Rem 7400

Rob Pincus

New member
After reading an article several months ago about the 7400 as a possible police carbine, I got interested for the 99th time in buying one of these guns. So, while at my annual gun buying binge (aka SHOT) I ordered one and it came in today.

Does anyone have any experience with these guns? Particularly a recent model in .308?

I am going to put some type of Red Dot sight on it, most likely a Holo-Site to start with, because I have several lying around.

I'll report on it as soon as I get a chance to go shoot in above freezing weather!
I own a 7400 in .30-06. It's my first rifle and as I am not a very good shot yet I can't evaluate accuracy. The gun is okay but the magazines seem to be a problem. I've had two remington mags that didn't function reliably. The magazines either shifted in the mag well or the followers bound in the magazine housing. I shoot rifle leftie and the controls are inconvenient. I also dislike the fact that to lock the action open an empty magazine must be in the gun. I'm looking to sell mine and get something a little more ambidextrous like a .30-30 carbine or the like. If you are interested let me know. I'm asking $300. That includes rings, one factory mag that works and two Triple K 10-rounders that work too.
This rifle design is very finicky. Much like that damned cat Morris, you have to feed it properly- that is factory ammo it likes.

It is unusual for the 10 rd mags to work reliably but the factory mags never gave me a problem. The gun must be kept clean of course...

Remington is producing these in .308 again? That's a great gun. Is it configured for police work? Now they have to come back with the .35 Whelan...
They're neat rifles, from what I've heard. I personally wonder why they only make the carbine in '06, and not also in .308. (See: ) Did you get it in sythetic or wood, Rob? Also, tell me you're improving on those short-radius open sights, and putting on a good receiver peep...!

Oops! I see you're looking at sticking a R.D. or holo on it... (I wouldn't, but then, you didn't ask me, did you? ;) ;))

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited February 04, 2000).]
I was definitely going to do something with those sights..... I will probably put some type of Red Dot on it, otherwise it'll be sporting a reciever ghost ring....

I got the synthetic stock and it is actually very short. I was surprised, in fact I checked the label to make sure that I hadn;t gotten some "youth" gun! For what I had in mind, it'll be perfect. Not only does the Vest add a little to the shoulder, but the shorter stock will be easier to "throw up".

I'll let you guys know how it goes.
Well, it looks very PC. You wont get the shocked looks you'ld get if you pulled out a Military looking rifle... Heavens know you don't want to startle the sheep in your herd!
Yet you must protect your flock... I think that would make a fine patrol rifle or trunk gun.
The Holo unit woud work good.
But you may want to consider instead a model of Red Dot sight that allows you to attach a magnifying scope unit... Because you may want to take advantage of the .308's balistic advantage and engage a target from an extended range. I know many folks who regularly do this out to 300+ yards buy in police work, you may need more precision at long range than a Holo would give you. Being able to screw on the telescope unit would give you that ability in only a few seconds. Bipods are over rated, so that can be left off. A good sling would be real nice too. Thats about it. Simple.

Good Choice.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
300+ yards? Sheesh, the city is only 9.2 square miles!

Seriously, this is purely an academic pursuit.

I haven't even really started preparing my 3" ring binder proposal about patrol carbines. Right now we are limited in the long gun department. That is to say, our shotguns are keep conveniently in a bag in our trunks under our emergency street sign, box of flares, duty bags of paperwork and quite often wedged under the spare tire. :(
Noticed that you may be considering the Rem. 7400 for "police" type work. Would highly suggest you consider some other form of weapon regardless of caliber. These rifles are notorious for "jammers" and do indeed have their share of problems. Talk to any long term gunsmith and he can far better explain the difficulties involved and why they are not the first choice of someone who is staking his life and others on the weapon. I am sure there are some out there, but I have never heard of a police/security force using the Rem semi auto in line of duty??
Can't be *that* long-time-- as I understand it, this is a refinement of the good-ole 742. I suspect that much of the jamming was occuring from:
  • [a]Use of ammo that that particular rifle didn't like(See DeBee's comments), and Extensive rapid-fire (i.e. more than 2 mags in less than 1 minute.), which it was NOT designed to do.

    But, I don't know. The rifle's reputation ain't bad...

    Short, huh? 22" bbl and a 13 3/8" pull (which is the same as on my Sendero)... that's a full-sized rifle. (7.5 lbs, too!) I agree about liking the short lengths of pull; I was thinking about the Model 7 Youth as a handy TX hill-country carbine: I guess it doesn't bother me because, what with my orangutanian 39.25" sleeve-length, all stock-pulls are short for me. I'm with Col. Cooper on the concept of needing a short buttstock on a fast-handling carbine.

    Be sure and snap a pic of it and post it when you've got the new sights on and a proper sling on it!


    Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Welllll, I have a 742K in .30-'06 (wottinell else would Art have?) which works just fine, thank you.

It's done an occasional 1-1/2" group; digests factory ammo just fine, and hasn't griped at my handloads if I full-length resized the brass.

The various controls and monkey-motions take some getting used to.

While it's not the lightest gun I've ever carried, it recoils less than one might expect. I sorta like the critter; not sure why, exactly, but I do...

So I'd guess the 7400 might be cleaned up, inside, for better reliability...

I bought a synthetic 7400 carbine in 30-06 for my son last summer. I put on a Leupold Vari X II 3x9 and it can shoot sub moa groups for four rds for the first 2 mags. I was busy with his two brothers when he told me he must be getting tired as he was shooting larger groups. After the boy put 40 rds thru the rifle we had groups out to 2". The rifle has had only one malfunction and that was trying to shoot some Greek surplus thru it. The gun would shoot it but the case would have to be knocked out. The extractor was pulling a piece of the rim off(that ammo now is only used in my garand). As far as reloads go, the 7400 carbine we have shoots 150 gr. Nosler BT consistently between 3/4" and 1-1/4" as long as you wait for it to cool down. This was with LC 62 match and 4064. I bought some 5 and 10 rd USA mags for it and had to return them as they wouldn't seat. Remington mags just came in the mail last week so I will see if they work. The boy likes the rifle. I do too. MWT
Like I said, this rifle is NOT going to be riding in my patrol car anytime soon. I am planning on putting it through some testing for such a role though......

I haven't measured the length of pull (I'm more of a "feel" guy than a "measure" guy... just ask my wife... ;)), but it sure seems shorter than the average rifle.

On the topic of the barrel, I was seriously considering having it cut and recrowned at somewhere between 16 and 18 inches. I know that there are arguments on both sides that make sense. The reality is that most of the arguments against cutting it down (muzzle velocity, long range accuracy) might be of less concern to me than overall wieght and handiness....
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally Posted by Rob
I'm more of a "feel" guy than a "measure" guy... just ask my wife... [/quote]

Oh OH... It is taking MAJOR self-control not to post on THAT statement! ;)

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Cutting it down probably isn't going to affect handiness, etc. much except for going through doorways & for that, you'd be better suited with a shotgun. Actually, having the rifle a bit bbl heavy will do you best in the long run.

Never even seen a 74XX on any range (no flames) so no comment there. But, (& here I go) the pump models are (can be) a dream. I've an old 760 30-06 that'll do 1/2 MOA with factories & will out perform (speed-wise) any semi-auto. Too, the Rem pumps are totally free-floated & (can) deliver amazing groups.

'Course, I'm from the old school. In the hands of a user, the pumps will out-perform (most) semis any day.
I have a 760 .30-06 as well, and it is a great gun.. but we can;t always count on having two arms free.....

I am not a big fan of weapon mounted lights, and pumping while holding a flashlight under stress..... well, you get the point :).
don't buy a 7400 they have problems and always have FTFs. If you want a police carbine buy your self an AR15 and some 20 and 30 round mags. also the 10 round mags for the 7400 are made by usa mags and they suck big time. 223sniper
Um, .223Sniper, I'm pretty sure that Rob has access to AR's if he wants them. What the man wants is a handy, low-profile, high-powered semi-auto rifle. While AR's can be terrifically accurate and very sturdy, they're not .30-'06's. Also, a personal rifle pressed into police use invites it to be somewhat abused (note trunk-wear), and an AR at least doubles the price of a 7400. Extended rapid fire is unlikely. Short-term rapid-fire, however, is possible in police work.

I'm VERY much in favor of HP rifles in every patrol car, and training given to every officer on how to use it. That foolishness in LA a couple of years ago would have easily been stopped by ONE man with a '94 .30-30, had he taken his time and minded his trigger squeeze. All the better had it been a rifle like Rob's new one, that seems to exemplify his need to qualify rather than quantify, in life! :) :) ;) :) :) ;)

are you and I the ONLY ones who aren't crazy about gun-mounted flashes? I guess they're okay if you have a second flash as well, but then we're getting unnecessarily bulky. I've seen more 870's set up with that super-bright halogen on the fore-end and thought, "but now your hands are completely full of weapon, all the time!" With the pressure-sensitive switch, one has to turn out the light to open the door!

I don't dispute going to a shorter barrel length (heck, my gunsmith will cut and recrown for under $30!), but I'd stick with 18", in a tiny effort to get that blast a little further from my face. It's... um, LOUD! You'll be surprised at the good you'll get by losing 4"... (What am I doing talking measurements to a man who doesn't go by measure, but rather "by feel?" :))...and you can always hack off the last 2", should you really want to. It's easy to take some off, but it's hell getting those inches back on...!

....and thank you very much for your comments, 223sniper.


I don't think you were involved, but several of us went round-n-round last year about the weapon mounted lights. I really don't like them, some people really do. Particuarly, I see a big difference between an entry team's use of them (understandable) and a guy mounting one on his home defense gun (not)... I shudder at the idea of some guy (no matter how well trained) using the light on the end of his 870 or attached to his Glock to search the house with his little kids creeping around. Flashlights on Guns inevitably lead to violating one of the most basic rules of gun handling: Don't cover something you don't want to destroy!

Oh, and yes, you were correct about my access to ARs. Three of them are especially accessable in fact, ;).
