Reload Drill Question

Are you imagining a protracted gunfight as your singular point of reference?
I'm certainly not ruling out the possibility, as you seem to be doing. Perhaps it is YOUR point of reference that is singular.

Let me put it plainly. If I have discharged my pistol and am no longer in a situation that requires or allows me to fire it, I'm most certainly going to reload. There simply is no point whatsoever in waiting for slide lock.
If the so called tactical reload is the point of contention, here, don't 'most all firearms trainers teach that procedure?
Always load the gun with a fresh mag or loader, whatever the perceived situation.
I'm certainly not ruling out the possibility, as you seem to be doing. Perhaps it is YOUR point of reference that is singular.
A protracted gunfight is so far into low-probability (for citizen self-defense) that it's difficult to find an instance. Of course it's far more likely for LE, and even more so for military. Given that I am in the first category, that's where I focus the majority of my efforts in terms of training and practice. I don't exactly rule out the possibility of a protracted fight, otherwise I would spend no time practicing reloads at all.

Let me put it plainly. If I have discharged my pistol and am no longer in a situation that requires or allows me to fire it, I'm most certainly going to reload. There simply is no point whatsoever in waiting for slide lock.
We agree. I mistook your earlier comment to mean that you'd be topping-off mid fight, which sounded a bit iffy.
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Shoot a USPSA match in the divisions of Production-10 rounds per mag, Limited 10- 10 rounds per mag, and Single stack-1911 8 rounds mags. This will get you reloading on the clock and test your accuracy.;)
Train For Your Reality

My training priorities include many things.

- Draw from concealment
-Time to first Hit
-Non Standard Response
-Use Of Cover
- Shoot / No shoot
-Multiple Threats
-Malfunction Drills
-Slide Lock Reload / empty cylinder revolver reload

I could think of more. Bottom line is a TAC reload does not reach my priority level. It seems more useful in gun games than it does in real life. I am not training to infuriate an Al quieda strong hold. I am training to survive a lethal force encounter in a general every day civilian role.

If I have time to "top off the gun" it is because I am behind cover and the threat may not even know my location. I am going to do my best to slow down and top off from there. In the heat of battle (so to speak) I am not going to be thinking top off the gun I am going to be thinking about how to end the encounter.

With all of the above being said my version of a tac reload would be form behind cover. Speed may be less important and I would be trying to have my weapon as full as possible. Therefore I would not rack the slide and waste a live round.

What I've observed is that those who use their thumb to release the slide tend to thumb the release anyway (if forceful insertion causes the slide to release) ... or there is a brief "huh wuh happin?" moment .. so there isn't a time savings in that case.

To someone not experienced or who doesn't train frequently... well maybe. Those well versed in firearms, or more specifically combat/SD pistol and rifle, will likely instantly recognize the slide going home on a hard mag insert because we've seen it hundreds of times.

I also offer the opinion that shaving nths-of-second off of reloads is low on the list of techniques with a statistically high survival value.

I do, however, agree with you 100% here.

I could think of more. Bottom line is a TAC reload does not reach my priority level. It seems more useful in gun games than it does in real life.

Not always... but I contend that for most civilian SD tactics there are way higher priorities. Generally I agree with your training priority list. I would tweak it for my preferences, but that doesn't make you wrong and me right... just different.

*NOTE TO THE OP: I do think that you are leaning too heavily on a combat reload, and I'm afraid it could develop into a training scar. There's certainly nothing wrong with topping off with a fresh mag if the threat is down and you're safe, but seeking cover (as in keeping your butt from getting shot cover) while you continue to assess the threat is far more important than ensuring that mag gets topped off right away. Look into the murder of SC State Trooper Mark Coates. He had shoot the suspect center mass with a .357 and the suspect was down, but the suspect was still a threat. Seek cover, keep focus on the threat (and any other potential threats), then worry about that fresh mag.
This is how I practice my reloads.

Load one magazine with only 3 rounds and the other with 5. Then mix them up in a bag so you don't know which is which. Load the pistol and start shooting double taps. When you get slidelock, quickly reload while moving and fire the 2nd shot.

It really helps if you have a pardner load for you and then write a number on your targets to tell you how many rounds to fire. Then you just run the reload and finish the string.
If you are truly doing tactical training and not just swapping mags you should have some empty casings in the mag (or training rounds) to simulate a ftf. Obviously if you go dry and the slide locks you have to address that with a full drop and reload and sling shot the slide.

In a ftf drill the sequence is tap, rack and fire if appropriate. So, the answer to your question depends on if you are doing tactical reloads going dry, ftf drills or just mag exchanges.

Normally a mag exchange is not done in the heat of battle unlike a tactical reload. The mag exchange is an opportunity to put a fresh mag into the FA from a position of cover prior to re-engaging in the firefight. I would not wast a bullet by training to eject it each time you reload unless you are required to because you are dry.

Also, when doing tactical ftf or reloads, you do not stand there like a dear in the seek cover. You will fight the way you train, so train correctly.