remington 700


New member
Does anyone own or know anything about the remington 700 vtr ? I am looking to get one in a .308 and was wandering about them. I was also wandering if the 700 sps would be about the same rifle, i know they are about 200.00 cheaper than the vtr. Just wandering which one to get. thanks

That new VTR has that triangle barrel of course, I think those techs at Remington are looking for barrel harmonics, I don't know how or if they could improve on that 700 action. For the money I like the caliber choices better in the 700 sps (special purpose synthetic). But that rifle barrel might be pretty accurate, in the VTR.. If money is not the deciding factor,,,, I'd still probably go with tried and true 700. (I have owned one or more 700 rem. rifles for the last 30 years or so. It's a good place to start, as far as actions go. Look at all the new rifles and read all the reviews you can get your hands on..Imo..

Thanks for coming!:cool:
I have looked at them and think they look like a joke and I know I laughed at them. I must be old fashion and like a round barrel.

The triangle is supposed to give better cooling and accuracy.

As far as improving the remington there is a lot that can be done to improve the 700 action. It is a good action but far from the best action out there. I believe that for less money you can get a much better rifle in a Howa. They are a much beefier action that is flat bottomed and therefor much easier to bed the right way. Remington's 700 extractor is a very big weak point in the action. The biggest draw back to Remington's right now is their horrible QC. I see more Remington's on the racks that are ill fitted into the stocks the metal finish has bad spots. They are just not the same Remington rifles of 20 years ago. I seen an SPS Varmint and the stock was so warped on the fore end that is touched the barrel on the left side at the chamber and at the end of the stock and it touched the barrel in the middle on the right. It looked like some one put a Taco on that rifle. This is coming from a guy with 5 Remington rifles in his safe. If I were to buy a rifle right now it would be a Savage or a Howa.

If you want a 700 action that is stronger and better made look at Surgeon rifles. It is their action based on a 700 but much better.
I am not convinced that you can take a heavy barrel, shave it significantly, then claim that it is more rigid. Does not compute with me.
I am not saying that the barrel is in fact more accurate but my understanding is that when the barrel whips the triangular shape keeps the barrel from flexing as much. My thoughts are if it was really that much of an upgrade the top rifle makers would be using this barrel shape. I will not be switching anytime soon.
a guy just posted this in a another thread- saying he had a 1st remington and-
The second is a 700 VTR in .308. It's not a smooth operating gun and it's not accurate. I tried everything I could think of to make it work for me and nothing fixed it. Someone else mentioned in this thread about the chamber being too long and it had the same problem - I couldn't make a bullet long enough to get anywhere close to the lands. To Remington's credit though, they paid for shipping it back and said they'd make it right. I sent it on Saturday so we'll see what happens.
Originally posted by JMP

there's an opinion from a guy who bought and shot one.
I have a 700ADL Varmint. Had it to the range yesterday. With my handload of 168gr SMK's over 42grs of RL 15 I got .59moa.
Search will find lots of discussion on the rigidity issue earlier and calculations, to boot. Bought one and love it.
The second is a 700 VTR in .308. It's not a smooth operating gun and it's not accurate. I tried everything I could think of to make it work for me and nothing fixed it. Someone else mentioned in this thread about the chamber being too long and it had the same problem - I couldn't make a bullet long enough to get anywhere close to the lands. To Remington's credit though, they paid for shipping it back and said they'd make it right. I sent it on Saturday so we'll see what happens.

I have a 700 BDL in 30-06, bought it new in 96'.
I am not sure if Remington have gone bad in quality, but this rifle shoots VERY accurately. yes, it took a lot of effort to develop the right loads but once you get it right, sub MOA is not an issue, and I have even shot groups that are sub caliber.

This is maybe not the rifle I would use if I was a bench-rest competitor, but as a sporting, and hunting rifle I am very satisfied with it.

almost 15 years and over a thousand bullets later, It shoots sub moa. the lads are indeed very far and I cannot seat a bullet so it touches them, but IMO it is not necessary (some claim it is undesireable to have the bullet touching the lands).

I can get sub MOA accuracy with 180,150 and 165 Gr bullets, so it has a tolerance for a varied range.

As far as hunting goes, this year alone there are 7 witnesses (in my freezer) that will vouch for that first-shot accuracy.

In the club where I shoot there are some that have SENDERO's in 308, and they can repeatedly shoot sub-caliber groups, and their rifles are not that old.

So maybe they are not making them like they used to, or maybe a few slipped by the QC and created a bad reputation, hard to say.

BTW, other than free floating the barrel and getting a gunsmith to modify the extractor (installed a SAKO extractor, the Remington one is the worst thing they could have come up with) I have done no other mods to this rifle.


In 1995 I bought a small gunshops last Rem. Sendaro, it was .270 win., and it was a sub-moa shooter. I developed some handloads for it, = 53grns of 4350, 130gr. BT and the Nosler Partition. That deer season I packed that dude all over a 137 acre farm in the boothill. On the last day I finally got a shot at a doe as she stood, angling toward me,at a distance of 150yds. I was very satisfied with the rifle and the results... Until I dragged this deer over a mile, with this 12lb rifle over my shoulder, I soon sold this rifle and got every penny out of it that I put into it.:):D;)
I have 2 Remington VS 700's in 308...son got the older one for his graduation, but thats another story lol. Havent done much to either except to develop careful handloads, and either one will shoot sub MOA groups.
I did buy a torque wrench for the action screws, and have taken both to the range. It helps on the repeatability factor, removing and replacing the action.

Remington does use a long leade, and for most of what I reload, I size the cartridge to fit the magazine box, 2.810 OAL. I neck size and use RL15 over Federal or CCI match primers. The twist on the VS series is 1:12 and throws 130-180 grains just fine. Havent run anything heavier, but with the 308, youre shoving that bullet pretty far into the case for 200-220 grain bullets.

Both wear Leupold scopes and I havent found it necessary to adjust for POI in over 5 years. Great shooting rifles. The triangular shape of these new ones makes theoretical sense, but I dont know about practical improvements. So far as the barrel staying cooler, a round shape offers more surface area, but I dont let mine get hot enough to worry about.

Have heard there has been issues with the standard remington extractor, but I havent had an issue. Makes me wonder if some have been running really hot loads? I do make sure the extractor gets a lot of attention when cleaning it, but so far, so good.

The only problem I see with the heavy barrel is that it doesnt balance all that well from the shoulder, but thats just me.
I have a 700 BDL in 30-06, bought it new in 96'.
I am not sure if Remington have gone bad in quality, but this rifle shoots VERY accurately. yes, it took a lot of effort to develop the right loads but once you get it right, sub MOA is not an issue, and I have even shot groups that are sub caliber.

This is maybe not the rifle I would use if I was a bench-rest competitor, but as a sporting, and hunting rifle I am very satisfied with it.

almost 15 years and over a thousand bullets later, It shoots sub moa. the lads are indeed very far and I cannot seat a bullet so it touches them, but IMO it is not necessary (some claim it is undesireable to have the bullet touching the lands).

I can get sub MOA accuracy with 180,150 and 165 Gr bullets, so it has a tolerance for a varied range.

As far as hunting goes, this year alone there are 7 witnesses (in my freezer) that will vouch for that first-shot accuracy.

In the club where I shoot there are some that have SENDERO's in 308, and they can repeatedly shoot sub-caliber groups, and their rifles are not that old.

So maybe they are not making them like they used to, or maybe a few slipped by the QC and created a bad reputation, hard to say.

BTW, other than free floating the barrel and getting a gunsmith to modify the extractor (installed a SAKO extractor, the Remington one is the worst thing they could have come up with) I have done no other mods to this rifle.


I'm glad you have had such good luck out of your 700. I didn't, but I'm not giving up on it yet and I only sent it on Saturday so it'll be a while before I know any different.

I don't want the bullet touching the lands, just close.

I was loading the same weight bullets for it that you are and I was trying Varget, IMR4064, and IMR3031. I don't like max loads so I was staying away from that even though a friends 700 likes them.

I can't say whether the newer 700s are better or worse than the old ones, because it's my first one.
Returning to the original question, I think the VTR and the SPS are exactly the same except the barrel. From the pictures I saw the plastic stock looks identical. (I've heard bad things about this stock, and I think it's ugly)
There may also be a difference in the metal finish as well (VTR being more reflective). It's hard to believe they would make anything else different.
JMP, you do not need max loads for the 700

Not to hijack the thread, but we are talking about the 700 here.

I have found that you do not need max loads for the 700 to be accurate.
I have several loads, from very slow to reasonably fast that group sub moa. and it is for various weights of bullets.

if you want to discuss this in more detail you can PM me.

I went with the 308 sps, couldnt be happier it shoots very well out of the box and even BETTER with hand loads. i own several remington rifles 12 to be exact and i have never had one that shot bad.
Dude if you have 12 Remington rifles and not one dud, I'd say Buy lottery tickets!!!! and by the way, it's supposed to be this way man!!!:D
Hi I have a remington 700 SPS tactical in .308 and its a very good rifle. I dont know much about hte VTR but have not heard very many good things about them. The tactical has the shorter 20" bull barrel that will give you great harmonics and is a very accurate little gun. I bought mine this spring and you can easily shoot .5 inch at 100. Im impressed with the gun but am thinkin of selling it if your interested. Need some extra cash for my next purchase :D A springfieldM1A Scout squad and i figured i dont need 2 .308 in my situation being a college student and all. I forgot to mention i have a Nikon Monarch 4-16-42 with a bipod with 118 rounds down the barrel so its in excellent condition! just let me know
im not complaining at all, i love to hear everyones opinion. im just saying for myself rem is my favorite. I also own a few brownings and a couple rugers, they also shoot very well. Gues iv just been lucky:)