Regarding robberies...

It's sad that legal ramifications even have to be discussed. If someone were stealing someone else's car, which may be their only means of getting to and from work, you should be able to do just about anything you want to the thief other than killing him. (A good a$$ kicking would be best) Standing in front of a car that has been started by a thief is a BAD idea. Puts you both in a bad situation. If the thief is breaking into your house/apartment, then deadly force can be used, PERIOD, no ifs, ands or buts.
If corrupt lawyers and judges didn't run our legal system, I think there would be FAR fewer criminals with an added bonus of people not worrying if someone is going to sue them if they protect their property and family. Some common sense would be nice! Ok, I'm done with my rant....for now. :D
625, it is true that horse-stealing in the Old West was a capital crime for much the same reason you note that a car may be one's only means of transportation to work; if you stole a man's horse between water holes, you were literally condemning him to death. While our society wouldn't look at things that way now, I'm not certain the Old West folks didn't have it right...?

When you get right down to it, a government based upon laws must be a government based upon the rights to property. Property is the only thing that is tangible. Murder is against the law because it unlawfully deprives you of your life, which is your property, etc.
You can use physical force to stop or detain someone who has committed an offense (&/or crime), so no problem there punching the BG in the side of the head.
Actually, a civilian in NY has quite alot of leeway in making "arrests", as Kenny posted.
I have no doubt that if I came out and saw someone stealing one of my vehicles, . . . and if I brought out my shotgun, . . . it is a Beretta semi-auto with #4 shot, 00 buck, then slugs:

The first round would take out a rear tire of my van or truck, . . . front tire on my wife's car, . . . letting the bg know I am serious about him not taking my vehicle, . . . :eek: Tires are cheaper than doing without my vehicle while I wait for some LEO to find it.

I kinda figure that then the only thing I will have to do until the sheriff gets there is stay upwind of the driveway, . . . cause as the bg is running out the driveway, . . . something will probably be running down his leg that will not have a pleasant aroma :D

I also gotta believe that I will probably never know who it was, . . . unless of course he has a heart attack while sprinting out my 600 foot gravel driveway, then 1/2 mile to the nearest good highway. He'll mark my place off his list of likely places to rob.

May God bless,
""My car is my baby"

Get over it. There is another one like it somewhere close.

Do you really want to shoot a human being over such a trivial matter?

While not a dime a dozen, cars can be replaced. Maybe even with something better. You life (either dead or in jail for a long, long time) cannot be.

This is the kind of liberal mindset that has unfortunately crippled our society. The right question should be asked of the THIEF, "Do you really want to die for this car?". Why is it that we always put pressure and responsibility on the victim. If more people were to die trying to steal cars, I could assure you the auto theft rate would dramatically decline.

Just recently in Oregon, our police force just went through a long drawn out court battle in a case where a police officer shot a crack head by the name of Kendra James who tried to speed away during a traffic stop. The officer who was half way inside the victims car trying to get her out of the car and she continued to accelerate. Fearing for his life, he shot her and killed her. The family sued for $10million, but fortunately in this case they LOST. The liberals ask, "could the officer have acted differently like using his mace instead of his gun?" when the question should be to the victim "are you #$#cking stupid, what part of stop the car do you not understand?" In this case the victim would still be alive had she not try to elude police and endanger them.

I bring this case up because it is here to warn you not to do what is JUST and RIGHT because you will be put on trial, and you will not have a well seasoned LEO lawyer to defend you. This case could have gone either way for the LEO even though he was in the right, because their was alot of public outrage towards the police believe it or not.

To all of you who work your butt off to buy your dream car, please keep that baby filled up with premium unleaded and make sure you have a premium sound system and AC as well. Please keep the key in the ignition because we dont want to give the car thieves anymore stress than they are already going through. We know that they have hard lives and thus are driven to steal, so we must not aggravate their condition. Take peace in the fact that it will only take you another 10 years to save up enough money to buy another car like that one and that you have improved the life of a fellow subhuman. Sorry for the rant, my son just got his bike stolen from our fenced front yard and I am a little perturbed.
Hop in one of the other seats and keep that gun on him. Then see if he wants to drive off in your car :D

(just kidding) This leaves you (well, depending on a lot of things) in a good position to get your gun taken away and you are now dealing with one very pissed of criminal who has your car AND your gun.

Besides, would you really want his brains all over your baby's interior?
I would not be stupid enough to stand in front of a car that is being taken by some criminal to try and stop him. I know very well that I produce what...1/10 hp maybe and the car makes at least 50. We are talking about a Yugo here now. Therefore, I don't think I can stop it like Superman who I am not. I may be Elvis but not Superman. SOOO....I guess I can just run to the phone and call police to try to retrieve my precious street legal go kart maybe in one piece. Besides, I really don't want to go to court and have to answer all kinds of questions and be put under a microscope and all that over a $50 car. (For example: Why didnt I just get out of the way of the car?) Yup, $50 bucks is what I paid the guy. I ain't kidding. It may be the butt of many a joke but it was a good little car and it took me all over the place. BTW, who would want to steal a Yugo anyways? I can imagine being the guy he tries to sell it to. That guy will probably be shot for being so stupid and not getting a ford pinto instead. I think it has more appeal than my Yugo.