Remington 244 can is stabilize 100 gr bullets

Interesting you suggested the Roberts, I always wanted the 25 06 for the same purpose. I would probably use a 120 gr sp.
My 6mm Rem stabilizes those 100 grainers quite well :D... If only Remington had got it right the first time, we might be shooting .244/6mm Remingtons instead of .243 Winchesters... Same thing with the .280 Remington...
If only Remington had got it right the first time, we might be shooting .244/6mm Remingtons instead of .243 Winchesters... Same thing with the .280 Remington...

This is true. 6mm I think is a bit more ballistically superior.
My 244rem 740 auto shoots 100 gr core locks great killed deer with for 2 seasons then my son used it about 5 years all the deer shot never went more than 30 yards. Yes we reload. My granddad used this gun to kill mule deer, black bear and mountain lion back in the 50's he calmed it killed faster than his pre 64 270 win.
go and measure the twist of the rifle you are considering buying. Then you will know for sure which one it is.

Remington introduced the .244 with a 1-12 twist. Great for varmint shooting. Unfortunately, the market wanted dual purpose 6mm caliber rifles, and the .244's twist usually didn't do well with the regular 105gr "deer" bullet.

Sales never really took off, and lagged badly behind the .243Win. After a couple of years, Remington changed the twist on its .244s to 1-10". These rifles will shoot acceptably well with the 105gr bullets.

A few years later, Remington tried to give the .244 a new lease on life, by changing its name to the 6mm Remington. 6mm Rem rifles have a 1-9" twist.

Just checked, a Rem 722 will have a 1-12" twist in .244 Rem. The faster twist .244s seem to only be in the model 700.

As many others have mentioned, the only way to be certain your (prospective) rifle will not shoot acceptably well with the 105gr bullets is to shoot it. It is quite possible that it will shoot acceptably well with "deer" bullets, but not as tight grouping as with lighter varmint class slugs.

If the rifle is suitable in all other aspects, I'd say get it. Then try several different loads (brands/styles of bullet and different powder combinations) and see how it actually performs. It may be a 3/4 MOA rifle with an 80gr bullet, and only 2MOA with a deer load. That might be good enough for your needs. Or it might not.

The 6mm bore is light for deer, although with careful choice of shots and proper bullet construction (for what you are shooting through) it has, and will do the job on game as large as elk (neck/head shots are best).

Raking shots on whitetail & muleys are iffy, and ought to be avoided. Now, there are tons of folks who have dropped their deer with these shots, and they may write in to argue. But there have been many failures as well, and the 100gr-ish deer load in the 6mm bore size doesn't have a lot of extra, so one shouldn't expect it to do what it was never meant to do.
The only way you're going to know for sure is to try it.

go and measure the twist of the rifle you are considering buying. Then you will know for sure which one it is.

Meaure the twist- it's not hard.

If it's 1 turn in 12 inches, stick with bullets of 85 gr ...... bonded or solid copper if close shots are possible- it'd be right annoying and a durned shame if the buck of a lifetime wandered within 50 feet of you and your bullet hit a rib at 3,000 f/sec and disintegrated, with the deer running way with a "hickey from hell" to die days or weeks later ......
The more I think about it, the less concerned I am with stabilizing 100 grainers. There is no reason for me to hunt deer with anything less than a 308 or 06. If I were not able to take the recoil then it would be a different story. Some people for various reasons cannot take a lot of recoil. Therefore a 6mm caliber would be a great choice if they wanted to hunt deer. Any hunter knows how tough deer can be to stop. In Michigan a 100 yard run could mean loosing a trophy either in the swamp, thicket, or to another greedy hunter. If I decide to purchase the 244 it will be primarily a varmint rifle, and I do love varmint rifles.