reloads not cycling

Once again ESain has failed to provide additional info as requested. We can't help without additonal info.

Do you have lots of unburnt powder?

How are you mearusing your charge weight? Scale or volumetric dispenser?

Are the cases properly sized?

How much crimp are you using? Do the rounds pass the push test?

These are some of the things we need to know.
I picked up some hp-38 and loaded 6 rounds at 4.5 grains and everything operated correctly out of both guns. thanks for all the advice!
no I do not have any unburnt powder
I use a digital frankford arsenal scale
I run them through the sizing die everytime I reload
ive tried everything from no crimp, light crimp to full crimp and yeah they pass the push test
The powder is suspect based on the answers. At your top charge weight even AA#7 should cycle one or both guns since that is around starting charge. Contact Accurate and let them know the info. and symptoms. It is possible that #7 or #9 got mislabled or a bad lot got out.
CAUTION: The following post includes loading data beyond or not covered by currently published maximums for this cartridge. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Neither the writer, The Firing Line, nor the staff of TFL assume any liability for any damage or injury resulting from use of this information.

Just saying:
Where I might see a problem is how fresh the powder is? and the primer choice? Small Pistol Mag primers might be a avenue to try.