'Reman'(remanufacturered) vs 'Reload'

A regular (proper) round of .380 in a 9mm is never a good idea but likely no safety concern.

However the offending round of Freedom Munitions likely was not that, but rather a 9mm bullet and a powder charge appropriate for a 9mm round stuffed in to a much smaller and non-tapered piece of .380 Auto cartridge brass.

Net result, if the extractor kept the round against the breech face and it was discharged would be increased pressure due to smaller combustion space and a seriously warped or blown piece of .380 brass.

If you are a hobbyist handloader and you build that round, YOU NEED SERIOUS WORK on your process and you are putting yourself and others near you at risk. However, if you are a commercial re-man outfit and you do that and you SELL that and profit from it...

Well, that's my position. While I understand it is far more than just taking on a huge new hobby (it's a lifestyle, honestly...) my answer for needing or wanting factory re-man is simply "learn to make your own and you'll get better and more ammo for less money and you'll love doing it, you'll learn a ton and your pride will swell."
I've run several thousand rounds of Freedom new and re-man .38, .357 and 9mm over the last few years with never a single issue. I haven't bought any for the last 6-12 months because it seems like everything I want is sold out when I look. Don't know if that's just demand or something to do with all the bankruptcy issues.

I've noticed some variation in the charge of the 9mm remans, some rounds barely eject, some won't cycle the slide on my Shield. But most work fine for what I'm doing.
TBM900 said:
I don't trust ANY reloaded ammunition other than my own.
Nor do I allow anyone else to shoot MY reloads.

I JUST started to reload, a newbie for sure, but my little experience so far has shown me how easy it is to screw up. Even those who have done it for years, COULD get into a routine that becomes a tad complacent. Therefore I'm inclined to take TMB900's advice on this subject. In the past I have bought re-manufactured ammo, and have had no problems SO FAR, but now that I started reloading, will never again want or have to. FWIW, I have gone through about 300 or so rounds of Freedom 9mm with no problems so far, but have heard tales from others since I bought that Freedom years ago. Enough to steer me away.
I have bought a bunch of Freedom ammo in the past. The only problem I ever had was a bad primer in a 357 mag reman. Nice deep indent just no bang. I have not bought from them since they filed for bankruptcy. I have some 30/06 reloads that were given to me but the history is unknown. I will not fire these rounds. I may pull the projectiles and use the powder on my lawn as suggested. But I need to know if that is really good for your lawn?