Rem 7400

One thing that makes the 7400 a good option is that is looks mundane. An HK Nine sumthin looks aggressive... An FAL looks fearsome... An AR 10 or some such looks like a SEAL TEAM reject... Not the type of weapon a regular joe snuffy police office needs to have. Especially if the Officer is talking to the subjact over the rifle sights saying things like "Just put it down, and we can talk this out." Thats a hard sell.
A 7400 doesnt look like a gun to shoot people with - so the sell would not be hindered that way...
Just some thoughts.

Oh - 223sniper, The world doesnt revolve around that old Stoner design. Get your hands on some other rifles. Like Baskin Robins - they got 31 famous flavors. Try some new ones... Dont just order Chocolate every time.
I like "Butter Pecan" by the way. :D

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
Rob, you hit the nail on the head re: weapon-mounted lights. For the home-owner... flip on a freakin' light switch! For the cop, it is a TERRIBLE attitude to assume, both physically and mentally, when you're setting yourself up to point the muzzle of your weapon at EVERY little thing that needs looking at. Rule Two gets thrown out the window!

.223 Sniper--- perhaps you had a bad experience with a bad one? I feel like I know Rob pretty well over the last 11 months, and he won't field a gun that isn't reliable.

When I went through academy, there was a guy who shot beside me on the range during qualifications that had a Ruger P-89, that he'd bought new, in the box. This poor guy couldn't reliably finish a single magazine without a jam or stoppage. We started calling his pistol the "Crunchentikker Jammin Shootur." For a long time after that, nothing good could be said about Ruger auto-pistols in my presence. Then a friend, against my advice, bought a P-89 and a P-90, which I shot extensively. I still didn't like the way they felt or the way the trigger felt, but that stuff's subjective. The fact was that these new specimens were stone-cold reliable pistols, that could be depended on to defend a man for many years of service. Never a jam. I had, of course, formed my previous conclusions on a tiny sampling, and on my personal prejudices, which happen to run more toward embracing 1911's. ANY factory can occasionally turn out a lemon. ;)

I completely hold with George on not exacerbating a possibly bad situation with a mean-looking gun. (And I KNOW how your tastes run, George, so I don't believe for a second that you're skeered of a "black rifle!")

For several years, the car rifle of a family member who's a 30-year cop has been a Pre-'64 Trapper .30-30 with Lyman peeps on it. Yes, his Car-15 would serve the same purpose, and perhaps better, if the shooting starts, but when he pulls the old thutty-thutty out, this man doesn't look at all like someone looking for a fight; he merely looks like someone prepared to finish one, if he has to. On at least one occasion that I'm familiar with, that general look has probably kept him from having to drop the hammer. (The quote from the escapee to his friend was,"No! No! Stop! That old fart will kill us!")

Gotta run to class!

You can ruin anything! Just when I was ready to give this rifle a serious consideration as a patrol carbine, you go and make it sound mundane.
Sorry, but it just won't fit with my own sense of LE Style. Why partner up with Murtaugh when you can have Riggs! ;)

Of course, you are correct, the rifle is very well suited to "blend" with normal patrol duties.
The Citizenry would certainly shriek if Ofc. Snuffy rolled out of Car 54 wearing a Nomex hood and carrying an MP5SD to every domestic situation!

The realtively new Ruger Police Carbine also blends in better than an AR, even though it has a protruding magazine.

Our Chief is more likely to consider the pistol caliber rifle as an issue item, but a few of us are preparing a concerted effort to lobby for a qualification/certification process for privately owned patrol rifles, much like we have for privately owned back-up/off duty weapons.

Dude - your looking for Vanilla - your going to get Vanilla.
Thems ol'rifles look better with some good ol'walnut any hows.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!

One of the coolest things our County ever did was put a Mini-14 in every car, and have ever patrol deputy qualify with it. I agree that an honest-to-Gawd HP rifle needs to be available. The point of a rifle is precision, so over-penetration isn't really a problem. After all, you're carefully calling your targets and shots. I really don't see much benefit to pistol carbines for police work. Tell me where its job isn't better-served by either a large duty pistol, a shotgun properly set up, or a rifle. It doesn't have the handiness of a pistol, the power of a shotgun, nor the accuracy or killing power of a rifle. :p

Gotta agree with George-- you go looking for vanilla, then grow disturbed at the realization that it's not chunky?!? :) Give it a trigger job, put a good sling on it, chop the barrel 2" and recrown it, put on good sights, and name your new carbine "French Vanilla," to make it sound exotic. Or "Vanilla Bean." :)

LP - your right, I aint skeered - especially if you guys were the ones holding it. Now if J. Reno was holding it - then I would be.
Dumb wench wouldnt know what to do with it and it might go off!

Rob's Cafe Vanilla Carbine may look plain jane - but I doubt a target would feel the difference. I kinda like the CVC gun idea - it would be an easier sell to departments that distain from rifles that have any sort of style to them.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
Yeah, put it in a dove-grey stock with matte non-reflective stainless or a matte parkerized finish, shorten the barrel, put only leather slings on it, and call it "C.V.C.-- the police carbine of good taste." (Meanwhile, it hits just as hard and as fast as the first 10 rounds out of George's new FAL!)

"...For the discriminating marksman, in times of trouble..."


George, we should've been in Marketing!
CVC's in smaller calibers such as .223 could be called "Decaf".

I think I like that... :D

Lets start our own gun company... Marketing would be fun as hell in this field!

Hmmmm - would would you call a Mocha?

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
Ever seen the brownish-green parkerization on some of the older UZIs? (nah-- too brutish!)

How 'bout color-case-hardened receiver and extra-deep blued barrel in a laminated wood stock, with a deep brown (or Cordovan?) hand-stitched leather sling, with perhaps some tasteful carving at the ends of the sling. Oh, yes-- it's preferred cartridge would be Winchester Failsafe, because of the added "flavor" of the nickel cases and black moly bullets. (!) I only think I'm joking, here...

Set up like Rob's getting his, with black synthetic stock and blued finish (needs to be black parkerized...)with a black web Supersling, it would be an Espresso. With 18" or shorter barrel, it would be a Demitasse.

A blonde-wood laminated stock version in stainless with a stock-mounted light, a Sidekick holder for an extra magazine on the right side of the stock, a padded sling, a custom trigger, and 50mm scope with fittings for nightscope, it'd be:

The Latte, with extra Foam and Sprinkles! ("Be sure and use extra steam in that! Do y'all still offer the Nutmeg and Cinnamon Bedding option?")

:) :) ;) :)

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited February 11, 2000).]

Thereby PROVING that Rob enjoys the double-tap capability of the Remington 7400... :)


[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited February 12, 2000).]
Sorry to break in here but as you all have shot a 7400: any advice?

I am very interested in getting a 7400 in 30-06 as my own first deer rifle (shot borrowed .243's and a .270).

On the used market is there much chance of one of these being "shot out" more so than a bolt?

How does the recoil compare(i.e. 7400 30-06 = .270 bolt?)

Is there a particular archive or thread that anyone recommends?

Any comments would be helpful.
Dunno how heavy the .270 was that you shot or which weight bullets you used, so it's kinda hard to compare, but generally, 180-grainers out of a .30-'06 7400 are going to feel a lot like 130 grainers ("smooth and creamy," to Kodiac/George!) out of a .270 bolt-action. That's a pretty nice reduction of recoil, thanks to a medium-weight rifle with gas-operated action.

Now, if you were shooting 150g bullets ("crunchy" to K/G) out of a light sporter or featherweight .270 bolt-gun, you're in for a treat; any '06 round out of a 7400 is bound to be substantially less felt recoil than that load/rifle combo.

So, the lesson, kids, is that the 7400 is the tool to help a man give up decaf rifles! :)

(Somebody stop me before I hijack another thread...)
