Remington 700 VTR or SPS SS .308


This is my 1st post here, i am brand new to this so i am glad i have found a board where i can learn a lot! I have decided to start hunting, i have always loved guns and own a few but not a hunting rifle. I was originally going to go cheap and get a remington 770 with scope ready out of the box but then after bad reviews ( and also realizing that none of my guns now are the cheapest on the market) decided to go for the 700. i think i have narrowed it down to the 700 VTR or the 700 SPS SS .308. I am going to start off with hogs here in FL then move on to white tail here in FL and with family in MI. Which would you guys (and girls) say is the best fit and why? Also, i am planning on mounting it with a Nikon Prostaff 3-9X40, comments on that as well would be appreciated. (is there any advantage to a SS scope over a matte)? thanks in advance!
Good choice in caliber, me I'd opt for the sps and pick up better scope than the prostaff. Recently saw Nikon Monarch 3-9x40 for $200 which is a much better scope than the pro-staff. If you want a Nikon get a Buckmaster at a minimum. FWIW I have several Nikons, good glass for the money imo.
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thank you, i will look into the Monarch, any benefit to a SS scope? Also, do you think the Remington is better then the equivalently priced Savage ($550ish)?
Monarchs are definitely worth a look for the price.

Either rifle would be great for hunting, but I would choose the SPS because of no muzzle break. That will deflect more of the sound back towards you and others around you. Most hunters don't wear hearing protection which is a bad idea (I'm guilty of it at times too!). I don't know of any advantage of a SS scope over the matte.. and most would argue the matte is better because it will be less noticeable by the animals you are hunting.

And it seems like most of the reviews I read say the VTR isn't accurate enough to demand the higher price.

I personally would get the Savage over the Remington. They are great rifles.
ndking1126, thank you for your input, what model Savage would you recommend in the $500-600 range? i would prefer a SS barrel though..

Also, if the majority of my shooting is going to be in FL for hog and white tail with a rare trip to MI here and there, is a 308 a better choice then a 30-06?
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For hunting purposes, .308 and .30-06 can be considered equal unless your trying to push bullets over 200 grains. I like .308 because of the short action and being able to find cheap ammo and brass to reload with.

I would say .308 based off cost and short action. .30-06 is only really an advantage if you are shooting to 1000 yards or hunting large game that need a 200+ grain bullet to take down.
If you're in Florida Dick's sells the 700 ADL stainless for $489 in .308. They often run additional savings of $30. That will save you about $200 over the SPS and you can put the money towards a better scope.

A 3x9 40 in the $189 to low $200 range would be a step up from the Prostaff. Burris has some nice scopes in that price range. The matte scope has the advantage in that you will have a lot more scopes to choose from.

For deer and hog hunting in Florida I think the .308 is a very good choice.
does it come in a SS barrel option? what would you guys say the best scope for under $200 would be? sorry i am truly new to this!

Also is 308 going to be ok for MI hunting?
I've found the Weaver scopes to be absolutely fantastic. In equal length barrels, toss a coin between the 308 and '06. Have loaded for them longer than I like to remember. The 308s I've owned over the years shoot 150 Hornadys and Sierras about 1/4" better than the '06.

In the SPS, you'll get a 24" barrel, so 30-06 would be the correct choice because 2850 with a 180gr bullet leaves the 308 well behind.
if i can "grain down" a 30 /06 and it wont be over kill for FL that sounds like maybe a better all around caliber because i could always "grain up" if i ever by chance went out west for big game AND it would be big enough for anything on the east coast. What do you guys think? 308 or a 30 / 06? would the 06 be WAY over kill for FL if grained down?

What is 2850?
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I bought a marlin XS-7 in 308 with a Vortex scope for about 500. The Vortex scope is a great scope and they are gaining popularity in my area very quickly. If you are set on a SS barrel then you wont see a price difference, but I am really happy with my marlin, if you can live with a blued barrel then the marlin will make you very happy. And the 308 does real well as an elk round here in Idaho. There are many people who think they need a magnum rifle but the 308 and 30-06 do very well taking animals here. I can't imagine you having a hard time taking deer in Michigan with a 308
2850 is velocity/speed ... in feet per second

I would go for the 308 because there is not as much recoil as 30-06

I am able to shoot my 308 better than my brother's 30-06 because my shoulder gets beaten up which results in flinching after ~10 shots with the 30-06; then my shooting gets worse.
The 308 is very manageable and I have shot 80 rounds in a row without flinching, which results in better shooting and more enjoyable shooting. Unless you're gunning for bear a 308 will do for most any bigger sized game.

Ammo is easily found and decently priced for both. As far as game hunting, Remington core-lockt's (in 30-06) are cheap and work good, my brother used 165 grainers in his 30-06 with good results, I use 174 grainers in 308 which I like.

Good luck in choosing, I dont think you can go wring with either caliber but I think you will have more fun shooting 308 and it will do the job for whitetail etc.
I've got the 700 SPS SS .308 with a Prostaff 3x9 and I'm pretty satisfied with it. The stock seems a little flimsy in the fore-end but it shoots straight.
"...700 VTR or SPS..." Hi. Same rifle with a different stock and barrel. The SPS is an entry level M700. The VTR is a bit higher end and a couple hundred more expensive. The muzzle brake will increase the noise to you and anybody near you, but reduce the muzzle jump and felt recoil.
My son's SPS Varmit is a tad bit more accurate than my VTR. Both are 700's in .308. I really like my VTR toriugh. About 2 pounds lighter than his SPS.
Here is my recommendation for rifle. It comes with a scope, but plan on changing that out. You may even be able to find one a little cheaper without it. The accutrigger is much better than the Xmark trigger that comes on the Remingtons IMHO. At this price range, I would give Remington a slight edge in the quality of the stock.. neither are fantastic though.

For scope, you're in luck if you are planning on buying one right now. Burris FFII for sale for $200. I bought this exact scope (but with ballistic plex) for their normal price about 2 years ago. This is a legitimate $350 scope on sale, not one of those deals where they jack the "normal" price way up so it looks like a good deal. I still have this scope on my hunting rifle (.30-06) and I shot an antelope this year at 330 yards. You won't find better glass for the money, promise.

Ah-ha! Found this rifle for actually in your price range!! Weather warriors are great rifles, I've known a few guys that loved them.

In all honesty, don't sweat over .30-06 vs .308.. at all. They really are that similiar. Even the price of ammo is usually the exact same. Here is the .30-06 and its a little more expensive. Buy the .308 and use the extra money for the scope or more ammo to practice.
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My take..

Accuracy.. could go either way, entry level rifles are more accurate than they have ever been. Probably the Savage will be more accurate out of the box. You can expect both to be well accurate enough for hunting.
Trigger.. I give this to Savage
Stock.. I give this to Remington, but it's close.
Barrel.. the extra 2" of the Remington will make the bullet have a higher muzzle velocity. For what you will do, however, there will be no noticeable advantage because both are plenty strong for killing deer and pigs. The extra 2" may make the gun feel front heavy and a little more awkward to shoulder in a hurry. (hunting pigs you sometimes have to whip it up there and make an accurate shot!!)
Upgradeability.. both rifle have a lot of aftermarket parts, but Remington probably has more. The Savage is easier to replace the barrel on your own if you ever want to/need to down the road. There are tons and tons of gunsmiths that work on Remingtons.

Both guns will serve you very well. You're best bet is to hold each one and see which fits you better. As mentioned, the stock and over all feel of the gun will be different, and will likely sway you one way or the other in your purchasing decisions.

Now.. buy one and give us a range report with pics! I've earned it with all this typing :)