Relavance of the 22WMRF

To me, it is nearly the perfect woods survival rifle. I have one 22 Mag rifle, and several revolvers in the caliber. I would like to pick up a CZ in 22 mag, but it is not something that is a high priority.

Ammo was always expensive relatively speaking. I never had much interest in the 17 HMR. If I lived where prairie dogs roamed, I'd probably own a 17 hmr.

Years ago I purchased a Mossberg Chuckster and shot about a box of shells though it. Decided at that time, I had no use for it and traded it off. But that has changed. It is not something I shoot a lot, but like many things, it's available should it be needed.
I like the cartridge but I hate its current retail price.

Ditto for 22 LR. Seems the price increase (% wise) increased just as much if not more. Not too long ago I purchased 222 rounds of 22 LR at Wally World for $19. The previous time I stocked up on the same stuff at the same place, it was a 530 for $15 and before that a brick of 500 for $11 (over all increase: 389%). Hard to stomach, but I guess that's the way it's going to be.

I have pretty much divested myself of everything that shoots it, including an old dual cylinder single-six that was a tack driver with magnums but absolutely would not shoot with long rifles.

Seems drastic. I never get rid of a gun because the ammo increases in price. I just shoot it less often.

But alas, guns do seem fluid in my hands. There's many other piddly reasons I get rid of them. :(

I might add that out of my Dad's long tubed Single-6 discussed earlier, the two most accurate loads were both Winchester products. Their traditional 45 gr FMJ, and the HP in the same weight.

All other brands seem to shoot low, too low to get on target even with the rear leaf maxed out.
I have an accurized CZ455 and it shoots some ammo under 1" at 100 yards, but with the barrel free-floated, different brands/types of ammo shoot to widely different POIs, and only two types shoot fairly close to each other.

Due to ammo shortages, it's hard to find the ammo brands/types that work well in my rifle, so I shoot it sparingly.

We've also shot a few woodchucks with the mag, under 25 yards, and were disappointed in the lack of killing power on them. Still, I keep it handy to the door, so squirrels on the bird feeders catch hell.

Expansion seems to be less than desired for most bullets. It seems that a 30-35 grain fragile bullet at higher velocity would be the ticket for smaller varmints.

The .22 Mag also ricochets more than high-velocity .223 Rem lightweight varmint bullets, a consideration in our rural neighborhood, where neighboring houses are as close as 50 yards, and even though shots are not aimed in their directions, you never know if someone is walking/working in the woods.

Really? I've never shot 22 wmr but I've always heard that it's much more potent than 22lr.

I hit this chuck from about 60 yards. I hit him 2x. The first shot was low as he was on the move. The second one stopped him dead. The 3rd center one was for good measure, even though he wasn't moving any more. That first shot was a bad shot, didn't hit anything important. But the second one stopped him in his tracks. How does the WMR compare?

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I recently picked up some "Colorado Buck" 22mag. It has a JHP with a cannelure almost like he original 40gr Winchester. Shoots pretty good also.