M-8/ 35 cal, I was 14. I was youngest in group. All
the older guys had 742 or 760 Rems. in 30/06. When I was 16 I bought 742c
Deluxe 30/06. We hunted in mountains of eastern WVa. I never had any major
trouble with it but later after having shot many other deer rifles I wished I had
Rem 8 back. It's a meat gun for moderate range, it's one of the few guns I bought new and sold. Remington has cheapened all their products to point I
don't consider them a Ist. rate gun.
No "battlerifle" potential in a Remington or Browning, or Win 100 semi-auto rifle. H-K did make the 770 in .223 and .308, basically a sporter H-K 91/93

The sporter guns are not engineered for continuous firing and the barrels are poor quality in that regard to begin with. Maybe you can find some cheesy extended capacity magazines, but you are just kidding yourself if you think any sporter semi-auto made for hunting is a battlerifle.

Want a PC gun? Try an M1a variant with the Springfield 5rd flush mt magazine. They load from stripper clips and are pretty decent, but get four or five 20rd mags too.

Why not go Garand if you want a .30-06? There are some pretty decent Tanker setups out there these days. Could do a custom in .338-06 or even .35 Whelen...

For about $900 you can find DPMS .308 AR-10 basic rifles. That is a fine sporting rifle that will serve as a battlerifle. Probably want a scope. Much superior to the Garand variants, other than the Ruger Ranch Rifle which has integral scope base for their rings. Maybe the mini-30 has the same system?

Supposedly Wally-world is selling DPMS .308s now. DPMS owned by the same conglomerate that owns Rem, Marlin, Bushmaster etc. Might look on gunbroker for an older one in hardly used condition.

If you expect your rifle to serve as a real defensive piece, buy one that is made for that purpose and then adapt that rifle for hunting; not the other way round...