Remember Delta Dropping NRA Because They Wanted To Be Neutral?

Come on now When I say, "represent your views," did you really think I meant every single view and/or in exact priorities?

:) I think its important we remember that this works both ways. Not everyone who supports candidate X agrees with his or her views on gun control. For many voters gun control is not even an issue they consider when supporting, or not supporting, a candidate. I think it also important that we remind politicians and candidates of this.
:) I think its important we remember that this works both ways. Not everyone who supports candidate X agrees with his or her views on gun control. For many voters gun control is not even an issue they consider when supporting, or not supporting, a candidate. I think it also important that we remind politicians and candidates of this.

Gun control is a single issue but has far reaching ideology that affects other issues. I don't recall ever disagreeing with someone on most major issues but be virtually in sync with them on the gun control issue (or vice versa). I'm sure it can and does happen but it isn't the norm, at least in my experience. YMMV.
Just in time.

I had been planning my first safari to South Africa for my family of four when Delta announced that they were withdrawing discounts to NRA members.
My choice of airline was between Delta and Emirates airlines and I was leaning towards Delta when they made their announcement. Good timing.
I just spent $6K with Emirates. Thank you, Delta, for making my decision easy.

Yes, I sent an email to the CEO of Delta explaining why I spent my money with Emirates & South African airlines.
I also explained that I had received police firearms training from the NRA and that my children had received hunter safety training from NRA trained instructors.
I don't think that Delta was very good anyway.
No company that breaks deals based on outside opinion can be good. If a person's word is dependent on the opinions of someone else (and their Twitter thumbs) that person is a very weak individual with no grit. Such a person would also lie and cheat and can be expected to lie and cheat everyone for some perceived gain.

I may have to rent a car in the coming months but the only game in town are Enterprize and Hertz. If I have to rent from these hypocrites* I will advise with a written letter that I am making a donation to NRA in their name equal to the rental cost amount.

*I think Enterprise owners are hypocrites because I suspect they live in gated communities and are protected by armed people while opposing NRA which defends the rights of the poor to arm themselves.
Only like 14 people ever used the Delta discount program. I wouldn't want to touch the NRA with a 10 ft pole either. Its the smart move to remain neutral and get away from them.

This whole boycotting companies because of their stance on a political issue just seems like a bad idea in general. people boycotted chick file because the owner donated to cause they didnt like, people boycotted startbucks because they change the color of a cup? and now you are banning delta because they aren't giving a discount to nra members (something you never used unless you were one of the 14)? boycott, fire, boycott, fire, protest. That is the right and left these days. why not boycott companies that arent made in america? you know something that would actually give us jobs?
:) I think its important we remember that this works both ways. Not everyone who supports candidate X agrees with his or her views on gun control. For many voters gun control is not even an issue they consider when supporting, or not supporting, a candidate. I think it also important that we remind politicians and candidates of this.
I think it's one thing to say they want to be neutral and not have anything to do with the NRA but I also think it's another to turn around and give handouts to anti gun groups. That tells me where their sentiments lie. Do you think they'd give some free charter plane use to the NRA or pro gun groups? I'm going with no.

As ATN082268 mentions this is a pretty far reaching subject that involves a lot more then many think. I won't support Delta or any business or politician that tells a lie.

For instance, lets say they do go with further gun control and in 6 months there is still another school shooting what do you think will happen? I can tell you they'll go for gun control 2.0. I don't feel that gun control for law abiding citizens works, I've seen it first hand for 69 years.
Nimrod 2 you are going to love Emirates. We went to Africa last summer (both ways on Emirates) and the service was fantastic and very professional. Glad you wrote to Delta, especially stating your background.