Remington 700P fires when the safety selector is switched to fire...

"The only ones I've seen do this were "tinkered with".

Any gun that has been tinkered with improperly can do this, but Remington is the only company that has produced thousands of rifles that have done it exactly as they left the factory. Mine has shown it will, and it has never been modified in any way. On average Remington has had 100+ rifles returned to the factory each year since the 60's. Many more have done it and not been returned simply because the owners chose to replace the trigger with an aftermarket trigger.

A brand new rifle sent to Consumer Reports did it in 1968 and made a write up. Bottom left column of page 2.

The problem is the use of a trigger connector used on almost all Remington bolt actions made from the 1940's through 2007 when it was removed from the trigger group. Although extremely rare this part can malfunction in any rifle at any time, or probably never.

There are 19 Remington model 721, 722 and model 700 rifles in my safes. None have ever gone boom without someone pulling the trigger.

And they probably never will. But any of them COULD do it the next time you load the gun. It may do it once or twice and never do it again. There is no way to predict when it will happen.

Remington has known about this since 1946 when their own engineers discovered the problem and urged management to change the trigger then. Because of cost overruns and other problems they did not want to delay getting new guns on the shelves any longer.
"I would like to hear more info from the OP. Maybe he (or they) are just trying to stir up a hornet's nest. I've had about enough of this Remington trigger BS"(COYOTA1)

Coyota1; You took the words right out of my mouth. My Grandfather's 1948 vintage Remington 721 has NEVER had any issues over many decades, nor my newer BDL, but we don't use screwdrivers on them either! No need to, as the Walker Triggers are perfect as they are, crisp and clean. No wonder US Military Snipers and hunters love them!

Don't be fooled by "Remington Under Fire", the hour long malicious attack against Remington. CNBC should be sued for giving such a one sided story. Want the other half of the story, the half based on truth & facts, not emotions and manipulative anti-gun reporting?


CNBC sure left out quite a few details & facts, didn't they? There are 2 sides to every coin, although CNBC tried to only show one.

OP had how many posts...? HMmmmmm... :rolleyes:
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Jim Page , I've worked on a number of 22 pistols with that problem [pull trigger , release safety it fires] .The first one was my own and happened with an empty gun. It gets your attention !! :eek:
Then I found others and corrected them . Don't try to do this yourself unless you are trained and skilled , it takes very fine work to correct.