Remington 700 retrospective

Short of my doing a long writeup--Let's just say I've owned a few Remingtons in the past.

Now-a-days when I go looking for a new rifle-it definitely won't be a new Remington coming home with me. I try to stay open minded and give everything consideration--even gave the Remingtons the once over---too bad its just more of the same---with the ones I've had 2-3in groups simply aren't acceptable-even with a hunting rifle.

My new TC Venture has been fantastic--I got it cheap and was immediately shooting sub-MOA groups once I got it on paper---all with cheap Walmart ammo.

Don't be trying to blame the shooter--I've had NUMOROUS other brand rifles that were sub-MOA shooters and a couple of em that would put em in the same hole--no Remington I've owned has ever had acceptable accuracy--I kept on buying into the Remington accuracy hype when I'd buy a new Remington only to be disappointed at the range and losing money trading it off. Nothing can shake me from this opinion as it hasn't happened just once--but many times.

Remington simply isn't a serious competitor in todays rifle marketplace---or for the last 25 years for that matter---bought my first 700 in 1986.

Now there I go doing a long write up I was trying to avoid.
I dont own either brand...yet. I have been looking into getting an entry level rifle for hunting now that I live in Colorado. What I found surprising was that Wal-Mart had a Savage 10 for $388 and a Remington 700 on sale for $398. Can someone give me a little more light on these particular models? And if they are good hunting rifles? Not looking for a comparison between the two, just personal experience with each. Thanks!
remington has expanded there line of rifles so that people less fortunate can purchase one.

That's why I like Remington, thats why I like the CMP, that's why I like Mosins.

I don't want to see shooting sports turn into a rich man's game. I want it to be an AMERICAN GAME.
Interesting Read

I have been a Remington fan also. But also a Ruger fan and a Browning fan and have owned a .223 varmit Savage with the fancy trigger. At one time or another I have had good rifles in all these models. As I have gotten older instead of getting better I am experiencing worse groups, less than satisfactory optics at the $200-300 range, mounts that will not tighten with Loctite yet and a host of other problems that have left me with a battery of rifles I do not trust to shoot at game animals further than a 100 yards away.

My latest debacle purchase, a Browning Medallion (whatever that means) A-Bolt II in 06 cal.

It must be me and my eye doctor must be lieing to me saying my vision is A-OK. I do not smoke drink or chase wild wild women (damn) so the only thing I have going for me besides splitting wood for the coming winter is my shooting enjoyement......did I say enjoyment....when I can get better groups with my Marlin 30-30 at 100 yards with a ghost ring iron sight than I can with a 3x9x40mm popular brand scope it makes me wonder why I am enjoying shooting all this high price ammo and not hitting anything close to a good group for hunting and for target shooting a bust for sure.

Nothing positive to my Marine buddy tells me, adapt and overcome!! Wish he was here to show me how!!
I have a REMINGTON 40X repeater in 7.62 Nato. The only modifications done to it are that I painted the barrel black with Aluma-hydeII and dropped it (rather sloppily) into a McMillan A5 Stock. It has a $250 scope on it mounted with a $69.00 DNZ mount. I'll put its accuracy up against ANY Factory Savage out there. BRING IT!...
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Iv'e had several Rem 700s and they have all been tack-drivers. My 1983 ADL (cut checkering), and 1975 BDL both shoot under a half-minute, but have been bedded. The 30-06 BDL shot under 3/4 min from the factory.

The ADL in .22-250 has shot 5/16" groups on several occasions and won more turkey shoots than any other rifle I own.
Well.... My 700 CDL will be getting a new barrel... I've exhausted all of my other options and its makes me sick to have such a nice looking gun sitting in my safe thats not up to snuff accuracy wise.. It will definitely be my last purchase of a new rifle from Remington.. Their unwillingness to fix my new flawed gun, has caused me to look elsewhere... I'm still buying old 700s, but never again will I buy a new one...
I'm not sure when Remington went down hill.I knowI have a 1963 700 in 300
wm. that owns everything inside 750yrds.You want to do.Got a270 700 BDL.
in 1990 thats done a great job also no problems.Own 2 Savage & 2 Rugers
That get a good bit of range & woods time also no problems,NO failures & have took good numbers of game.I dont put alot of stock in web hear say.
I bought 1 of the 700's & 1 of the Rugers from guys that said they were no good, they did a fine job for me. Makes Me wonder how many problems are
the Guys or the rifles.:D
I have a 700 VSSF in 223 from 1999 and it has been flawless and very accurate. No issues to report.

I have a 700 cdl in .243 that is fairly new - a few years old and it has also been accurate and flawless.

I have an older model 7 in .243 that is one of my favorite light rifles, no issues to report at all.

There are several other manufacturers that have quality products at great price points, but there is nothing wrong with Remington 700s that are coming off the assembly line right now.
everyone turns out a lemon every now and then..
I would have to agree with others points about Remingtons downfall. I have owned several good Remi's, mainly 870's, and 1 700 but the new stuff has really taken a turn for the worse. Savage, out of the box, is more accurate and shows better craftsmanship than the 700's of today. You simply get more for your money with Savage. Dont worry guys, Im sure they will make a comeback:)
If I'm getting 1 inch groups or better with every other Remington 700 I have... Then its the gun..
300 WEATHERBY MAG I agree but Ive seen alot of guys at the range that never see 1'' groups aint you 700REM or what ever.
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First I think Remington has quite a reputation for accuracy. My experience was not very good. In the 1980's I bought a 7mm mag 700 BDL new. It would not chamber Remington ammo. When I fired Winchester ammo in it and rotated the case 90º it would not go back in. It had an oval chamber. I did not bother to send it in but traded it for a model 70 which was also junk.

The model 700 is still one of the prettiest rifle actions out there and I might own one again. I'll just buy the SPS.
My only Remington is a .308 PSS with detachable mag I bought from a police chief a long time ago .5 groups with everyone that shot it.
My only problem with it is its 9 lbs without a scope-
Fine for bench but not for varminting
SSA, got it right.

Opinions vary. Quality varies. Just go hug your favorite bolt gun, remember why it is your favorite and then come back to the thread.