Remington 700 Stock Upgrade

It's all together now.

The gun and stock paired up great, I wish I could say the same for the stock and bottom metal. It ended up being alot more "inletting" than I was expecting to get the PTG bottom metal to fit into the stock. The majority of the reviews led me to believe it was going to be 20-30 minutes with a file to fit it up. That was not the case. The bottom metal is wider, longer and thicker than the original piece. Luckly I have access to a mill. Doing that all with a file & dremel would have been very trying on my patience. I opened up the stock a little bit all the way around side to side, took the front side about 3/16" further toward the forearm and the back side 3/8" further and .200" deeper. Now it is a nice snug fit and functions nice. It looks like a new gun.:D Although it was a little more work than I had anticipated I am glad I did it.Vise.jpg

New Stock 1.jpg
Nice looking work on the stock. Did you skim bed the action? The reason I ask is I think even with the bedding block your rifle will benifit from a skim bed job. I know my Savage rifle did, every time I took it in and out of it's HS stock to work on it my POI would shift a little bit. Since I had it skim bed when I torque it down t still shoots same POI as it did before.
I haven't yet. Haven't even got to shoot it yet. That is in the plans though. Any recomendations on a good bedding kit?