I very much prefer the original Redhawk. I had one in each of the three chamberings, but traded them off as my cravings changed. My favorite of the three was the 5 1/2" .41mag. I had the express sights on it, and it was just a joy to shoot. The .357 was too much gun for that cartridge.... I'll bet American money that you will never see a "shot-out" Redhawk in .357. Or, in any of the other calibers, either. Great guns, just on the borderline of being too heavy to be a comfortable carry gun, but definitely manageable.
Double action trigger was spectacular, and the single action was better than it had to be.
I still want to get me a Redhawk in .45 Colt, 5 1/2" barrel. I would't cry if it was a 4", but I'd prefer the longer one.