Reloading assumptions

I would not assume that. As others have stated, pressure is measured in the chamber, and is not a function of barrel length. Peak pressure almost always occurs when the bullet has traveled down the barrel very little. It's also important to understand that there is no direct connection between peak pressure and velocity. Velocity is much more related to average pressure. (That's the extent of my knowledge. Somebody smarter than me can add on/clarify.)

I have and load ammo for a Glock 29 (and Glock 20). I just did a quick check of my chrono data and compared to the books (Speer & Hornady). My loads slightly exceed their posted velocities - even with my shorter bbls. This is a classic "your mileage may vary."

I don't have a lot of different loadings for the 10mm, as I consider it a utilitarian - rather than recreational - cartridge. But I'd be happy to share data if you believe it may be of assistance.
This is a sound evaluation, with one quibble. Muzzle velocity is a function of integral pressure over the course of bullet travel down the bore, not average pressure.

I teach that the term "pressure" or "chamber" pressure (where "chamber" is not the same as the space the cartridge occupies, aft of the beginning of rifling, but rather "combustion chamber") without qualification is ambiguous and potentially misleading.

Peak Chamber Pressure is the highest value that would appear on a graph of chamber pressure during bullet travel down the bore. Excessive Peak Chamber Pressure is what causes guns to blow up. Peak Chamber Pressure occurs at the point where propellant combustion ends, and depending on propellant speed, may be before the bullet begins to move or very shortly thereafter.

Instantaneous Chamber Pressure is combustion chamber pressure observed at any given point during bullet travel. It peaks at Peak and thereafter continues to decay as the bullet moves: remember the Ideal Gas Law, made famous by the Patriots "Deflategate" episode?

Integral Chamber Pressure is the total area that appears under the chamber pressure curve. So long as Instantaneous Chamber Pressure pressure exerts a force on the bullet that is greater than the sum of bullet friction against the walls of the bore plus (initially) bullet inertia, the bullet's acceleration will be positive and its velocity increasing. The way we get increased muzzle velocity from some guns (usually big bore rifles shooting heavier bullets) is by using a propellant with a slower combustion velocity. This tends to flatten the Instantaneous Chamber Pressure curve, increasing its integral without increasing its peak.
Are you sure? IME, adding powder always seems to increase pressure and velocity.

I am sure. It does.


Only to a point, and on your way to that point you will experience the law of diminishing returns.

The relationship between powder amount, pressure, and velocity is not one for one linear. There IS a relationship, but its not a straight line.

And there is a point (which of course varies with each different cartridge, powder, and gun) where you either run out of space for more powder, or you reach damaging high pressure, or your velocity stops increasing and you're just blowing extra powder out the end of the barrel.

And, you can get all of those in combination or even at the same time, when the stars line up just right. :D

ALSO, something to consider, is the fact that higher pressure from increased powder charges, while giving a measurable, but not necessarily significant increase in velocity, CAN result in your gun malfunctioning, well before you reach pressures that will actually damage the gun or cause catastrophic failure (blow up the gun).

AND, this is especially likely in semi autos, and particularly in semi auto pistols.

Look up "Glock Ka-boom" and "Super Face" for examples of too high pressure for the design of the gun, resulting not in the gun itself failing, but the cartridge case failing and dumping the pressure back into the gun.

Also look in reloading lore about too high pressure in a bolt action causing "sticky" bolt lift, or even literally locking the action shut, without blowing up the gun. Everyone seems to focus on the completely failure of the gun (it blowing up) as the "danger" to too much pressure, and that is a risk, when the pressure is WAAY too high, but you gun can be rendered out of action (absent a gunsmith) by much, much lower pressures.

Working limits for firearm pressures are well estblished, and well below NON-DANGEROUS but unsuitable pressure levels. Sticking a toe over that line won't cause serious issues. Going a whole foot past that seldom does. Taking a full stride beyond that CAN. Taking a running leap and landing on the snout of a sleeping dragon certainly WILL! :rolleyes:

The weakest point of the whole system is the case. There are gun designs where it is the case strength itself that determines the max usable pressure. Semi auto pistols where the case is partially unsupported by the chamber (in order to promote postive feeding) are notorious for this.

I have seen a ruptured case in a semi auto pistol blow the bottom off the magazine as the gas vents. The rest of the pistol was unharmed, but that magazine was toast!

This is one example of the gun being put "out of action" without complete failure (blowing up).

Loits of things (minor compared to a blow up, but major on their own) can happen with too high a pressure. Case blow out. OR case sticking in the chamber, resulting in the action ripping the rim off, or the extractor ripping through the rim, resulting in a case stuck in the chamber, putting the gun out of action.

When you deviate from tested loads, you're "off the map" and "there be dragons here". Sleeping....tread very carefully to avoid waking any of them!
Are you sure? IME, adding powder always seems to increase pressure and velocity.
It is about the pressure curve, not the peak. A simple spike peak will get you nothing. An example of this woub be to (Don't really do it!!!!) Load a 338 Lapua with Accurate2. Burn however much powder it takes to hit SAAMI max pressure. I but you won't get 1200 fps velocity.
It is about the pressure curve, not the peak.

Consider this, think about a big, heavy door, say a safe door.....

Now, slap that door with your hand...slap it hard...
Besides making your hand sting, what happens? The safe door moves a little bit,,,maybe

Now, PUSH the safe door, and what happens, the door moves and as you keep pushing it gathers speed. The push isn't as "hard" as the slap, but it's duration allows the door to overcome the resistance of inertia and begin moving, slowly at first, then faster and faster as the push continues.

Consider the slap "peak pressure" and the push to be the continuous push over the full pressure curve.

The analogy isn't exact, but does illustrate the general principles.
Consider this, think about a big, heavy door, say a safe door.....

Now, slap that door with your hand...slap it hard...
Besides making your hand sting, what happens? The safe door moves a little bit,,,maybe

Now, PUSH the safe door, and what happens, the door moves and as you keep pushing it gathers speed. The push isn't as "hard" as the slap, but it's duration allows the door to overcome the resistance of inertia and begin moving, slowly at first, then faster and faster as the push continues.

Consider the slap "peak pressure" and the push to be the continuous push over the full pressure curve.

The analogy isn't exact, but does illustrate the general principles.
At the macro level (and as a starter for those starting to grasp internal ballistics), this is a pretty good analogy.
I do understand the pressure is measured in the barrel but a shorter Barrel does not allow the pressure to build as it would in a longer Barrel before being released. I am not expecting the pressures or muzzle velocity to be by the book in the smaller Barrel that is a known
No ... pressure is not measured in the barrel ... it is measured in the Chamber !

The only way to safely get more velocity from a Maximum load is to use a Longer Barrel .

Loading to a higer than max pressure will get you in trouble ...
My Grandfather would tell me ... "Boy , don't be acting the fool ! "
Speer once built a single shot "cylinder" with pressure transducer for a real revolver frame and barrel. They found that the maximum pressure occurred while the bullet was still crossing the barrel-cylinder gap.
RKG said:
Peak Chamber Pressure is the highest value that would appear on a graph of chamber pressure during bullet travel down the bore. Excessive Peak Chamber Pressure is what causes guns to blow up. Peak Chamber Pressure occurs at the point where propellant combustion ends, and depending on propellant speed, may be before the bullet begins to move or very shortly thereafter.
I must respectfully disagree with the bolded potion of the above statement.

I am primarily a handgun shooter, and ALL my reloading to date has been for handgun rounds. If you've ever seen the great balls of fire that come out of the muzzles of some handguns with some rounds, you would know beyond any doubt that the propellant combustion did not end when the bullet started moving down the barrel.

In fact, several years ago I started an experiment to quantify the loss of muzzle velocity shooting the same ammunition out of shorter barrels. I'm a 1911 guy at heart, so I gathered up a collection of Para-Ordnance pistols (I chose the same brand in the hope that barrel manufacturing would be similar enough to minimize the variable that I was NOT doing what Ballistics By The Inch does, and using a single test barrel that gets lopped off an inch at a time as they run each series of tests) with barrel lengths of 5", 4-1/4", 3-1/2", and 3".

I started out with the near screen of the chronograph ten feet from the muzzle. All went swimmingly for the 5" and 4-1/4" pistols, but the experiment unraveled when I started shooting the 3-1/2" P12.45. Out of ten shots, probably half registered "Error" rather than a velocity. It got even worse with the 3" P10.45.

I was testing five rounds each of several different commercial loads through each pistol, and it was the same ammo that caused the problem in most of the cases. It became clear pretty quickly that with the shorter barrels I was ejecting enough still-burning powder that the glowing particles were messing up the screens. (I was at an indoor range, using the powered infrared sky screens.)

Moving the chrony out to a distance of fifteen feet resolved the problem but, by the time I had that all figured out, I had used up the amount of time the range owner was willing to have that portion of the range shut down. I have always intended to run the experiment again, using two pistols in each barrel length rather than one, a fifteen foot chrony distance, and more rounds of fewer ammo types in order to get a better sampling. I just hanven't had the time to do it.

The point of all this is that if there's burning powder passing through the chronograph ten feet in front of the muzzle, the propellant clearly hadn't all stopped burning as soon as the bullet started to move. In fact, one of the keys to the so-called "short barrel" self-defense rounds most of the major ammo makers started offering about ten years ago is faster powders, with the goal being to have the pressure peak sooner rather than still be increasing when the bullet exits the muzzle.
In fact, one of the keys to the so-called "short barrel" self-defense rounds most of the major ammo makers started offering about ten years ago is faster powders, with the goal being to have the pressure peak sooner rather than still be increasing when the bullet exits the muzzle.

I hate to break the news to you, but pressure peaks way before the bullet has exited.

Even with a slow powder like 296, this is what QuickLOAD says about peak pressure and bullet travel:

357 Magnum, 158 grain Bullet, 16.0 grains of 296, maximum chamber pressure (Pmax) = 31,596 psi, bullet travel at Pmax = 0.43 inches.

Thus pressure peaks before the bullet has moved even half an inch. Pressure drops after the bullet moves past 0.43 inches and continues down the barrel. In a 4 inch barrel the gas pressure at the muzzle (according the QL) is 12,535 psi (this might not be a 'revolver' barrel).
74A95 said:
I hate to break the news to you, but pressure peaks way before the bullet has exited.
You're not breaking anything to me -- I know that. But that's not what the statement to which I responded said.

RKG said:
Peak Chamber Pressure occurs at the point where propellant combustion ends, and depending on propellant speed, may be before the bullet begins to move or very shortly thereafter.
I don't want to get bogged down too far, or bore everyone to the point of taking up golf, but:

The flash often seen in some load situations does not mean that the propellant is still combusting after the bullet leaves the muzzle. What happens is that combustion generates a large mass of high pressure, high temperature, low oxygenated gas. As the bullet exits the muzzle, this mass of heretofore confined gas suddenly vents to a low pressure, low temperature, highly oxygenated atmosphere, and that causes some of this gas to oxygenate. That is not propellant still burning.

Yes, in some loads you will see granulates of unburned powder. That does not mean that propellant combustion was continuing as far as muzzle vent. It means that in some cases, some fraction of the propellant never combusts.

As for cylinder gap in revolvers, play close attention to the details: load, propellant, location of the test "cylinder gap." For instance, in a S&W .357 K-Frame, the nose of the bullet is almost at the same point as the front of the cylinder. Fire a .38 Special load of a 148 grain wadcutter with a load of 2.7 grains of Bullseye, and Peak Chamber Pressure does occur before the bullet begins to move. Fire a .357 load with a 158 grain jacketed slug pushed by 13-14 grains of H110/Win296, and Peak Chamber Pressure might well have occurred at the point of cylinder vent, but that is well short of about half an inch of bullet travel.

There are a lot of sources of literature on internal ballistics. Some are written in more pedestrian terms, though none are bedside reading.
Other than as an interesting intellectual exercise, and perhaps giving some insight into the kinds of things firearms designers, ammo makers and powder producers have to consider, I am wondering, just how knowing specifically where peak pressure occurs, is of any use to the average shooter.

Knowing what the peak pressure is, might be useful but I don't really see how. What I mean by that is, what use is knowing the actual number? What can you do with it, other than knowing it is below proof test levels?

There is a lot of good, tested, long established data to use as guidelines, which, if heeded, will keep reloaders well below actually dangerous pressures and in the range of "suitable" and "useful" as operating pressures for about everything there is, or that you could think up. Even wildcats follow the general rules covering powder capacity, burn rates and generated pressures.

If you aren't designing something, to be safe at various pressure levels, I think knowing the precise pressure numbers isn't useful for most of us, other than as one more subject to add to the discussion about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

As a friend of mine is fond of saying, "knowing that is interesting, but how does it put deer in my freezer using my Savage 99?..."

Watch the video Mehavey linked to. Any time you sweep up a little pile of the dust out in front of the firing line at an indoor range (where it hasn't mixed with dirt or water), you will find you can light it with a match, and it will flare like powder because there is a lot of unburned powder in it. In the case of that video, apparently, whoever swept the floor had been sweeping it under the platform boards you see out in front of the line in the early part of the video and had been doing it for quite a while, as it would take quite a pile to flare that much.

What has occurred at the peak pressure point is not that the powder has burned out but rather that it has stopped generating gas fast enough to keep up with the rate of expansion behind the bullet scooting down the bore. In other words, the bullet's forward velocity is adding bore volume faster than new gas is evolving. This happens because most of the powder is burned and too little burning surface area is left to make gas fast enough, or, with progressive burning powders, it can just be because the majority of grains have exhausted the progressive portion of the burn (in a closed bomb vivacity test, this is the inflection point Z1 in the pressure curve). It should be noted that all grains don't ignite simultaneously, and particularly those furthest from the primer flash will start burning later and may still have a ways to go when the pressure starts to fall. You can sometimes find grains on the ground that don't appear to have started burning at all. This can happen particularly with full cases of slow rifle powders firing a lighter bullet (not an ideal combination), and the bullet actually creates such rapid expansion that grains at the front of the case, which blow forward together with the bullet, never finish having the flame front spread get to them.

For bullet movement, it has been noted by QuickLOAD's author, and with some independent testing, that magnum primers will sometimes produce lower and more erratic velocities in small powder space cartridges than standard primers do. This is the result of the primer pressure beginning to unseat the bullet before the powder burn gets fully underway, resulting in the starting volume for the powder burn being inconsistent from shot to shot. The 22 Hornet is famous for having this problem and needing to be loaded with pistol primers or other mild primers to avoid seeing much of it. My main point in mentioning this is just that the start of bullet movement can be hard to pin down.

We had a member many years ago who had worked for HP White laboratories. He said that for rifle cartridges, their equipment tests in the '70s had not detected bullets starting to move until pressures were at about 10,000 psi. This is right around where brass expands in earnest, and you can see from the way the mouths of sectioned rifle cases curl a little inward that the bullet was released when the neck expanded from shoulder to mouth. Once the mouth starts to leak gas, that expansion stops, as that leak causes a pressure gradient to form in the thin gap between the expanded neck and the bullet, dropping the pressure at the mouth nearer to that in the chamber around the bullet, leaving an inadequate pressure differential to further expand the mouth. The bullet will already have just started moving by then. QuickLOAD and GRT models have that starting at a somewhat lower pressure than HP White observed, being around 3600 lbs for jacketed bullets in rifle cartridges (lead slips in the neck more and pistol bullets have a lot of areas relative to the powder volume, so they move with less pressure), but the initial motion is in microinches, and the HP White equipment would have had difficultly detecting that.

The way you can tell where a bullet is at the peak pressure of a rifle is with a borescope. You look in to see where the copper fouling accumulation is greatest. When the pressure peaks, the bullet experiences maximum g force. That force tries to upset it outward, increasing bore friction and resulting in copper deposits. Usually, this is an inch or two down the bore.
Any time you sweep up a little pile of the dust out in front of the firing line . . . you will find you can light it with a match, and it will flare like powder because there is a lot of unburned powder in it.

I witnessed this ^ in real time at a range once. The person beside me was firing cap-n-ball. Evidently, a spark landed in front of the line and started a fire. The line had to go cold and the RSO had to put it out with an extinguisher.

It's a real thing.