Rem 700 or Savage model 10 243cal

I don't know about the QC slipping on Remington. I have one at this time and have owned about 4 others in the past and have never experienced quality problems with any on of them.

I work with industrial manufacturing and the components that industry uses to produce the little that is still produced in America today. I can tell you, without a doubt, that when quality starts to slip on a product a big reason is because the mfg. is trying to cut cost out of the process in order to maximize profis or more commonly they are trying to PRESERVE profitability. Don't label them greedy or evil for trying to do so either. That is what is often required in order to stay competative or to stay in business. Staying competative means keeping american workers on the job in our factories.
The process is COMSUMER DRIVEN. Every time you or I, as a consumer, decides to buy the cheaper model, just because it's cheaper, we force another mfg. to cut costs, compromise quality, reduce workforce in order to remain competative in the marketplace.
Walk into any national chain store and try to find a product that is made in America. It's hard t do and it is a result of american buying habits!

What's my point?? Demand that American manufacturers produce the world class quaity products that they are capable of producing and then support them. I'm not saying that anyone should overpay for something just because... But put more into your decision than what is the cheapest. :o:o
DS Snyder

Your exactly right Sir, I agree with you.
I blame America for being owned by China, If we as a Country had stuck together and supported the American Companies, and boycotted the cheaper foreighn stuff, we would alot more good paying jobs.
We are our own worst enemy.
The kids dont have a chance at making a decent living when they grow up, because everyone keeps buying this foreighn made junk.
Savage, nice guns, 1 year warranty
Remington, also nice guns, 2 years warranty
Marlin, yep, nice guns also, 2 years warranty
Winchester, another nice gun, no written warranty, no lifetime warranty
Thompson Center, nice guns too, lifetime warranty

All of the current models on the market are easily 2 MOA accuracy with factory ammo so why worry which to get today. For me, which will last in the future and how the company stands behind the product make more sense.

Easy answer for me.
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Chevy and Ford. Lots of aftermarket support for either one. I shoot both Savage and Remington. And Marlin, and Winchester, and Ruger. I've even got a T/C in the locker.

Embrace diversity! But, the choice boils down to individual peccadilloes.