Registering an SKS


I've got a question: I bought an SKS in my early college days (around '92) through a private party transaction. However, I never got around to registering it. How do I go about doing that? Is it as simple as taking it to the local gunshop? Thanks.
What state are you living in? In Georgia, there are no such requirements. I don't know about the People's Republics of Mass. and Ca.

[This message has been edited by Spartacus (edited 01-01-99).]
Was about to respond to your query when I saw that you are in the PRK. There's no federal legislation but there is state legislatin in your case. Any other Cali. residents out there that can help?
Hehehe....Is that what they call it now? Well, if it wasn't for the weather and the money and the women and the hmmm...(what else is there?), I'd leave. Sorry I forgot to mention the state.
Mel, I had a free ride in the company condo in Newport Beach, with the money, the easy job up in Irvive, etc, etc, But I couldn't take it. I got pulled over for speeding and was pulled from my car at gunpoint becuase I had a 2 inch bladed spyderco visibly clipped to my jeans pocket.

You can have the weather, there are plenty of women to be found elsewhere.

as to your question,
Check the links section, I think DC has some resources for California law.

Thanks Rob. Actually I took a closer look at the California laws as listed in the website. Apparently, I can just take it in to the dealer and pay $20 to get it registered. Here's the quote:

"Registration includes identification of the firearm and the name, address, date of birth, thumbprint and other information on the owner. A fee of up to $20.00 may be charged for the registration. "

By the way, I've been following your posts in this website and a couple of others. I'd like to take the time to thank you for helping out newbies like me, and for the entertaining stories.

BTW, how can you turn down Irvine & a condo in Newport!?! Yuppie city baby! I work down in Mission Viejo, and let me tell you, you almost don't need firearms in that area. You can just use the golf club/racquetball racket/softball bat that all yuppies have in the back of their SUV!
I tried to fit in, but even though I love Sushi, it just didn't work.
There is a great little bar called the "knight" or something like that on 17th I think. On the east side of the street. I had a lot of fun playing pool and drinking to excess in there (won/lost some money too). It is considered a dive by Newport Beach standards, but it is a fun place. Once you get to know the regulars. There was a bartender named Tony (watch out.. big pool shark) who was from back east. He used to make all-u-could-eat spaghetti on Monday nights.
I got conned into buying a belt in Costa Mesa once and almost fell over when the girl rang it up.
I almost traded in my sorta cool car for a really cool car down in Corona Del Mar, but it wasn't meant to be. I just kept my car and bought a truck down at that big auto mall south of Irvine on the interstate.

BTW- thanks for the kind words. The stories are free, I make them up ;).

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 01-04-99).]
I'm a bit slow on this registration in CA thing. Did something pass that I didn't hear about? I though it was just on its way with the new Democrat governor and majority and had a chance of not making it. If these guns need to be registered is this taken care of at the dealer transaction, I bought both my pre-ban and post ban AR's in 98. If anyone can clear this up or shed light on it I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.
CA has an "assault weapons" registration law. If your weapon is on the list, you have to register it and be able to prove that you had legal possession before it was put on the "list". The original law was effective in '89 and it was added to in '92. The SKS is on the list if it has a detachable magazine. Otherwise, I don't think it is required to be registered. The CA DOJ has a firearms info page at

[This message has been edited by Rich Loden (edited 01-05-99).]
Rich - thanks for the web site address - that one is interesting. [Wow - just noticed that in CA you can't even bequeath your 'assault' rifle to your kids when you die!]

Rob - I concur with Mel - you've helped me out a great deal as well. Same goes for many of the folks on this forum. Fine folks here.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 01-06-99).]
Just be aware that the SKS is on the verboten list
and with the direction that the wind is blowin here I'd rethink what you are contemplating. Our new Gov. Gray has pledged the "toughest laws ever" on assault weapons and intends to pass all the gun laws Gov. Wilson veto'd.
Even tho gun related deaths are way down, guns and the new definition of assault weapons are as hot an issue as ever...great PR mileage. Speaking just for myself...I wouldn't.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Okay, let's say that PRK takes the entire list of detachable mag rifles/shotguns and outlaws their possession. What happens to those warehouses of weapons for use in movies? Are they out of business? Do they have to have the weapons permanently demilitarized?
Are there weapons that are currently unavailable to civilians that can be owned by these operations with special permits or because they have special dealer licenses?
Are they benefiting from selective enforcement?

I have always wondered about this, anyone have a definitive answer?

Studio armorers are required to have Class 3, and I think even more permits due to not always having "control" of the weapons.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Class III only applies to NFA weapons though. What if PRK does not outlaw NFA weapons, per se, but outlaws semi-auto rifles of all types? At that point the armorers could only have NFA rifles, right?
Honestly I have no idea...I suspect selective enforcement. They do it with drugs and sex, why not guns?
"Hollywood" is relatively left alone as most of the big boys are big Demo contributors. If they enforced all gun laws, even those now on the books, there would be fewer genre type action movies and that means fewer contributed $$. Like I said, drugs and sex so why not guns?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
As far as proof that the SKS was purchased before the ban, can't they look at the serial number?

Besides, I don't think my SKS falls under the assault weapons ruling because it only has one of the evil eyetems: the Bayonet. Hell, maybe I can even pass that off as an on-board flathead screwdriver.

It's got that attached 10rd mag, and no flashhider or pistol grip. What I'm really interested in is establishing it as a pre-ban, then fixing it up with all the bells and whistles.

What do you gentlemen think of the feasiblity of that?

P.S. I know, I know. Fixing up an SKS is like putting a Cindy Crawford mask on Roseanne. Humor me.
You know, it's damn cold here in ND, but we don't have to register our guns. And under those parkas, you might be surprised what you'd find... :)
The California law is different from the Federal and has different criteria. Cal is not concerned with date of manufacture, but with date of possession by the current owner.
Dakota Law Dog. If you want me to look under your parka you'll have to wear a Cindy Crawford mask. BTW, my outside thermometer say 80 degrees, but it's in the sun...

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