reloading 101 for beginners

Hello Doc.

Last time I did a rather lengthy post, you were the one who followed it and complimented me for it. Since I believe you are more than serious about your reloading quest, I thought I might do something a little more tailored to your question, especially since I know you will read it. What I will try to do here is give you an insite to one reloaders long term experiance and tribulations to see if you can relate or not. The prologue, background information goes like this: I never had a mentor nor did I know anyone to ask (way before internet days). Got some books to read and picked up a single stage press in a garage sale (no dies or anything else). Bought a set of dies for 38 spl/357 magnum and decided to give it a go. (circa 1984) Three die set, resize/decap die, seating die, and separate crimping die. Good purchase that as I am still using that die set. For those who have said a single stage will teach you how to adjust dies, this much is true. Changing from 38 spl to 357 means 2.3 turns (standard die thread) up for bullet seating and crimp dies, assuming same bullet for both caliber loadings. 1st major problem for me: I got so tired of constantly changing the die settings that I just walked away after a month or so and my reloading efforts languished for about a year.

Reloaders Progress

In 1985 I saw an ad in one of the gun rags about the then fairly new Dillon 550. It looked to be a solution to the die adjustment problem. I had no real interest in a progressive reloader since I believe too many operations going on at a time increases the probability of errors. However, I questioned the Dillon folks about the use of their machine in a non-progressive mode and their response convinced me it would be like 4 single stages together, adjust dies once and be done. I gave up my planned purchase of a new gun, and dumped the investment on the Dillon 550. For those who point out the excessive progressive press prices, I paid over $500 for the 550 before many of the bells and whistles were added, making it an RL and later the RL550B. And this in 1985.

I still use the 550 but with many problem/changes over the years. So lets go over those, not necessarily in chronological order but in the reloading order.

1. Primers: Get this right. I do not allow a primed case to go forward unless the primer is recessed. Period. With the Dillon, and I suspect with all other progressive presses, high primers are going to happen if used as intended. Using the Dillon, I used to fool myself into believing I could feel the primer seat. But since I check every primer before going forward, over the years I developed a technique that would work, sorta. I would prime per instructions, then turn the case about 180 degrees and carefully move the prime rod against the seated primer and reapply priming force. With more years, I have to turn the case a third time, then a fourth time to get an acceptably recessed primer. Yes, I discovered two things. I did not know what a primer pocket reamer was for nor how it would help. During that learning process I discovered primer pocket cleaners are worthless, while the reamer will actually restore the pocket dimensions (depth) which does change over time. Also I discovered over time that the Dillon priming mechanism gradually wears down a small bit with no way to restore the original reach short of replacing the actual priming components. When do you start to notice these things. In 1987 I sent a nice letter to CCI with 54 empty brick boxes (1000 primers) bragging to them that I had gone that far without a missfire of their primers. That was about the time I started having to multiple seat primers to get them recessed. Sure, I could replace all the priming components on the Dillon, as I had ordered the parts long ago, but I prefer a more permanent solution. A new look at hand primers. With the old garage sale single stage, I had started priming using an old Lee hand prime, but I would have occasional high primers there as well and reseating them was the eventual cause that broke the handle, so my first experiance was not good. Long story short, these days I use the Sinclair Priming tool. Properly adjusted (which is somewhat involved) this thing makes a perfect prime every time, real feel, and if it ever starts to wear down, The adjustment technique also compensates for wear. If you ever break the handle, its because you already broke every bone in your hand first.
Whats not to like ?

2. Powder:

Well Doc you got me started. If this is useful to you, I will pick up in a later post with No. 2 Powder, otherwise this post gets too long. I am heading to a recommendation for you that includes over 30 years of reloading hassels and solutions, what you will actually use (need) and what not to waste money on. But again my opinion only as a recreational shooter only.
Holy Moley, I'm slightly overwhelmed by all the info and suggestions for the first time in a long long time. I absolutely did not ask for advice on a whim. I really am glad that I started this. Yes, I could have read the stickies but sometimes things have to be read and understood differently for me to be able to follow and understand.That's my problem not any of yours.

Shooting has become a catharsis for me and it took me about 2 years to realize it.

Since I'm cutting back on my profession, I'm finding that I have more free time and also less discretionary $$$$ to spend. That's ok. My main thought was do my own re-loading (60-40) for 38 spec and 357 mags. Also, this would keep me busy and my mind from going into Florida brain rot.

Now I know how my clients feel when they come to me for advice about gem stones and I am the teacher and they are the students.

I'm going to disappear for awhile until I've done my homework and can be more intelligent about this.
Thanks everyone. You all did exactly what I expected and wanted to hear and read.
You need:
A press
That's bother minimum. I didn't mention a manual because that data is available for free from the powder makers, ( although it is good to add).. I knee there area of of Midway fans, but their prices are NOT the best and their shipping sucks. Use google, fine the best price and go accordingly. Best savings come a from a single glee stage press like RCBS or similar, buying components in bulk as in primers by the sleeve of 5000, powder in 8# jugs, bullets by the case or at least by the 1000.

Good luck
Hello Doc

2. Powder

While you are doing your homework, I will begin again with the powder topic. When I started loading with the garage-sale single stage, I ended up purchasing an RCBS 10-10 scale, for about $25 back then. Another great purchase which has seen constant use and still works well. I also bought a powder trickler to help with the light weight powder charges. Although I still have it, it did not take very many charge weights to find the trickler is infinately too slow. Never used it again. Instead I hand trickle using a small teflon chem lab measure which is labeled and calibrated for 30cc-30Ml-1 fluid ounce-8 drams-and two TBS. Got them for about $5 for a hundred. I still have the original I started on for pistols and usually fill two at a time for rifles. Over the years, those reloaders I have accasionally worked with ended up wanting two of their own so I have been giving them away. With care and practice, each powder requires a slight familiarization, but I can reliably hand weigh 50 cases, rifle or pistol in 20 minutes and have cases charged that pass my sanity check.

Everybody is different. So am I. When I first got the Dillon 550, it came with a powder measure and mechanics to auto drop powder through station number two, and simultaneously expand the case neck (after it was resized and primed at station one) and also flare the case neck all the while dropping a preset powder charge. Remember that I am not inclined towards progressive reloading, but I am willing to do a powder drop, expand and flare with one pull of the handle and QC attention to one station (station two in this case) at a time. I tried, I really did try. Well, sorry to say that the main flaw of a gravity powder drop is the volumetric mechanics. Yes some powders work better than others but no powder through that powder measure would meet my desire.

My desire is simple. I have a scale that is capable of consistantly weighing to a tenth of a grain. The powder measure, no matter how adjusted and no matter what type of powder cannot do that. If I am loading up 5.8 grains of power pistol under a Montana Gold JHP 125 g. 38 special, I am NOT going to accept a range of 5.5 grains to 6.1 grains in a box of 50. Progressive reloader proponets do not like to say so but this is generically an example of what they actually are accepting. Eventually (I tried hard) my conclusion was that I want the error range of the scale, not the powder measure error for my own ammo. So I hand weigh every charge for every round I produce. (This also means the scale error must be addressed as well, which can be done with a set of calibrated check weights. I use these to check the scale read between each run of 50 rounds of whatever.) Do not misunderstand that I am being derogatory towards the Dillon powder measure, which I will do specifically in the next paragraph. I bought an additional powder measure and borrowed another to find that the major brands were doing the same thing as the Dillon.

Lets say you are not as anal retentive as I and in the same position, you were willing to accept the error range of the auto-powder drop. Now we get to the wear criteria. Long term (two years) I gradually noticed that the Dillon powder measure was changing, reducing charge from its initial preset position for one long term powder and charge setting. So I would crank up the volume so to speak. No matter what comes out, I would still hand weigh and fix the charge. One day a loud snap preceeded the jam-failure of the powder measure. The powder measure uses the case to push up into the neck expander and flare piece which in turn pushes up on the "L" shaped lever arm which drives the adjustable powder pick up block into the powder and back to drop into the case on the downswing. The top of the "L" lever is recessed into a simple slot cut into the powder block. The "L" lever is steel, the powder block seems to be aluminum. To keep the lever arm tight and still easy to rotate, it is mounted with a spring washer under a hex head bolt. Over the time I was doing this (two years and somewhere around 54,000 rounds primed and stored until time available to reload), the steel lever had hammer-forged a near perfect champfer into the aluminum slot until it was free to disengage. Hence the sudden snap. Because of the champfer, it cannot be re-engaged. I believe the chamfering process was causing the long term downward drift in volume changes. At this point I ceased using the powder drop for powder and moved exclusively to hand weighing cases away from the Dillon. Note that I was still using the powder drop station to neck open and flare cases but with a disengaged powder drop.

Forward a few more years in time. Station two is now only used for neck open and flare. Then another snap. The bottom end of the "L" lever is mechanically positioned by a hook molded into the base of the powder measure. This snapped off during the neck and flare of 9 mm cases. A careful look at the Dillon measure revealed that for no apparent reason, there is an identical hook molded into the opposite side of the base to powder die mount, and that piece is easily removed, reversed 180 degrees, and back in business. Do I wish Dillon to replace this ? No. I have certainly used the heck out of the press, and am making modifications as I go to modify my equipment to fit the way I want it to work. If the "spare" hook snaps, I will either modify the powder die to hold the Dillon neck-open/flare part in place, or replace the powder die at station two with something like the Lyman "M" specific neck-open/flare die. (Note that Lee makes a universal flare die but it lacks the neck-open feature. I have reason to desire the neck-open and then the flare. I do believe that the Lee universal would work well for those less anal retentive than I)

So much for powder. Doc, this may be boring you. You really will read it if I continue ?
Absolutely. thankfully I like to read especially when I'm very interested in whatever is out there.
I'm in the middle of a major house move, so my responses are not done as quickly as I usually would do.
So, Please continue the seminars and everyone's thoughts and suggestions,
Because wherever we move to, I'm going to have a lot more time and this will keep my brain and hands sharp.
Sure I could go to Ammo Seek and get great buys on 38 special and 357 mags, but I would really like to make the loads that I like and alo what my Rugrs like.
Finally, I want to make loads that my wife and best friend would enjoy shooting with me using her LCR 357 mag revolver instead of getting Hornady 90 grain 38 special P+.
My friend Skizzums is a master at reloading and has made super 357 loads and
38 sp.P+ ammo that both my wife and I like. But I don't want to sponge over him and abuse his great work
The absolute minimum required...

Single stage presses are around on the secondary market dirt cheap.
If you are only loading one cartridge I wouldn't expect the adjustments to be that troublesome. I only have extremely limited(less than a handful of sessions) loading 38 special though.

I have carbide dies. That seems to have been a good investment so far.
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Hello Doc, hope the move is going without the frustration associated with such.

I thought I would inject a different post than the first two would imply as the next logical post. Firstly, I have noticed that some of the posts in here are really good, better than the average knee jerk "go read the manuals" type stuff.

Metal god's 1st post from the economic point of view is an award winner. Not much I can add there, although Unclenick certainly found a way to do that. Condor bravo makes a good point about equipment catalogs. Order anything from Dillon and you end up with a monthly subscription to the Blue Press. Absolutely worth ordering something from them. Willr is hinting about the rifles. You may end up going there. Its a different game but if your initial choices already support that option, then a good choice becomes a great one.

Next, the manual recommendations start. Take those with a grain of salt. I already know you are going to read everything you can get your hands on. You want more than that.

After Unclenick's post, you are getting into very specific recommendations and philosophies of advanced reloading. Sometimes the really experianced folks forget that a beginner has yet to find his own reloading direction. I do that myself.

When you get to Overkill777, here is generic good advice. Reloading is not for everyone. One of the traits Overkill did not cover is distraction. Personally, I am easily distracted. I shut myself in and do not even listen to music. So far, every oops I have made, caught and corrected is caused by distraction. award goes to Lost Sheep. Long post but best read. I would change his advice #7. You do this long enough you will pinch your fingers, usually during press maintanence. Its a given so I will replace his #7 with the following advice: Always look for safer ways of doing this. You find a safer method, then be there yesterday. When you think you cannot improve the safety, then its time to quit.

Condor bravo does seem to question the meaning of advice#10. I simply read it through with the start word of "verify" so I think that one word is the meaning of advice 10. I like verify to mean at least three sources that I trust for example: load range data when getting ready to try a new loading, but usually I collect these on the internet from the powder sources when possible.

MGTony reminded me of the plunk test but I apply it during case prep first. I will cover case prep last though.

Now thats about when I decided to post, so its only fair to critique my own as well. Lets just say that if it can be broken or worn out, I have always managed to find the way.

Now that I have deviated, in the next post, and because you are in the midst of chaos (moving) I shall recommend some things you can start to get together for FREE while you are deciding on what equipment you want. Then back to bullets and crimps and case prep.
How I became "Lost Sheep"

condor bravo (post #16) said:
How did you come up with the moniker "Lost Sheep"?
Thanks for the notice, Condor Bravo. I have been ill for a week and to weak in the brain to compose an answer.

1) My initials are "L.S."

2) When my parents were members of the Airstreamers Club, my Dad was often assigned the task of trailing the caravan to ensure any stragglers were not left behind, so got the nickname "Sheepherder". My Mom then got the nickname "Bo Peep". When I would join them, my Citizen's Band nickname (Does anyone remember the popularity of CB radios 1960-1980 or so?) was "Lost Sheep"

3) When I was a kid, I would often wander off in department stores, grocery stores, amusement parks, fairs, etc. Actually, I still do, but lately I do the finding more often than than the being found.

4) The Biblical references also apply (Matthew 18:12–14, Luke 15:3–7 and Luke 15:11-32)

Lost Sheep
Thanks for the edits suggestions to the 10 advices

Thanks all, Highrolls, especially.

I wrote the "10 Advices" a while ago and have edited it continuously as I receive the inspiration. I am re-writing the advice 7 right now. The gist of it will be that your loading bench is a factory floor and is no less deserving of assiduous scrutiny as Hornady's, Remington's or anyone else's.

The "don't pinch yourself in your press" may go away (it was, after all largely humorous) or be incorporated elsewhere. We shall see.

Lost Sheep
Explanation of moniker appreciated LS. I can kind of relate to lost sheep. On a hunting trip in Nevada, morning came after a downpour during the night and surrounding the tent were what appeared to be about two hundred sheep. There are bighorn sheep in the mountains but these were domesticated sheep and no explanation whatsoever how they could have got there. The herder was no where in sight. Seemed like little lost sheep who had gone astray. Very unusual situation since this was definitely not a sheep herding area.
Random unrelated (to the o.p.) thought

condor bravo said:
On a hunting trip in Nevada, morning came after a downpour during the night and surrounding the tent were what appeared to be about two hundred sheep. There are bighorn sheep in the mountains but these were domesticated sheep and no explanation whatsoever how they could have got there. The herder was no where in sight.

I heard a long time ago from a completely unsourced source that the way they used to choose sites for building a townsite/castle/whatever back in the olden days was to release a herd of sheep (or maybe it was to observe wild herd animals) and watch where they would bed down. The animals' instincts were relied upon to make the choice.

While it makes sense to use the wisdom of the creatures around us, it also always seemed to be to be a little unfair to take their favorite bedrooms for our own. But then, we are the top of the food chain, and noblesse oblige, we build them barns, drive off the wolves, etc.

Lost Sheep
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Buy the Lee kit in the caliber you need. No, it's not "commercial grade" like the others, but it'll do the job. Mine is 35 years old and still working.

I bought a Dillon press a few years later. I use it for loading large amounts of pistol ammo. But for the oddballs and rifle calibers, I still use the (now elderly) Lee press.

Many people consider the Lee to be "cheap" because it's made of cast aluminum. Mine has formed a whole lot of .30-06 to 7.65 Mauser, among others. And it weighs a couple of pounds; when I unclamp it from the bench and stick it back in the drawer I don't need to get the kidney belt and assume the weightlifting position.

Get "ABCs of Reloading" by Dean Grennell. Grennell assumes you're reasonably intelligent and want to learn how to reload, so he tells you how to do it. Including showing you various mistakes, so you can recognize them if you make them. There's another book out there with the same name by a "Rodney James." I don't know what the deal is with that.
Hello Doc,

I remember moving to be a time of compromises, what to keep and what to discard. So I probably should have made this post first in case you have already discarded what these suggestions imply.

I notice that everyone talks about reloading in the vernacular of equipment bias, suggesting what to buy or get. Nobody talks about the pre-equipment period. Is it possible that you need something before you start ? Besides the reading and a good reloading reference. Yes, you do.

When you decide on a loading press, you are going to end up with some form of a boat anchor. It will be rather heavy, cumbersome, and absolutely useless until you decide how and where to mount the darn thing. I was fortunate in that I had an old craftsman work bench that matched up well to the base mounts of two different presses. I figured that I would probably have to change out the particle board top (3/4 inch) with a wood top but it never wore out or broke or split and I still run the press on it with a good tight fit after 30 plus years. I would imagine that during your move would be a good time to examine what you have already available that may serve the purpose. There are also a few good threads in here where folks brag about their work bench areas. Great resource to look for ideas. I am not a tall person and I like to reload in a sitting position. The top of my bench is 34". I use a swivel chair with adjustible height lever and once set confortable, it works. If you were taller than I or shorter, simply re-adjust the chair height. Here is your first chance to be creative. I bet if you look real hard, you already got something that will work for you, and for free, well, except for a little customizing labor.

Next, once you got the press ready to go, you cannot get going without.....empty cases. Maybe you have some already. If so, or even if not, lets be creative again and introduce a little bit of order to the task of empty case collecting. I will use Wal-Mart as an example of good quality, clear heavy plastic food containers for free. Meaning, once empty, I wash them up and put them on the case shelf. On my shelf, the first examples I see are the Great Value (Wal-Mart brand) 24 Oz Cashew nut containers (Red Plastic lids). Next, the Del Monte 64 OZ red grapefruit (Blue Plastic lids). Despite the content weight, these containers are almost identical in size. They will easily hold around 550-600 38 special cases. I use the lid color to designate various stages of case preparation. The point is, there are a lot of everyday food items that come in good quality re-usable plastic containers, so much so that you should NEVER store your cases in glass containers, ever.

OK, lets do some odds and sods examples. Once you begin to reload, it is a given that you will eventually have to manipulate primers in some way. I will not touch these with my hands. Not because that might deactivate a primer (it won't), but because the styphinate in primer compounds might deactivate YOU (They can absorb directly through skin contact per MSDS.). So you open your first box of primers and one or two go flying across the table. I would immediately pick them up with a good pair of tweezers. If I really need to examine a primer for some reason, a pair of "locking" tweezers is just the ticket. When I prime using the Sinclair hand prime (single primer at a time) I use a miniature pair of forceps (sorta like a real thin pair of needle nose plier). I bet you have at least one of these examples already available for your reloading bench tool area if you really look around.

To conclude this post, I will give an example of things for free but only if you head the same direction as I have taken with reloading. Once you start, you begin to customize your technique and uniquely for yourself. I for example, have never used a "loading block", usually found in most beginner kits. I have a paranoia about primers, especially since I have not much of a delicate feel in my fingertips. It took me almost forever to develop a sense of "feel" for a properly recessed primer. So, in place of a loading block, I use a small glass plate. This is my backup technique for assuring primers are at least flush or better. I mean ANY high primer at all is immediately detectible on the glass. I started with a small glass sheet from an old picture frame and I think I put a bit of duct tape on the edges to keep it from being a cutting hazard.

Hope the moving trauma is over for you soon.
Hi everyone,

I stayed away from this post on purpose. Trying to move at our tender age is a real SOB.

There is so much great info and suggestions here that it will take me a few weeks to really sit down and absorb it all.

As soon as I get to where we are moving, I'll start on this project.

Once again, I am humbled and appreciative of all the posts.

Thank all of you very much.
I learned about a year ago so this subject is near and dear to my heart. I spent hundreds of hours pouring though posts on forums like this and watching a variety of YouTube videos.

At first, you can follow one out of 50 posts on a forum. The next time 2 out of 50. With time, and the thirst for knowledge, your base of information grows.

The approach I took was to address each piece of equipment separately and try to see which one got consistently good reviews from folks here. First the press, then the scale, etc. I bought each item separately rather than a kit and never regretted that decision.

I would encourage the OP to get a single-stage press and buy the best he/she can afford right from the gitgo. It will last a lifetime and will still be used even if you go to a progressive press in the future. I would also encourage him to buy things separately rather than a kit because, invariably, there are items in a kit you won't use or replace right away. Invest that money in something you will use.

Finally, find someone at a gun club or fellow enthusiast who reloads and can show you his set up and ask him to reload a few rounds so you can watch. As someone said earlier, find a mentor.

Best of luck, spend time learning everything you can and don't hesitate to ask away.